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# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header$
# This file contains a custom OS package to provide information on the
# installation structure on Gentoo.
package Slim::Utils::OS::Custom;
use strict;
use base qw(Slim::Utils::OS::Linux);
sub initDetails {
my $class = shift;
$class->{osDetails} = $class->SUPER::initDetails();
$class->{osDetails}->{isGentoo} = 1 ;
# Ensure we find manually installed plugin files.
push @INC, '/var/lib/logitechmediaserver';
push @INC, '/var/lib/logitechmediaserver/Plugins';
return $class->{osDetails};
=head2 dirsFor( $dir )
Return OS Specific directories.
Argument $dir is a string to indicate which of the Logitech Media Server
directories we need information for.
sub dirsFor {
my ($class, $dir) = @_;
my @dirs = ();
# Overrides for specific directories.
if ($dir eq 'Plugins') {
# Look in the normal places.
push @dirs, $class->SUPER::dirsFor($dir);
# User-installed plugins are in a different place, so add it.
push @dirs, '/var/lib/logitechmediaserver/Plugins';
} elsif ($dir eq 'ClientPlaylists') {
# LMS would normally try to put client playlists in the prefs
# directory, but they aren't really prefs since they're dynamic
# state of the clients. Effectively, they're the same as the
# database cache, so we move these under /var/lib.
push @dirs, '/var/lib/logitechmediaserver/ClientPlaylists';
} elsif ($dir =~ /^(?:prefs)$/) {
# Server and plugin preferences are in a different place.
push @dirs, $::prefsdir || '/etc/logitechmediaserver';
} else {
# Use the default behaviour to locate the directory.
push @dirs, $class->SUPER::dirsFor($dir);
return wantarray() ? @dirs : $dirs[0];