Merge commit '174d1f9680e0d3da1c11e94bc1de92eae2e2203a'
ZeroDownTime/sns-alert-hub/pipeline/head This commit looks good Details

This commit is contained in:
Stefan Reimer 2023-05-15 12:21:08 +00:00
commit 2b96d7ddc1
3 changed files with 91 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
Various toolchain bits and pieces shared between projects Various toolchain bits and pieces shared between projects
# Quickstart
Create top-level Makefile
REGISTRY := <your-registry>
IMAGE := <image_name>
REGION := <AWS region of your registry>
include .ci/
Add subtree to your project:
git subtree add --prefix .ci master --squash
## Jenkins ## Jenkins
Shared groovy libraries Shared groovy libraries

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@ -1,56 +1,86 @@
# Parse version from latest git semver tag # Parse version from latest git semver tag
GTAG=$(shell git describe --tags --match v*.*.* 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
TAG ?= $(shell echo $(GTAG) | awk -F '-' '{ print $$1 "-" $$2 }' | sed -e 's/-$$//') GIT_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags --match v*.*.* 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
ifeq ($(TRIVY_REMOTE),) TAG := $(GIT_TAG)
TRIVY_OPTS := image # append branch name to tag if NOT main nor master
else ifeq (,$(filter main master, $(GIT_BRANCH)))
TRIVY_OPTS := client --remote ${TRIVY_REMOTE} # If branch is substring of tag, omit branch name
ifeq ($(findstring $(GIT_BRANCH), $(GIT_TAG)),)
# only append branch name if not equal tag
ifneq ($(GIT_TAG), $(GIT_BRANCH))
endif endif
.PHONY: build test scan push clean ARCH := amd64
ALL_ARCHS := amd64 arm64
_ARCH = $(or $(filter $(ARCH),$(ALL_ARCHS)),$(error $$ARCH [$(ARCH)] must be exactly one of "$(ALL_ARCHS)"))
all: test ifneq ($(TRIVY_REMOTE),)
.SILENT: ; # no need for @
.ONESHELL: ; # recipes execute in same shell
.NOTPARALLEL: ; # wait for this target to finish
.EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: ; # send all vars to shell
.PHONY: all # All targets are accessible for user
.DEFAULT: help # Running Make will run the help target
build: help: ## Show Help
@docker image exists $(IMAGE):$(TAG) || \ grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' .ci/ | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
docker build --rm -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG) --build-arg TAG=$(TAG) .
test: build rm-test-image build: ## Build the app
@test -f Dockerfile.test && \ buildah build --rm --layers -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) --build-arg TAG=$(TAG) --build-arg ARCH=$(_ARCH) --platform linux/$(_ARCH) .
{ docker build --rm -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test --from=$(IMAGE):$(TAG) -f Dockerfile.test . && \
docker run --rm --env-host -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test; } || \ test: rm-test-image ## Execute Dockerfile.test
test -f Dockerfile.test && \
{ buildah build --rm --layers -t $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test --from=$(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG) -f Dockerfile.test --platform linux/$(_ARCH) . && \
podman run --rm --env-host -t $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)-test; } || \
echo "No Dockerfile.test found, skipping test" echo "No Dockerfile.test found, skipping test"
scan: build scan: ## Scan image using trivy
@echo "Scanning $(IMAGE):$(TAG) using Trivy" echo "Scanning $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) using Trivy $(TRIVY_REMOTE)"
@trivy $(TRIVY_OPTS) $(IMAGE):$(TAG) trivy image $(TRIVY_OPTS) localhost/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)
push: build # first tag and push all actual images
@aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $(REGION) | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(REGISTRY) # create new manifest for each tag and add all available TAG-ARCH before pushing
@docker tag $(IMAGE):$(TAG) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):latest push: ecr-login ## push images to registry
docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG) for t in $(TAG) latest $(EXTRA_TAGS); do \
docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):latest echo "Tagging image with $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$${t}-$(ARCH)"
buildah tag $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$${t}-$(_ARCH); \
buildah manifest rm $(IMAGE):$$t || true; \
buildah manifest create $(IMAGE):$$t; \
for a in $(ALL_ARCHS); do \
buildah manifest add $(IMAGE):$$t $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$$a; \
done; \
echo "Pushing manifest $(IMAGE):$$t"
buildah manifest push --all $(IMAGE):$$t docker://$(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$$t; \
clean: rm-test-image rm-image ecr-login: ## log into AWS ECR public
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $(REGION) | podman login --username AWS --password-stdin $(REGISTRY)
# Delete all untagged images clean: rm-test-image rm-image ## delete local built container and test images
.PHONY: rm-remote-untagged
rm-remote-untagged: rm-remote-untagged: ## delete all remote untagged images
@echo "Removing all untagged images from $(IMAGE) in $(REGION)" echo "Removing all untagged images from $(IMAGE) in $(REGION)"
@aws ecr-public batch-delete-image --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --image-ids $$(for image in $$(aws ecr-public describe-images --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --output json | jq -r '.imageDetails[] | select(.imageTags | not ).imageDigest'); do echo -n "imageDigest=$$image "; done) IMAGE_IDS=$$(for image in $$(aws ecr-public describe-images --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --output json | jq -r '.imageDetails[] | select(.imageTags | not ).imageDigest'); do echo -n "imageDigest=$$image "; done) ; \
[ -n "$$IMAGE_IDS" ] && aws ecr-public batch-delete-image --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --image-ids $$IMAGE_IDS || echo "No image to remove"
.PHONY: rm-image
rm-image: rm-image:
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG))" || docker image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG) > /dev/null test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH))" || podman image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) > /dev/null
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG))" || echo "Error: Removing image failed" test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH))" || echo "Error: Removing image failed"
# Ensure we run the tests by removing any previous runs # Ensure we run the tests by removing any previous runs
.PHONY: rm-test-image
rm-test-image: rm-test-image:
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test)" || docker image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test > /dev/null test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)-test)" || podman image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)-test > /dev/null
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test)" || echo "Error: Removing test image failed" test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)-test)" || echo "Error: Removing test image failed"
.DEFAULT: ci-pull-upstream: ## pull latest shared .ci subtree
@echo "$@ not implemented. NOOP" git stash && git subtree pull --prefix .ci ssh:// master --squash && git stash pop
create-repo: ## create new AWS ECR public repository
aws ecr-public create-repository --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION)

View File

@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ def call(Map config=[:]) {
label 'podman-aws-trivy' label 'podman-aws-trivy'
} }
} }
stages { stages {
stage('Prepare') { stage('Prepare') {
// get tags
steps { steps {
sh 'git fetch -q --tags ${GIT_URL} +refs/heads/${BRANCH_NAME}:refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH_NAME}' // pull tags
withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'gitea-jenkins-user')]) {
sh 'git fetch -q --tags ${GIT_URL}'
sh 'make prepare || true'
} }
} }
@ -36,8 +38,7 @@ def call(Map config=[:]) {
TRIVY_OUTPUT = "reports/trivy.html" TRIVY_OUTPUT = "reports/trivy.html"
} }
steps { steps {
sh 'mkdir -p reports' sh 'mkdir -p reports && make scan'
sh 'make scan'
publishHTML target: [ publishHTML target: [
allowMissing: true, allowMissing: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
@ -59,8 +60,9 @@ def call(Map config=[:]) {
} }
} }
// Push to ECR // Push to container registry, skip if PR
stage('Push') { stage('Push') {
when { not { changeRequest() } }
steps { steps {
sh 'make push' sh 'make push'
} }