2020-07-09 16:33:00 +01:00

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KubeZero - Zero Down Time Kubernetes platform
KubeZero is a pre-configured collection of components deployed onto a bare Kubernetes cluster.
All chosen components are 100% organic OpenSource.
# Design goals
- Cloud provider agnostic, bare-metal / self-hosted possible
- No vendor lock in
- No closed source solutions
- No premium services / subscriptions required
- Staying to upstream projects as close as possible
- Minimal custom code
- Work within each community / give back
# Components
## Network / CNI
- Calico using VxLAN as default backend
## Certificate management
- cert-manager incl. a local self-signed cluster CA
## Metrics / Alerting
- Prometheus / Grafana
## Logging
- Fluent-bit
- Fluentd
- ElasticSearch
- Kibana
## Dashboard
- see ArgoCD
## Storage
- EBS external CSI storage provider
- EFS external CSI storage provider
- LocalVolumes
- LocalPath
## Ingress
- AWS Network Loadbalancer
- Istio providing Public and Private Envoy proxies
- HTTP(s) and TCP support
- Real client source IPs available
## Service Mesh ( optional )
# KubeZero vs. EKS
## Controller nodes used for various admin controllers
## KIAM incl. blocked access to meta-data service