2024-08-19 15:11:32 +01:00

1005 B

Upgrade Postgres major version


  • shell into running posgres-auth pod
export PGPASSWORD="<postgres_password from secret>"
cd /bitnami/posgresql
pg_dumpall -U postgres > backup
  • store backup off-site
kubectl cp keycloak/kubezero-auth-postgresql-0:/bitnami/postgresql/backup postgres-backup


  • upgrade auth chart
  • set replica of the keycloak statefulSet to 0
  • set replica of the postgres-auth statefulSet to 0
  • delete postgres-auth PVC and POD to flush old DB


  • restore replica of postgres-auth statefulSet
  • copy backup to new PVC
kubectl cp postgres-backup keycloak/kubezero-auth-postgresql-0:/bitnami/postgresql/backup
  • log into psql as admin ( shell on running pod )
psql -U postgres
  • drop database keycloak in case the keycloak instances connected early
DROP database keycloak
  • actual restore
psql -U postgres -d postgres -f backup
  • reset replia of keycloak statefulSet or force ArgoCD sync
