Stefan Reimer 3c79cd3306 fix: Istio tcp keepalive tweaks to make AWS NLB happy again 2021-04-30 21:09:20 +02:00
kubeadm feat: first stab at Kubernetes 1.20 kubeadm config 2021-04-15 15:51:46 +02:00
kubezero fix: fix metrics for Istio 2021-04-26 17:19:11 +02:00
kubezero-argocd Update chart READMEs 2021-03-25 16:32:49 +01:00
kubezero-aws-ebs-csi-driver feat: Map gemini controller to controller nodes, fix ebs storageclass, integrate timemachine into kubezero 2021-04-19 12:46:42 +02:00
kubezero-aws-efs-csi-driver feat: add support for volumeAttributes to aws-efs-csi-driver to allow to disable buggy TLS encryption 2021-04-08 16:19:51 +02:00
kubezero-aws-node-termination-handler Some tool tweaks 2021-03-19 16:16:13 +01:00
kubezero-calico Update chart READMEs 2021-03-25 16:32:49 +01:00
kubezero-cert-manager Update chart READMEs 2021-03-25 16:32:49 +01:00
kubezero-istio fix: Istio tcp keepalive tweaks to make AWS NLB happy again 2021-04-30 21:09:20 +02:00
kubezero-istio-ingress fix: Istio tcp keepalive tweaks to make AWS NLB happy again 2021-04-30 21:09:20 +02:00
kubezero-kiam fix: make kiam grafana dashboard optional 2021-04-26 17:12:31 +02:00
kubezero-lib Add fluent-bit support to kuberzero-logging, istio fixes 2020-08-22 18:27:18 +01:00
kubezero-local-path-provisioner ArgoCd naming fixes 2020-11-30 09:30:06 -08:00
kubezero-local-volume-provisioner Update chart READMEs 2021-03-25 16:32:49 +01:00
kubezero-logging chore: update ES dashboard DS 2021-04-25 22:29:55 +02:00
kubezero-metrics feat: add custom landing page to metrics 2021-04-27 11:17:50 +02:00
kubezero-nats feat: First version of KubeZero NATS module 2021-04-22 11:59:18 +02:00
kubezero-redis fix: Set Redis cluster proxy policy to PREFER_MASTER 2021-03-26 17:35:21 +01:00
kubezero-timecapsule chore: Rename timemachine to timecapsule 2021-04-21 16:13:40 +02:00