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KubeZero V2.20 / Kubernetes 1.20

New features

  • Support for Service Account Tokens incl. federation with AWS IAM
    This allows pods to assume IAM roles without the need of additional services like kiam.
  • Cert-manager integration now supports cross-account issuer for AWS route53
  • Optional Proxy Protocol support for Ingress Loadbalancers, which allows preserving the real client IP and at the same time solves the hairpin routing issues of the AWS NLBs, see Istio blog
  • Optional taints for each workergroup allowing to reserve certain nodes for dedicated workloads. The minimum required KubeZero pods will still be scheduled eg. CSI drivers, logging and metric agents.

New modules


New module to provide various storage related components from here on. The first provider is a minimal subset of OpenEBS.

The LVM Local PV provisioner allows the use of any available LVM storage on worker nodes as local PVs.


  • NATS services incl. jetstream engine, Grafana dashboards etc.
    This also incl. optional MQTT support.

  • RabbitMQ


Provides backup solutions for KubeZero clusters, like
Scheduled snapshots for EBS backed PVCs incl. custom retention and restore.

Removed modules

  • local-path-provisioner -> functionality replaced by OpenEBS LVM
  • local-volume-provisioner -> functionality replaced by OpenEBS LVM



  • version bumps of all modules
  • cert-manager, ebs-csi and efs-csi driver now leverage service account tokens and do not rely on kiam anymore


  • version bumps for ElasticSearch, Kibana, ECK, fluentd and fluent-bit
  • various fixes and tuning to improve reliability of the fluentd aggregator layer


  • hardened and optimized settings for Envoy gateway proxies
  • improved deployment strategy to reduce errors during upgrades
  • Added various Grafana Dashboards
  • version bump to 1.10.3


  • Added support for Prometheus PushGateway (optional)
  • Added various dashboards for KubeZero modules
  • Updated / improved dashboard organization incl. folders and tags
  • Grafana Dashboards are now all provided via configmaps, no more state required, also no more manual changes persisted
  • Grafana now allows anonymous read-only access
  • all dashboards default to now-1h and prohibit less than 30s refresh cycles
  • Custom dashboards can easily be provided by simple installing a ConfigMap along with workloads in any namespace

Upgrade - CloudBender

  • Set the specific wanted Kubernetes version in the controller config to eg. v1.20.8

  • configure your AWS CLI profile as well as your kubectl context to point to the cluster you want to upgrade
    and verify your config via aws sts get-caller-identity and kubectl cluster-info

  • run ./scripts/upgrade_120.sh

  • ensure that the S3 bucket for the cluster backups does NOT block public access:
    aws s3api get-public-access-block --bucket <cluster-backup-bucket>
    needs to have:

"BlockPublicAcls": false
"IgnorePublicAcls": false
  • update the CFN stack kube-control-plane for your cluster

Single node control plane

  • a new controller instance will automatically be launched and replace the current controller as part of the CFN update

Clustered control plane

  • replace controller instances one by one in no particular order
  • once confirmed that the upgraded 1.20 control plane is working as expected update the clustered control plane CFN stack once more with LBType: none to remove the AWS NLB fronting the Kubernetes API which is not required anymore.

Upgrade Cloudbender continue

  • upgrade all kube-worker* CFN stacks
  • replace worker nodes in a rolling fashion via. drain / terminate and rinse-repeat

Upgrade KubeZero

  1. Prepare upgrade
  • Remove legacy monitoring configmaps
kubectl delete cm -n monitoring -l grafana_dashboard=1
  • Remove previous Grafana stateful config
kubectl delete pvc metrics-grafana -n monitoring
  • Remove legacy Istio Envoyfilter
kubectl delete envoyfilter -A -l operator.istio.io/version=1.6.9
  • ensure that the latest kubezero.yaml output from CloudBender is present under clusters/$CLUSTER and no legacy cloudbender.yaml is around anymore.
    If ArgoCD is used make sure the valuesFiles settings in the top-level values.yaml matches the files under clusters/$CLUSTER
  1. Update CRDs of all enabled components:
    ./bootstrap.sh crds all clusters/$CLUSTER

  2. Upgrade all KubeZero modules:

  • without ArgoCD:

    • ./bootstrap.sh deploy all clusters/$CLUSTER
  • with ArgoCD:

    • ArgoCD itself: ./bootstrap.sh deploy argocd clusters/$CLUSTER
    • push latest cluster config to your git repo
    • trigger sync in ArgoCD incl. prune starting with the KubeZero root app
      ( only if auto-sync is not enabled )

Verification / Tests

  • check if all pods are RUNNING
  • check any Ingress services
  • ...