
891 B

k8s-v1.31 KubeZero 1.31 - Elli

What's new - Major themes

  • all KubeZero and support AMIs based on Alpine 3.21
  • network policies for ArgoCD
  • Nvidia worker nodes are labeled with detected GPU product code
  • Prometheus upgraded to V3, reducing CPU and memory requirements, see upstream blog

Features and fixes

  • ArgoCD now tracks ownership by annotations rather than labels

Version upgrades

  • cilium 1.16.6
  • istio 1.24.3
  • ArgoCD 2.14.5 custom ZDT image
  • Prometheus 3.1.0 / Grafana 11.5.1
  • Nvidia container toolkit 1.17.4, drivers 570.86.15, Cuda 12.8
