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Upgrade Notes

To 5.0.0

  • controller.image, controller.tag, and controller.tagLabel have been removed. If you want to overwrite the image you now need to configure any or all of:
    • controller.image.registry
    • controller.image.repository
    • controller.image.tag
    • controller.image.tagLabel
  • controller.imagePullPolicy has been removed. If you want to overwrite the pull policy you now need to configure controller.image.pullPolicy.
  • controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image has been removed. If you want to overwrite the configAutoReload image you now need to configure any or all of:
    • controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.registry
    • controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.repository
    • controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.tag
  • controller.sidecars.other has been renamed to controller.sidecars.additionalSidecarContainers.
  • agent.image and agent.tag have been removed. If you want to overwrite the agent image you now need to configure any or all of:
    • agent.image.repository
    • agent.image.tag
    • The registry can still be overwritten by agent.jnlpregistry
  • agent.additionalContainers[*].image has been renamed to agent.additionalContainers[*].image.repository
  • agent.additionalContainers[*].tag has been renamed to agent.additionalContainers[*].image.tag
  • additionalAgents.*.image has been renamed to additionalAgents.*.image.repository
  • additionalAgents.*.tag has been renamed to additionalAgents.*.image.tag
  • additionalClouds.*.additionalAgents.*.image has been renamed to additionalClouds.*.additionalAgents.*.image.repository
  • additionalClouds.*.additionalAgents.*.tag has been renamed to additionalClouds.*.additionalAgents.*.image.tag
  • helmtest.bats.image has been split up to:
    • helmtest.bats.image.registry
    • helmtest.bats.image.repository
    • helmtest.bats.image.tag
  • controller.adminUsername and controller.adminPassword have been renamed to controller.admin.username and controller.admin.password respectively
  • controller.adminSecret has been renamed to controller.admin.createSecret
  • backup.* was unmaintained and has thus been removed. See the following page for alternatives: Kubernetes Backup and Migrations.

To 4.0.0

Removes automatic remotingSecurity setting when using a container tag older than 2.326 (introduced in 3.11.7). If you're using a version older than 2.326, you should explicitly set .controller.legacyRemotingSecurityEnabled to true.

To 3.0.0

  • Check securityRealm and authorizationStrategy and adjust it. Otherwise, your configured users and permissions will be overridden.

  • You need to use helm version 3 as the Chart.yaml uses apiVersion: v2.

  • All XML configuration options have been removed. In case those are still in use you need to migrate to configuration as code. Upgrade guide to 2.0.0 contains pointers how to do that.

  • Jenkins is now using a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment

  • terminology has been adjusted that's also reflected in values.yaml The following values from values.yaml have been renamed:

    • master => controller
    • master.useSecurity => controller.adminSecret
    • master.slaveListenerPort => controller.agentListenerPort
    • master.slaveHostPort => controller.agentListenerHostPort
    • master.slaveKubernetesNamespace => agent.namespace
    • master.slaveDefaultsProviderTemplate => agent.defaultsProviderTemplate
    • master.slaveJenkinsUrl => agent.jenkinsUrl
    • master.slaveJenkinsTunnel => agent.jenkinsTunnel
    • master.slaveConnectTimeout => agent.kubernetesConnectTimeout
    • master.slaveReadTimeout => agent.kubernetesReadTimeout
    • master.slaveListenerServiceAnnotations => controller.agentListenerServiceAnnotations
    • master.slaveListenerServiceType => controller.agentListenerServiceType
    • master.slaveListenerLoadBalancerIP => controller.agentListenerLoadBalancerIP
    • agent.slaveConnectTimeout => agent.connectTimeout
  • Removed values:

    • master.imageTag: use controller.image and controller.tag instead
    • slave.imageTag: use agent.image and agent.tag instead

To 2.0.0

Configuration as Code is now default + container does not run as root anymore.

Configuration as Code new default

Configuration is done via Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin by default. That means that changes in values which result in a configuration change are always applied. In contrast, the XML configuration was only applied during the first start and never altered.

Attention: This also means if you manually altered configuration then this will most likely be reset to what was configured by default. It also applies to securityRealm and authorizationStrategy as they are also configured using configuration as code.

Image does not run as root anymore

It's not recommended to run containers in Kubernetes as root.

Attention: If you had not configured a different user before then you need to ensure that your image supports the user and group ID configured and also manually change permissions of all files so that Jenkins is still able to use them.

Summary of updated values

As version 2.0.0 only updates default values and nothing else it's still possible to migrate to this version and opt out of some or all new defaults. All you have to do is ensure the old values are set in your installation.

Here we show which values have changed and the previous default values:

  runAsUser: 1000         # was unset before
  fsGroup: 1000           # was unset before
    enabled: true         # was false
    defaultConfig: true   # was false
      enabled: true       # was false

Migration steps

Migration instructions heavily depend on your current setup. So think of the list below more as a general guideline of what should be done.

  • Ensure that the Jenkins image you are using contains a user with ID 1000 and a group with the same ID. That's the case for jenkins/jenkins:lts image, which the chart uses by default

  • Make a backup of your existing installation especially the persistent volume

  • Ensure that you have the configuration as code plugin installed

  • Export your current settings via the plugin: Manage Jenkins -> Configuration as Code -> Download Configuration

  • prepare your values file for the update e.g. add additional configuration as code setting that you need. The export taken from above might be a good starting point for this. In addition, the demos from the plugin itself are quite useful.

  • Test drive those setting on a separate installation

  • Put Jenkins to Quiet Down mode so that it does not accept new jobs <JENKINS_URL>/quietDown

  • Change permissions of all files and folders to the new user and group ID:

    kubectl exec -it <jenkins_pod> -c jenkins /bin/bash
    chown -R 1000:1000 /var/jenkins_home
  • Update Jenkins

To 1.0.0

Breaking changes:

As a result of the label changes also the selectors of the deployment have been updated. Those are immutable so trying an updated will cause an error like:

Error: Deployment.apps "jenkins" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app.kubernetes.io/component":"jenkins-controller", "app.kubernetes.io/instance":"jenkins"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

In order to upgrade, uninstall the Jenkins Deployment before upgrading: