chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #13

stefan merged 1 commits from renovate/all-minor-patch into master 2024-04-22 13:07:28 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
Jinja2 (changelog) project.dependencies patch ==3.1.2 -> ==3.1.3
boto3 project.dependencies minor ==1.33.8 -> ==1.34.88
cfn-lint project.dependencies minor ==0.83.4 -> ==0.86.3
pulumi project.dependencies minor ==3.95.0 -> ==3.113.3
pulumi-aws project.dependencies minor ==6.13.1 -> ==6.32.0
pulumi-aws-native project.dependencies minor ==0.90.0 -> ==0.102.0
pulumi-command project.dependencies minor ==0.9.2 -> ==0.10.0
pulumi-policy project.dependencies minor ==1.8.0 -> ==1.11.0
python final minor 3.11-alpine3.18 -> 3.12-alpine3.18
python stage minor 3.11-alpine3.18 -> 3.12-alpine3.18
ruamel.yaml project.dependencies patch ==0.18.5 -> ==0.18.6

Release Notes

boto/boto3 (boto3)


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  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Adding RowFilter in the response for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata API
  • api-change:internetmonitor: [botocore] This update introduces the GetInternetEvent and ListInternetEvents APIs, which provide access to internet events displayed on the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Weather Map.
  • api-change:personalize: [botocore] This releases auto training capability while creating a solution and automatically syncing latest solution versions when creating/updating a campaign


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  • api-change:drs: [botocore] Outpost ARN added to Source Server and Recovery Instance
  • api-change:emr-serverless: [botocore] This release adds the capability to publish detailed Spark engine metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) for enhanced monitoring for Spark jobs.
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Added IPv6Address fields for local and remote IP addresses
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] This release adds support for the Cross Sheet Filter and Control features, and support for warnings in asset imports for any permitted errors encountered during execution
  • api-change:rolesanywhere: [botocore] This release introduces the PutAttributeMapping and DeleteAttributeMapping APIs. IAM Roles Anywhere now provides the capability to define a set of mapping rules, allowing customers to specify which data is extracted from their X.509 end-entity certificates.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Removed deprecated enum values and updated API documentation.
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Adds new APIs for managing and sharing WorkSpaces BYOL configuration across accounts.


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Documentation updates for Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
  • api-change:qbusiness: [botocore] This release adds support for IAM Identity Center (IDC) as the identity gateway for Q Business. It also allows users to provide an explicit intent for Q Business to identify how the Chat request should be handled.


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  • api-change:bedrock-agent: [botocore] For Create Agent API, the agentResourceRoleArn parameter is no longer required.
  • api-change:emr-serverless: [botocore] This release adds support for shuffle optimized disks that allow larger disk sizes and higher IOPS to efficiently run shuffle heavy workloads.
  • api-change:entityresolution: [botocore] Cross Account Resource Support .
  • api-change:iotwireless: [botocore] Add PublicGateways in the GetWirelessStatistics call response, indicating the LoRaWAN public network accessed by the device.
  • api-change:lakeformation: [botocore] This release adds Lake Formation managed RAM support for the 4 APIs - "DescribeLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", "CreateLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", "DescribeLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", and "DeleteLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration"
  • api-change:m2: [botocore] Adding new ListBatchJobRestartPoints API and support for restart batch job.
  • api-change:mediapackagev2: [botocore] Dash v2 is a MediaPackage V2 feature to support egressing on DASH manifest format.
  • api-change:outposts: [botocore] This release adds new APIs to allow customers to configure their Outpost capacity at order-time.
  • api-change:wellarchitected: [botocore] AWS Well-Architected now has a Connector for Jira to allow customers to efficiently track workload risks and improvement efforts and create closed-loop mechanisms.
  • enhancement:AWSCRT: [botocore] Update awscrt version to 0.20.9


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Adding support for the new parameter "IncludePropertyValues" in the CloudFormation DescribeChangeSet API. When this parameter is included, the DescribeChangeSet response will include more detailed information such as before and after values for the resource properties that will change.
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Updates documentation for AWS Config
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Modifying request for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata for view-related fields.
  • api-change:healthlake: [botocore] Added new CREATE_FAILED status for data stores. Added new errorCause to DescribeFHIRDatastore API and ListFHIRDatastores API response for additional insights into data store creation and deletion workflows.
  • api-change:iotfleethub: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS IoT Fleet Hub to clarify that Fleet Hub supports organization instance of IAM Identity Center.
  • api-change:kms: [botocore] This feature supports the ability to specify a custom rotation period for automatic key rotations, the ability to perform on-demand key rotations, and visibility into your key material rotations.
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] Added InsertionMode to PlaybackConfigurations. This setting controls whether players can use stitched or guided ad insertion. The default for players that do not specify an insertion mode is stitched.
  • api-change:neptune-graph: [botocore] Update to API documentation to resolve customer reported issues.
  • api-change:outposts: [botocore] This release adds EXPEDITORS as a valid shipment carrier.
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Adds support for Amazon Redshift DescribeClusterSnapshots API to include Snapshot ARN response field.
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] This change releases support for importing self signed certificates to the Transfer Family for sending outbound file transfers over TLS/HTTPS.


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  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds the task properties field to attempt details and the name field on EKS container detail.
  • api-change:cloudfront: [botocore] CloudFront origin access control extends support to AWS Lambda function URLs and AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2 origins.
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] This release adds support for Metric Characteristics for CloudWatch Anomaly Detection. Anomaly Detector now takes Metric Characteristics object with Periodic Spikes boolean field that tells Anomaly Detection that spikes that repeat at the same time every week are part of the expected pattern.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Support access tokens for Bitbucket sources
  • api-change:iam: [botocore] For CreateOpenIDConnectProvider API, the ThumbprintList parameter is no longer required.
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] AWS Elemental MediaLive introduces workflow monitor, a new feature that enables the visualization and monitoring of your media workflows. Create signal maps of your existing workflows and monitor them by creating notification and monitoring template groups.
  • api-change:omics: [botocore] This release adds support for retrieval of S3 direct access metadata on sequence stores and read sets, and adds support for SHA256up and SHA512up HealthOmics ETags.
  • api-change:pipes: [botocore] LogConfiguration ARN validation fixes
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for Standard Edition 2 support in RDS Custom for Oracle.
  • api-change:s3control: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon S3-control.


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  • api-change:cleanrooms: [botocore] AWS Clean Rooms Differential Privacy is now fully available. Differential privacy protects against user-identification attempts.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] This release adds new Submit Auto Evaluation Action for Amazon Connect Rules.
  • api-change:networkmonitor: [botocore] Examples were added to CloudWatch Network Monitor commands.
  • api-change:qconnect: [botocore] This release adds a new QiC public API updateSession and updates an existing QiC public API createSession
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] Added support for ContentType to content moderation detections.
  • api-change:supplychain: [botocore] This release includes API SendDataIntegrationEvent for AWS Supply Chain
  • api-change:workspaces-thin-client: [botocore] Adding tags field to SoftwareSet. Removing tags fields from Summary objects. Changing the list of exceptions in tagging APIs. Fixing an issue where the SDK returns empty tags in Get APIs.


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  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Add new webhook filter types for GitHub webhooks
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] This release includes support for bringing your own fonts to use for burn-in or DVB-Sub captioning workflows.
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] The OrchestrationSendingRoleArn has been added to the email channel and is used to send emails from campaigns or journeys.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] This release adds support for specifying the CA certificate to use for the new db instance when restoring from db snapshot, restoring from s3, restoring to point in time, and creating a db instance read replica.


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  • api-change:controlcatalog: [botocore] This is the initial SDK release for AWS Control Catalog, a central catalog for AWS managed controls. This release includes 3 new APIs - ListDomains, ListObjectives, and ListCommonControls - that vend high-level data to categorize controls across the AWS platform.
  • api-change:mgn: [botocore] Added USE_SOURCE as default option to LaunchConfigurationTemplate bootMode parameter.
  • api-change:networkmonitor: [botocore] Updated the allowed monitorName length for CloudWatch Network Monitor.


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  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Adding IAMIdentityCenterInstanceArn parameter to CreateAccountSubscription
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Added a new QueryErrorCode RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED that is returned by the ListGroupResources operation if the group query contains unsupported resource types.
  • api-change:verifiedpermissions: [botocore] Adding BatchIsAuthorizedWithToken API which supports multiple authorization requests against a PolicyStore given a bearer token.


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  • api-change:b2bi: [botocore] Adding support for X12 5010 HIPAA EDI version and associated transaction sets.
  • api-change:cleanrooms: [botocore] Feature: New schemaStatusDetails field to the existing Schema object that displays a status on Schema API responses to show whether a schema is queryable or not. New BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRule API to retrieve multiple schemaAnalysisRules using a single API call.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Amazon EC2 G6 instances powered by NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPUs can be used for a wide range of graphics-intensive and machine learning use cases. Gr6 instances also feature NVIDIA L4 GPUs and can be used for graphics workloads with higher memory requirements.
  • api-change:emr-containers: [botocore] This release adds support for integration with EKS AccessEntry APIs to enable automatic Cluster Access for EMR on EKS.
  • api-change:ivs: [botocore] API update to include an SRT ingest endpoint and passphrase for all channels.
  • api-change:verifiedpermissions: [botocore] Adds GroupConfiguration field to Identity Source API's


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  • api-change:cleanroomsml: [botocore] The release includes a public SDK for AWS Clean Rooms ML APIs, making them globally available to developers worldwide.
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] This release would return a new field - PolicyAction in cloudformation's existed DescribeChangeSetResponse, showing actions we are going to apply on the physical resource (e.g., Delete, Retain) according to the user's template
  • api-change:datazone: [botocore] This release supports the feature of dataQuality to enrich asset with dataQualityResult in Amazon DataZone.
  • api-change:docdb: [botocore] This release adds Global Cluster Switchover capability which enables you to change your global cluster's primary AWS Region, the region that serves writes, while preserving the replication between all regions in the global cluster.
  • api-change:groundstation: [botocore] This release adds visibilityStartTime and visibilityEndTime to DescribeContact and ListContacts responses.
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Add Ruby 3.3 (ruby3.3) support to AWS Lambda
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Cmaf Ingest outputs are now supported in Media Live
  • api-change:medical-imaging: [botocore] SearchImageSets API now supports following enhancements - Additional support for searching on UpdatedAt and SeriesInstanceUID - Support for searching existing filters between dates/times - Support for sorting the search result by Ascending/Descending - Additional parameters returned in the response
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] Add ability to specify Security Policies for SFTP Connectors


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  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Adding View related fields to responses of read-only Table APIs.
  • api-change:ivschat: [botocore] Doc-only update. Changed "Resources" to "Key Concepts" in docs and updated text.
  • api-change:rolesanywhere: [botocore] This release increases the limit on the roleArns request parameter for the *Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take up to 250 role ARNs.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub


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  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] This release adds support for CloudWatch Anomaly Detection on cross-account metrics. SingleMetricAnomalyDetector and MetricDataQuery inputs to Anomaly Detection APIs now take an optional AccountId field.
  • api-change:datazone: [botocore] This release supports the feature of AI recommendations for descriptions to enrich the business data catalog in Amazon DataZone.
  • api-change:deadline: [botocore] AWS Deadline Cloud is a new fully managed service that helps customers set up, deploy, and scale rendering projects in minutes, so they can improve the efficiency of their rendering pipelines and take on more projects.
  • api-change:emr: [botocore] This release fixes a broken link in the documentation.
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] This release adds support to upgrade the TLS version of the distribution.


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  • api-change:b2bi: [botocore] Supporting new EDI X12 transaction sets for X12 versions 4010, 4030, and 5010.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Add new fleet status code for Reserved Capacity.
  • api-change:codeconnections: [botocore] Duplicating the CodeStar Connections service into the new, rebranded AWS CodeConnections service.
  • api-change:internetmonitor: [botocore] This release adds support to allow customers to track cross account monitors through ListMonitor, GetMonitor, ListHealthEvents, GetHealthEvent, StartQuery APIs.
  • api-change:iotwireless: [botocore] Add support for retrieving key historical and live metrics for LoRaWAN devices and gateways
  • api-change:marketplace-catalog: [botocore] This release enhances the ListEntities API to support ResaleAuthorizationId filter and sort for OfferEntity in the request and the addition of a ResaleAuthorizationId field in the response of OfferSummary.
  • api-change:neptune-graph: [botocore] Add the new API Start-Import-Task for Amazon Neptune Analytics.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This release adds support for custom images for the CodeEditor App on SageMaker Studio


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  • api-change:codecatalyst: [botocore] This release adds support for understanding pending changes to subscriptions by including two new response parameters for the GetSubscription API for Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  • api-change:compute-optimizer: [botocore] This release enables AWS Compute Optimizer to analyze and generate recommendations with a new customization preference, Memory Utilization.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Amazon EC2 C7gd, M7gd and R7gd metal instances with up to 3.8 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage have up to 45% improved real-time NVMe storage performance than comparable Graviton2-based instances.
  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Add multiple customer error code to handle customer caused failure when managing EKS node groups
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Add EC2 support for GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring auto management.
  • api-change:neptune-graph: [botocore] Update ImportTaskCancelled waiter to evaluate task state correctly and minor documentation changes.
  • api-change:oam: [botocore] This release adds support for sharing AWS::InternetMonitor::Monitor resources.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Amazon QuickSight: Adds support for setting up VPC Endpoint restrictions for accessing QuickSight Website.


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  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This feature allows AWS Batch to support configuration of imagePullSecrets and allowPrivilegeEscalation for jobs running on EKS
  • api-change:bedrock-agent: [botocore] This changes introduces metadata documents statistics and also updates the documentation for bedrock agent.
  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] This release introduces filtering support on Retrieve and RetrieveAndGenerate APIs.
  • api-change:elasticache: [botocore] Added minimum capacity to Amazon ElastiCache Serverless. This feature allows customer to ensure minimum capacity even without current load
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Documentation updates for Secrets Manager


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  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] This release adds support to customize prompts sent through the RetrieveAndGenerate API in Agents for Amazon Bedrock.
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] Adds support for backfill of cost allocation tags, with new StartCostAllocationTagBackfill and ListCostAllocationTagBackfillHistory API.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Documentation updates for Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] This is a documentation update for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:finspace: [botocore] Add new operation delete-kx-cluster-node and add status parameter to list-kx-cluster-node operation.


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  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Supporting GitLab and GitLab Self Managed as source types in AWS CodeBuild.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Added support for ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaults and GetInstanceMetadataDefaults to set Instance Metadata Service account defaults
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:emr-containers: [botocore] This release increases the number of supported job template parameters from 20 to 100.
  • api-change:globalaccelerator: [botocore] AWS Global Accelerator now supports cross-account sharing for bring your own IP addresses.
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] Exposing TileMedia H265 options
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Introduced support for the following new instance types on SageMaker Studio for JupyterLab and CodeEditor applications: m6i, m6id, m7i, c6i, c6id, c7i, r6i, r6id, r7i, and p5


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  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Updates Amazon Firehose documentation for message regarding Enforcing Tags IAM Policy.
  • api-change:kendra: [botocore] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some docs for Amazon Kendra.
  • api-change:pricing: [botocore] Add ResourceNotFoundException to ListPriceLists and GetPriceListFileUrl APIs
  • api-change:rolesanywhere: [botocore] This release relaxes constraints on the durationSeconds request parameter for the *Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take on values that go up to 43200.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Added new resource detail object to ASFF, including resource for LastKnownExploitAt


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  • api-change:codeartifact: [botocore] This release adds Package groups to CodeArtifact so you can more conveniently configure package origin controls for multiple packages.


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  • api-change:accessanalyzer: [botocore] This release adds support for policy validation and external access findings for DynamoDB tables and streams. IAM Access Analyzer helps you author functional and secure resource-based policies and identify cross-account access. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] This release adds support for new webhook events (RELEASED and PRERELEASED) and filter types (TAG_NAME and RELEASE_NAME).
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] This release updates the *InstanceStorageConfig APIs to support a new ResourceType: REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_CHAT_SEGMENTS. Use this resource type to enable streaming for real-time analysis of chat contacts and to associate a Kinesis stream where real-time analysis chat segments will be published.
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] This release introduces 3 new APIs ('GetResourcePolicy', 'PutResourcePolicy' and 'DeleteResourcePolicy') and modifies the existing 'CreateTable' API for the resource-based policy support. It also modifies several APIs to accept a 'TableArn' for the 'TableName' parameter.
  • api-change:managedblockchain-query: [botocore] AMB Query: update GetTransaction to include transactionId as input
  • api-change:savingsplans: [botocore] Introducing the Savings Plans Return feature enabling customers to return their Savings Plans within 7 days of purchase.


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some formatting.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release adds the new DescribeMacHosts API operation for getting information about EC2 Mac Dedicated Hosts. Users can now see the latest macOS versions that their underlying Apple Mac can support without needing to be updated.
  • api-change:finspace: [botocore] Adding new attributes readWrite and onDemand to dataview models for Database Maintenance operations.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Update LogSamples field in Anomaly model to be a list of LogEvent
  • api-change:managedblockchain-query: [botocore] Introduces a new API for Amazon Managed Blockchain Query: ListFilteredTransactionEvents.


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] This release supports for a new API ListStackSetAutoDeploymentTargets, which provider auto-deployment configuration as a describable resource. Customers can now view the specific combinations of regions and OUs that are being auto-deployed.
  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Adds the ability to use the default policy name by omitting the policyName parameter in calls to PutKeyPolicy and GetKeyPolicy
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] This release adds support to allow customers to show different content within a channel depending on metadata associated with the viewer.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] This release launches the ModifyIntegration API and support for data filtering for zero-ETL Integrations.
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Fix two issues with response root node names.
  • api-change:timestream-query: [botocore] Documentation updates, March 2024


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  • api-change:backup: [botocore] This release introduces a boolean attribute ManagedByAWSBackupOnly as part of ListRecoveryPointsByResource api to filter the recovery points based on ownership. This attribute can be used to filter out the recovery points protected by AWSBackup.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] AWS CodeBuild now supports overflow behavior on Reserved Capacity.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] This release adds Hierarchy based Access Control fields to Security Profile public APIs and adds support for UserAttributeFilter to SearchUsers API.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Add media accelerator and neuron device information on the describe instance types API.
  • api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: [botocore] Support for Flink 1.18 in Managed Service for Apache Flink
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon S3.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Adds m6i, m6id, m7i, c6i, c6id, c7i, r6i r6id, r7i, p5 instance type support to Sagemaker Notebook Instances and miscellaneous wording fixes for previous Sagemaker documentation.
  • api-change:workspaces-thin-client: [botocore] Removed unused parameter kmsKeyArn from UpdateDeviceRequest


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  • api-change:amplify: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amplify. Identifies the APIs available only to apps created using Amplify Gen 1.
  • api-change:ec2-instance-connect: [botocore] This release includes a new exception type "SerialConsoleSessionUnsupportedException" for SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey API.
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] This release allows you to configure HTTP client keep-alive duration for communication between clients and Application Load Balancers.
  • api-change:fis: [botocore] This release adds support for previewing target resources before running a FIS experiment. It also adds resource ARNs for actions, experiments, and experiment templates to API responses.
  • api-change:iot-roborunner: [botocore] The iot-roborunner client has been removed following the deprecation of the service.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for EBCDIC collation for RDS for Db2.
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Doc only update for Secrets Manager
  • api-change:timestream-influxdb: [botocore] This is the initial SDK release for Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB. Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB is a new time-series database engine that makes it easy for application developers and DevOps teams to run InfluxDB databases on AWS for near real-time time-series applications using open source APIs.
  • enhancement:urllib3: [botocore] Added support for urllib3 2.2.1+ in Python 3.10+


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  • api-change:ivs-realtime: [botocore] adds support for multiple new composition layout configuration options (grid, pip)
  • api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: [botocore] Support new RuntimeEnvironmentUpdate parameter within UpdateApplication API allowing callers to change the Flink version upon which their application runs.
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] This release makes the default option for S3 on Outposts request signing to use the SigV4A algorithm when using AWS Common Runtime (CRT).


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] CloudFormation documentation update for March, 2024
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] This release increases MaxResults limit to 500 in request for SearchUsers, SearchQueues and SearchRoutingProfiles APIs of Amazon Connect.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2.
  • api-change:kafka: [botocore] Added support for specifying the starting position of topic replication in MSK-Replicator.
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] March 2024 doc-only updates for Systems Manager.


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  • api-change:codestar-connections: [botocore] Added a sync configuration enum to disable publishing of deployment status to source providers (PublishDeploymentStatus). Added a sync configuration enum (TriggerStackUpdateOn) to only trigger changes.
  • api-change:elasticache: [botocore] Revisions to API text that are now to be carried over to SDK text, changing usages of "SFO" in code examples to "us-west-1", and some other typos.
  • api-change:mediapackagev2: [botocore] This release enables customers to safely update their MediaPackage v2 channel groups, channels and origin endpoints using entity tags.


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  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds JobStateTimeLimitActions setting to the Job Queue API. It allows you to configure an action Batch can take for a blocking job in front of the queue after the defined period of time. The new parameter applies for ECS, EKS, and FARGATE Job Queues.
  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] Documentation update for Bedrock Runtime Agent
  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Added exceptions to CreateTrail, DescribeTrails, and ListImportFailures APIs.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] This release adds support for a new webhook event: PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED.
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Add ConcurrentModificationException to SetUserPoolMfaConfig
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Add RDS Provisioned and Serverless Usage types
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] Added DES_EDE3_CBC to the list of supported encryption algorithms for messages sent with an AS2 connector.


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  • api-change:appconfig: [botocore] AWS AppConfig now supports dynamic parameters, which enhance the functionality of AppConfig Extensions by allowing you to provide parameter values to your Extensions at the time you deploy your configuration.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release adds an optional parameter to RegisterImage and CopyImage APIs to support tagging AMIs at the time of creation.
  • api-change:grafana: [botocore] Adds support for the new GrafanaToken as part of the Amazon Managed Grafana Enterprise plugins upgrade to associate your AWS account with a Grafana Labs account.
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS Lambda
  • api-change:payment-cryptography-data: [botocore] AWS Payment Cryptography EMV Decrypt Feature Release
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for io2 storage for Multi-AZ DB clusters
  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Doc-only update for change to EKS-Anywhere ordering.
  • api-change:wafv2: [botocore] You can increase the max request body inspection size for some regional resources. The size setting is in the web ACL association config. Also, the AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet EnableMachineLearning setting now takes a Boolean instead of a primitive boolean type, for languages like Java.
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Added note for user decoupling


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  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Doc only updates for DynamoDB documentation
  • api-change:imagebuilder: [botocore] Add PENDING status to Lifecycle Execution resource status. Add StartTime and EndTime to ListLifecycleExecutionResource API response.
  • api-change:mwaa: [botocore] Amazon MWAA adds support for Apache Airflow v2.8.1.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Updated the input of CreateDBCluster and ModifyDBCluster to support setting CA certificates. Updated the output of DescribeDBCluster to show current CA certificate setting value.
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Update for documentation only. Covers port ranges, definition updates for data sharing, and definition updates to cluster-snapshot documentation.
  • api-change:verifiedpermissions: [botocore] Deprecating details in favor of configuration for GetIdentitySource and ListIdentitySources APIs.


Compare Source


  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway
  • api-change:chatbot: [botocore] Minor update to documentation.
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] This release contains an endpoint addition
  • api-change:sesv2: [botocore] Adds support for providing custom headers within SendEmail and SendBulkEmail for SESv2.


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] Add DetailedStatus field to DescribeStackEvents and DescribeStacks APIs
  • api-change:fsx: [botocore] Added support for creating FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems with up to 12 HA pairs, delivering up to 72 GB/s of read throughput and 12 GB/s of write throughput.
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Documentation update for AWS Organizations


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  • api-change:accessanalyzer: [botocore] Fixed a typo in description field.
  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] With this release, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet improve the default price protection behavior of attribute-based instance type selection of Spot Instances, to consistently select from a wide range of instance types.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] With this release, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet improve the default price protection behavior of attribute-based instance type selection of Spot Instances, to consistently select from a wide range of instance types.


Compare Source


  • api-change:docdb-elastic: [botocore] Launched Elastic Clusters Readable Secondaries, Start/Stop, Configurable Shard Instance count, Automatic Backups and Snapshot Copying
  • api-change:eks: [botocore] Added support for new AL2023 AMIs to the supported AMITypes.
  • api-change:lexv2-models: [botocore] This release makes AMAZON.QnAIntent generally available in Amazon Lex. This generative AI feature leverages large language models available through Amazon Bedrock to automate frequently asked questions (FAQ) experience for end-users.
  • api-change:migrationhuborchestrator: [botocore] Adds new CreateTemplate, UpdateTemplate and DeleteTemplate APIs.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] TooltipTarget for Combo chart visuals; ColumnConfiguration limit increase to 2000; Documentation Update
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Adds support for ModelDataSource in Model Packages to support unzipped models. Adds support to specify SourceUri for models which allows registration of models without mandating a container for hosting. Using SourceUri, customers can decouple the model from hosting information during registration.
  • api-change:securitylake: [botocore] Add capability to update the Data Lake's MetaStoreManager Role in order to perform required data lake updates to use Iceberg table format in their data lake or update the role for any other reason.


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  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds Batch support for configuration of multicontainer jobs in ECS, Fargate, and EKS. This support is available for all types of jobs, including both array jobs and multi-node parallel jobs.
  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] This release adds support to override search strategy performed by the Retrieve and RetrieveAndGenerate APIs for Amazon Bedrock Agents
  • api-change:ce: [botocore] This release introduces the new API 'GetApproximateUsageRecords', which retrieves estimated usage records for hourly granularity or resource-level data at daily granularity.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release increases the range of MaxResults for GetNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisFindings to 1,000.
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] This release reduces the maximum results returned per query invocation from 500 to 100 for the SearchIndex API. This change has no implications as long as the API is invoked until the nextToken is NULL.
  • api-change:wafv2: [botocore] AWS WAF now supports configurable time windows for request aggregation with rate-based rules. Customers can now select time windows of 1 minute, 2 minutes or 10 minutes, in addition to the previously supported 5 minutes.


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  • api-change:amplifyuibuilder: [botocore] We have added the ability to tag resources after they are created


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  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway.
  • api-change:drs: [botocore] Added volume status to DescribeSourceServer replicated volumes.
  • api-change:kafkaconnect: [botocore] Adds support for tagging, with new TagResource, UntagResource and ListTagsForResource APIs to manage tags and updates to existing APIs to allow tag on create. This release also adds support for the new DeleteWorkerConfiguration API.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] This release adds support for gp3 data volumes for Multi-AZ DB Clusters.


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  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Documentation only updates for AppSync
  • api-change:qldb: [botocore] Clarify possible values for KmsKeyArn and EncryptionDescription.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Add pattern and length based validations for DBShardGroupIdentifier
  • api-change:rum: [botocore] Doc-only update for new RUM metrics that were added


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  • api-change:internetmonitor: [botocore] This release adds IPv4 prefixes to health events
  • api-change:kinesisvideo: [botocore] Increasing NextToken parameter length restriction for List APIs from 512 to 1024.


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  • api-change:iotevents: [botocore] Increase the maximum length of descriptions for Inputs, Detector Models, and Alarm Models
  • api-change:lookoutequipment: [botocore] This release adds a field exposing model quality to read APIs for models. It also adds a model quality field to the API response when creating an inference scheduler.
  • api-change:medialive: [botocore] MediaLive now supports the ability to restart pipelines in a running channel.
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] This release adds support for sharing Systems Manager parameters with other AWS accounts.


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  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Publishing quick fix for doc only update.
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] This release updates a few Firehose related APIs.
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Add .NET 8 (dotnet8) Runtime support to AWS Lambda.


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  • api-change:amplify: [botocore] This release contains API changes that enable users to configure their Amplify domains with their own custom SSL/TLS certificate.
  • api-change:chatbot: [botocore] This release adds support for AWS Chatbot. You can now monitor, operate, and troubleshoot your AWS resources with interactive ChatOps using the AWS SDK.
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Documentation updates for the AWS Config CLI
  • api-change:ivs: [botocore] Changed description for latencyMode in Create/UpdateChannel and Channel/ChannelSummary.
  • api-change:keyspaces: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon Keyspaces
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] MediaTailor: marking #AdBreak.OffsetMillis as required.


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  • api-change:connectparticipant: [botocore] Doc only update to GetTranscript API reference guide to inform users about presence of events in the chat transcript.
  • api-change:emr: [botocore] adds fine grained control over Unhealthy Node Replacement to Amazon ElasticMapReduce
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] This release adds support for Data Message Extraction for decompressed CloudWatch logs, and to use a custom file extension or time zone for S3 destinations.
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Documentation-only updates for Lambda to clarify a number of existing actions and properties.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Doc only update for a valid option in DB parameter group
  • api-change:sns: [botocore] This release marks phone numbers as sensitive inputs.


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  • api-change:artifact: [botocore] This is the initial SDK release for AWS Artifact. AWS Artifact provides on-demand access to compliance and third-party compliance reports. This release includes access to List and Get reports, along with their metadata. This release also includes access to AWS Artifact notifications settings.
  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Add ability to override timeout on action level.
  • api-change:detective: [botocore] Doc only updates for content enhancement
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Marked fields IpAddressV4, PrivateIpAddress, Email as Sensitive.
  • api-change:healthlake: [botocore] This release adds a new response parameter, JobProgressReport, to the DescribeFHIRImportJob and ListFHIRImportJobs API operation. JobProgressReport provides details on the progress of the import job on the server.
  • api-change:opensearch: [botocore] Adds additional supported instance types.
  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Amazon Polly adds 1 new voice - Burcu (tr-TR)
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This release adds a new API UpdateClusterSoftware for SageMaker HyperPod. This API allows users to patch HyperPod clusters with latest platform softwares.
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Doc only update for Secrets Manager
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:controltower: [botocore] Adds support for new Baseline and EnabledBaseline APIs for automating multi-account governance.
  • api-change:lookoutequipment: [botocore] This feature allows customers to see pointwise model diagnostics results for their models.
  • api-change:qbusiness: [botocore] This release adds the metadata-boosting feature, which allows customers to easily fine-tune the underlying ranking of retrieved RAG passages in order to optimize Q&A answer relevance. It also adds new feedback reasons for the PutFeedback API.


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  • bugfix:ContainerProvider: [botocore] Properly refreshes token from file from EKS in ContainerProvider
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] This release adds support to upgrade the major version of a database.
  • api-change:marketplace-catalog: [botocore] AWS Marketplace Catalog API now supports setting intent on requests
  • api-change:resource-explorer-2: [botocore] Resource Explorer now uses newly supported IPv4 '' endpoints by default.
  • api-change:securitylake: [botocore] Documentation updates for Security Lake
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Adds support for new options on GraphqlAPIs, Resolvers and Data Sources for emitting Amazon CloudWatch metrics for enhanced monitoring of AppSync APIs.
  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:neptune-graph: [botocore] Adding a new option "parameters" for data plane api ExecuteQuery to support running parameterized query via SDK.
  • api-change:route53domains: [botocore] This release adds bill contact support for RegisterDomain, TransferDomain, UpdateDomainContact and GetDomainDetail API.


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  • api-change:amp: [botocore] Overall documentation updates.
  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This feature allows Batch to support configuration of repository credentials for jobs running on ECS
  • api-change:braket: [botocore] Creating a job will result in DeviceOfflineException when using an offline device, and DeviceRetiredException when using a retired device.
  • api-change:cost-optimization-hub: [botocore] Adding includeMemberAccounts field to the response of ListEnrollmentStatuses API.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] This release allows AWS IoT Core users to enable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server Certificates when creating and updating AWS IoT Domain Configurations with Custom Domain.
  • api-change:pricing: [botocore] Add Throttling Exception to all APIs.


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  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Add ability to execute pipelines with new parallel & queued execution modes and add support for triggers with filtering on branches and file paths.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] General Interactions for Visuals; Waterfall Chart Color Configuration; Documentation Update
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] This release introduces User-Decoupling feature. This feature allows Workspaces Core customers to provision workspaces without providing users. CreateWorkspaces and DescribeWorkspaces APIs will now take a new optional parameter "WorkspaceName".


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  • api-change:datasync: [botocore] AWS DataSync now supports manifests for specifying files or objects to transfer.
  • api-change:lexv2-models: [botocore] Update lexv2-models client to latest version
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] LisRecommendations API to fetch Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations.


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  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Support for environment variables in AppSync GraphQL APIs
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] This release is a documentation only update to address customer issues.
  • api-change:es: [botocore] This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] This release adds a new field, logGroupArn, to the response of the logs:DescribeLogGroups action.
  • api-change:opensearch: [botocore] This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.
  • api-change:wafv2: [botocore] You can now delete an API key that you've created for use with your CAPTCHA JavaScript integration API.


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  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Introduce Catalog Encryption Role within Glue Data Catalog Settings. Introduce SASL/PLAIN as an authentication method for Glue Kafka connections
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Added definitions of various WorkSpace states


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  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Any number of users can execute up to 50 concurrent restores (any type of restore) in a given account.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker Canvas adds GenerativeAiSettings support for CanvasAppSettings.
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Added CreateIdentityProvider and UpdateIdentityProvider details for new SAML IdP features
  • api-change:ivs: [botocore] This release introduces a new resource Playback Restriction Policy which can be used to geo-restrict or domain-restrict channel stream playback when associated with a channel. New APIs to support this resource were introduced in the form of Create/Delete/Get/Update/List.
  • api-change:managedblockchain-query: [botocore] This release adds support for transactions that have not reached finality. It also removes support for the status property from the response of the GetTransaction operation. You can use the confirmationStatus and executionStatus properties to determine the status of the transaction.
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] This release includes support for broadcast-mixed audio description tracks.
  • api-change:neptune-graph: [botocore] Adding new APIs in SDK for Amazon Neptune Analytics. These APIs include operations to execute, cancel, list queries and get the graph summary.


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  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] CloudFormation IaC generator allows you to scan existing resources in your account and select resources to generate a template for a new or existing CloudFormation stack.
  • api-change:elbv2: [botocore] Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Update page size limits for GetJobRuns and GetTriggers APIs.
  • api-change:ssm: [botocore] This release adds an optional Duration parameter to StateManager Associations. This allows customers to specify how long an apply-only-on-cron association execution should run. Once the specified Duration is out all the ongoing cancellable commands or automations are cancelled.


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  • api-change:datazone: [botocore] Add new skipDeletionCheck to DeleteDomain. Add new skipDeletionCheck to DeleteProject which also automatically deletes dependent objects
  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Update the SDKs for text changes in the APIs.


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  • api-change:autoscaling: [botocore] EC2 Auto Scaling customers who use attribute based instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot instances price protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand instance type.
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Comprehend PII analysis now supports Spanish input documents.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] EC2 Fleet customers who use attribute based instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot instances price protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand instance type.
  • api-change:mwaa: [botocore] This release adds MAINTENANCE environment status for Amazon MWAA environments.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Introduced support for the InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot and RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime API methods. This provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience.
  • api-change:snowball: [botocore] Modified description of createaddress to include direction to add path when providing a JSON file.


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  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update list and string length limits for predefined attributes.
  • api-change:inspector2: [botocore] This release adds ECR container image scanning based on their lastRecordedPullTime.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now provides an API to programmatically delete tuning jobs.


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  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] AWS Private CA now supports an option to omit the CDP extension from issued certificates, when CRL revocation is enabled.
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] This release adds support for IPv6-only instance plans.


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Introduced a new clientToken request parameter on CreateNetworkAcl and CreateRouteTable APIs. The clientToken parameter allows idempotent operations on the APIs.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:outposts: [botocore] DeviceSerialNumber parameter is now optional in StartConnection API
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] This release adds support for Aurora Limitless Database.
  • api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Add DeprecationDate and SoftwareVersion to response of ListGateways.


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  • api-change:inspector2: [botocore] This release adds support for CIS scans on EC2 instances.


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  • enhancement:documentation: [botocore] Updates the GitHub issue creation link in our README


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  • api-change:appconfigdata: [botocore] Fix FIPS Endpoints in aws-us-gov.
  • api-change:cloud9: [botocore] Doc-only update around removing AL1 from list of available AMIs for Cloud9
  • api-change:cloudfront-keyvaluestore: [botocore] This release improves upon the DescribeKeyValueStore API by returning two additional fields, Status of the KeyValueStore and the FailureReason in case of failures during creation of KeyValueStore.
  • api-change:connectcases: [botocore] This release adds the ability to view audit history on a case and introduces a new parameter, performedBy, for CreateCase and UpdateCase API's.
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] This release adds support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Configurable Timeout to ECS Service Connect. TLS facilitates privacy and data security for inter-service communications, while Configurable Timeout allows customized per-request timeout and idle timeout for Service Connect services.
  • api-change:finspace: [botocore] Allow customer to set zip default through command line arguments.
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Doc only update for quota increase change
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Introduced support for the InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS CreateDBCluster API method. This provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience when creating database clusters with insufficient instance capacity.
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:athena: [botocore] Introducing new NotebookS3LocationUri parameter to Athena ImportNotebook API. Payload is no longer required and either Payload or NotebookS3LocationUri needs to be provided (not both) for a successful ImportNotebook API call. If both are provided, an InvalidRequestException will be thrown.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Release CodeBuild Reserved Capacity feature
  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] This release adds support for including ApproximateCreationDateTimePrecision configurations in EnableKinesisStreamingDestination API, adds the same as an optional field in the response of DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination, and adds support for a new UpdateKinesisStreamingDestination API.
  • api-change:qconnect: [botocore] Increased Quick Response name max length to 100


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  • api-change:b2bi: [botocore] Increasing TestMapping inputFileContent file size limit to 5MB and adding file size limit 250KB for TestParsing input file. This release also includes exposing InternalServerException for Tag APIs.
  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] This release adds a new API ListInsightsMetricData to retrieve metric data from CloudTrail Insights.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] GetMetricDataV2 now supports 3 groupings
  • api-change:drs: [botocore] Removed invalid and unnecessary default values.
  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Allow support for Snowflake as a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery destination.
  • api-change:sagemaker-featurestore-runtime: [botocore] Increase BatchGetRecord limits from 10 items to 100 items


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  • api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Updating note for enabling streams for UpdateTable.
  • api-change:keyspaces: [botocore] This release adds support for Multi-Region Replication with provisioned tables, and Keyspaces auto scaling APIs


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  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Revert release of LogTargetTypes
  • api-change:iotfleetwise: [botocore] Updated APIs: SignalNodeType query parameter has been added to ListSignalCatalogNodesRequest and ListVehiclesResponse has been extended with attributes field.
  • api-change:macie2: [botocore] This release adds support for analyzing Amazon S3 objects that are encrypted using dual-layer server-side encryption with AWS KMS keys (DSSE-KMS). It also adds support for reporting DSSE-KMS details in statistics and metadata about encryption settings for S3 buckets and objects.
  • api-change:payment-cryptography: [botocore] Provide an additional option for key exchange using RSA wrap/unwrap in addition to tr-34/tr-31 in ImportKey and ExportKey operations. Added new key usage (type) TR31_M1_ISO_9797_1_MAC_KEY, for use with Generate/VerifyMac dataplane operations with ISO9797 Algorithm 1 MAC calculations.
  • api-change:personalize-runtime: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon Personalize
  • api-change:personalize: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon Personalize.
  • api-change:rekognition: [botocore] This release adds ContentType and TaxonomyLevel attributes to DetectModerationLabels and GetMediaAnalysisJob API responses.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub


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  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This release will have ValidationException thrown if certain invalid app types are provided. The release will also throw ValidationException if more than 10 account ids are provided in VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts.


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  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Supervisor Barge for Chat is now supported through the MonitorContact API.
  • api-change:connectparticipant: [botocore] Introduce new Supervisor participant role
  • api-change:location: [botocore] Location SDK documentation update. Added missing fonts to the MapConfiguration data type. Updated note for the SubMunicipality property in the place data type.
  • api-change:mwaa: [botocore] This Amazon MWAA feature release includes new fields in CreateWebLoginToken response model. The new fields IamIdentity and AirflowIdentity will let you match identifications, as the Airflow identity length is currently hashed to 64 characters.
  • api-change:s3control: [botocore] S3 On Outposts team adds dualstack endpoints support for S3Control and S3Outposts API calls.
  • api-change:supplychain: [botocore] This release includes APIs CreateBillOfMaterialsImportJob and GetBillOfMaterialsImportJob.
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] AWS Transfer Family now supports static IP addresses for SFTP & AS2 connectors and for async MDNs on AS2 servers.
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release adds support for adding an ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] This release adds support for adding an ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks.
  • api-change:events: [botocore] Update events client to latest version
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Add ConflictException to Update APIs of AWS IoT Software Package Catalog
  • api-change:iotfleetwise: [botocore] The following dataTypes have been removed: CUSTOMER_DECODED_INTERFACE in NetworkInterfaceType; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL_INFO_IS_NULL in SignalDecoderFailureReason; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO_IS_NULL in NetworkInterfaceFailureReason; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL in SignalDecoderType
  • api-change:secretsmanager: [botocore] Doc only update for Secrets Manager
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] Added AWS Workspaces RebootWorkspaces API - Extended Reboot documentation update


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  • api-change:connectcampaigns: [botocore] Minor pattern updates for Campaign and Dial Request API fields.
  • api-change:location: [botocore] This release adds API support for custom layers for the maps service APIs: CreateMap, UpdateMap, DescribeMap.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Add support for account level subscription filter policies to PutAccountPolicy, DescribeAccountPolicies, and DeleteAccountPolicy APIs. Additionally, PutAccountPolicy has been modified with new optional "selectionCriteria" parameter for resource selection.
  • api-change:qconnect: [botocore] QueryAssistant and GetRecommendations will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024. To receive generative responses after March 1, 2024 you will need to create a new Assistant in the Connect console and integrate the Amazon Q in Connect JavaScript library (amazon-q-connectjs) into your applications.
  • api-change:redshift-serverless: [botocore] Updates to ConfigParameter for RSS workgroup, removal of use_fips_ssl
  • api-change:route53: [botocore] Route53 now supports geoproximity routing in AWS regions
  • api-change:wisdom: [botocore] QueryAssistant and GetRecommendations will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024. To receive generative responses after March 1, 2024 you will need to create a new Assistant in the Connect console and integrate the Amazon Q in Connect JavaScript library (amazon-q-connectjs) into your applications.


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  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Aws CodeBuild now supports new compute type BUILD_GENERAL1_XLARGE
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Amazon EC2 R7iz bare metal instances are powered by custom 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
  • api-change:route53resolver: [botocore] This release adds support for query type configuration on firewall rules that enables customers for granular action (ALLOW, ALERT, BLOCK) by DNS query type.


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  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Minor trait updates for User APIs
  • api-change:kms: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
  • api-change:redshift-serverless: [botocore] use_fips_ssl and require_ssl parameter support for Workgroup, UpdateWorkgroup, and CreateWorkgroup


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  • api-change:config: [botocore] Updated ResourceType enum with new resource types onboarded by AWS Config in November and December 2023.
  • api-change:docdb: [botocore] Adding PerformanceInsightsEnabled and PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId fields to DescribeDBInstances Response.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] This release adds support for managed instance draining which facilitates graceful termination of Amazon ECS instances.
  • api-change:es: [botocore] This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.
  • api-change:lightsail: [botocore] This release adds support to set up an HTTPS endpoint on an instance.
  • api-change:opensearch: [botocore] This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Adding support for provisioned throughput mode for SageMaker Feature Groups
  • api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Added Idempotency token support to Service Catalog AssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact, DisassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifact, DeleteServiceAction API
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Amazon Connect, Contact Lens Evaluation API increase evaluation notes max length to 3072.
  • api-change:mediaconvert: [botocore] This release includes video engine updates including HEVC improvements, support for ingesting VP9 encoded video in MP4 containers, and support for user-specified 3D LUTs.


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  • api-change:apprunner: [botocore] AWS App Runner adds Python 3.11 and Node.js 18 runtimes.
  • api-change:location: [botocore] This release introduces a new parameter to bypasses an API key's expiry conditions and delete the key.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Add LinkEntityArn support for different partitions; Add UnsupportedUserEditionException in UpdateDashboardLinks API; Add support for New Reader Experience Topics


Compare Source


  • api-change:codestar-connections: [botocore] New integration with the GitLab self-managed provider type.
  • api-change:kinesis-video-archived-media: [botocore] NoDataRetentionException thrown when GetImages requested for a Stream that does not retain data (that is, has a DataRetentionInHours of 0).
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports Docker access from within app container


Compare Source


  • api-change:emr: [botocore] Update emr client to latest version


Compare Source


  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Adding RowFilter in the response for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata API
  • api-change:internetmonitor: [botocore] This update introduces the GetInternetEvent and ListInternetEvents APIs, which provide access to internet events displayed on the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Weather Map.
  • api-change:personalize: [botocore] This releases auto training capability while creating a solution and automatically syncing latest solution versions when creating/updating a campaign


Compare Source


  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Adding IAMIdentityCenterInstanceArn parameter to CreateAccountSubscription
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] Added a new QueryErrorCode RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED that is returned by the ListGroupResources operation if the group query contains unsupported resource types.
  • api-change:verifiedpermissions: [botocore] Adding BatchIsAuthorizedWithToken API which supports multiple authorization requests against a PolicyStore given a bearer token.


Compare Source


  • api-change:firehose: [botocore] Updates Amazon Firehose documentation for message regarding Enforcing Tags IAM Policy.
  • api-change:kendra: [botocore] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some docs for Amazon Kendra.
  • api-change:pricing: [botocore] Add ResourceNotFoundException to ListPriceLists and GetPriceListFileUrl APIs
  • api-change:rolesanywhere: [botocore] This release relaxes constraints on the durationSeconds request parameter for the *Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take on values that go up to 43200.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Added new resource detail object to ASFF, including resource for LastKnownExploitAt


Compare Source


  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds JobStateTimeLimitActions setting to the Job Queue API. It allows you to configure an action Batch can take for a blocking job in front of the queue after the defined period of time. The new parameter applies for ECS, EKS, and FARGATE Job Queues.
  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] Documentation update for Bedrock Runtime Agent
  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Added exceptions to CreateTrail, DescribeTrails, and ListImportFailures APIs.
  • api-change:codebuild: [botocore] This release adds support for a new webhook event: PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED.
  • api-change:cognito-idp: [botocore] Add ConcurrentModificationException to SetUserPoolMfaConfig
  • api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Add RDS Provisioned and Serverless Usage types
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] Added DES_EDE3_CBC to the list of supported encryption algorithms for messages sent with an AS2 connector.


Compare Source


  • api-change:appsync: [botocore] Documentation only updates for AppSync
  • api-change:qldb: [botocore] Clarify possible values for KmsKeyArn and EncryptionDescription.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Add pattern and length based validations for DBShardGroupIdentifier
  • api-change:rum: [botocore] Doc-only update for new RUM metrics that were added


Compare Source


  • api-change:amp: [botocore] Overall documentation updates.
  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This feature allows Batch to support configuration of repository credentials for jobs running on ECS
  • api-change:braket: [botocore] Creating a job will result in DeviceOfflineException when using an offline device, and DeviceRetiredException when using a retired device.
  • api-change:cost-optimization-hub: [botocore] Adding includeMemberAccounts field to the response of ListEnrollmentStatuses API.
  • api-change:ecs: [botocore] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS.
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] This release allows AWS IoT Core users to enable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server Certificates when creating and updating AWS IoT Domain Configurations with Custom Domain.
  • api-change:pricing: [botocore] Add Throttling Exception to all APIs.


Compare Source


  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Update list and string length limits for predefined attributes.
  • api-change:inspector2: [botocore] This release adds ECR container image scanning based on their lastRecordedPullTime.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now provides an API to programmatically delete tuning jobs.


Compare Source


  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This release will have ValidationException thrown if certain invalid app types are provided. The release will also throw ValidationException if more than 10 account ids are provided in VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts.


Compare Source


  • feature:Python: End of support for Python 3.7
  • feature:Python: [botocore] End of support for Python 3.7
  • api-change:drs: [botocore] Adding AgentVersion to SourceServer and RecoveryInstance structures


Compare Source


  • api-change:imagebuilder: [botocore] This release adds the Image Workflows feature to give more flexibility and control over the image building and testing process.
  • api-change:location: [botocore] This release 1) adds sub-municipality field in Places API for searching and getting places information, and 2) allows optimizing route calculation based on expected arrival time.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] This release introduces the StartLiveTail API to tail ingested logs in near real time.


Compare Source


  • api-change:neptune: [botocore] This release adds a new parameter configuration setting to the Neptune cluster related APIs that can be leveraged to switch between the underlying supported storage modes.
  • api-change:pinpoint: [botocore] This release includes Amazon Pinpoint API documentation updates pertaining to campaign message sending rate limits.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsDynamoDbTable, AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint, AwsMskCluster, AwsS3AccessPoint, AwsS3Bucket
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


Compare Source


  • api-change:cloudwatch: [botocore] Update cloudwatch client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] M2 Mac instances are built on Apple M2 Mac mini computers. I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. C7i compute optimized, M7i general purpose and R7i memory optimized instances are powered by custom 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
  • api-change:finspace: [botocore] Releasing Scaling Group, Dataview, and Volume APIs


Compare Source


  • api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] This release adds support for two new CodeDeploy features: 1) zonal deployments for Amazon EC2 in-place deployments, 2) deployments triggered by Auto Scaling group termination lifecycle hook events.


Compare Source


  • api-change:backup: [botocore] AWS Backup - Features: Add VaultType to the output of DescribeRecoveryPoint, ListRecoveryPointByBackupVault API and add ResourceType to the input of ListRestoreJobs API
  • api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Documentation updates for Trust and Safety features.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Releasing Tagging Support for Instance Management APIS
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Releasing the new cpuManufacturer attribute within the DescribeInstanceTypes API response which notifies our customers with information on who the Manufacturer is for the processor attached to the instance, for example: Intel.
  • api-change:payment-cryptography: [botocore] AWS Payment Cryptography IPEK feature release
aws-cloudformation/cfn-python-lint (cfn-lint)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 169.0.0 (pull #3135)
  • Support db2-ae and db2-se RDS engines for AWS::RDS::DBInstance.Engine (pull #3139)
  • Safely get readOnlyProperties (pull #3141)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 168.0.0 (pull #3127)
  • Remove AWS::RDS::DBCluster from exclusive checks (pull #3119)
  • When doing a transform pass back FindInMap when resolution failure (pull #3131)
  • Update deprecated Lambda runtimes (pull #3113)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 165.0.0 (pull #3092)
  • RDS DB Cluster remove MasterUserPassword from exclusion with MasterUsername (pull #3106)
  • fix an issue when searching for Ref in tojsonstring (pull #3107)


Compare Source

  • Disable and configure certain rules when template is from CDK (pull #2971)
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 163.0.0 (pull #3076)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 162.0.0 (pull #3069)
  • Raise error if any key in a mapping is null (pull #3073)
  • Add getatt support for registry schemas (pull #3061)
  • Set Application location when its a string in SAM transform (pull #3060)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 160.0.0 (pull #3054)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 158.0.0 (pull #3039)
  • Fix an issue with using SAM and a GetAtt (pull #3042)


Compare Source

  • Update rule E3027 to validate rate periods (pull #3017)
  • Add support new language extension foreach capabilities &{parameter} (pull #3033)
  • Passthrough metadata into SAM translator (pull #3030)
  • Switch to using path and resource names for directives (pull #3035)
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 156.0.0 (pull #3029)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 154.0.0 (pull #3005)
  • Add db.serverless to neptune instance classes (pull #3009)
  • Drop python 3.7 support (pull #3005)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 153.0.0 (pull #2986)
  • Remove rule E2506 which results in false positive (pull #3001)
  • Return dict str_node when doing transform (pull #2996)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 152.0.0 (pull #2984)
  • Add ca-west-1 region (pull #2980)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 151.0.0 (pull #2969)
  • Fix LanguageTransformer to better handle Fn::GetAtt dot notation in Fn::Sub (pull #2974)
  • Update rule E2530 and I2530 to support regionality of the SnapStart feature (pull #2973)


Compare Source

CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 150.0.0 (pull #2963)
  • Patch in TargetObjectKeyFormat for AWS::S3::Bucket (pull #2966)
  • Update rule E3013 to ignore dynamic references in CloudFront aliases (pull #2967)
pulumi/pulumi (pulumi)


Compare Source

  • cli/about] Add plugin kind to the about output
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Remove locks between snapshot and executor systems


Compare Source

  • backend/{diy,service}] Elide state file writes for unchanged component outputs
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Display the entire preview with diff when a protected resource needs replacement


Compare Source

  • auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for inheritSettings to go, nodejs and python automation API.
Bug Fixes
  • backend] Fix incorrect dependency sorting in snapshot


Compare Source

  • sdk/nodejs] Make TypeScript and ts-node optional peer dependencies to allow using user specified versions
    Note: TypeScript and ts-node are now optional peer dependencies of the Node.js SDK. This makes its possible to chose any version of these packages by adding them as dependency or devDependency to your package.json. If these optional peer dependencies are not installed, Pulumi will fallback to bundled versions included in the Node.js SDK to maintain backwards compatibility. As a side effect of this change, the `tsc` binary is no longer available in `node_modules/.bin/tsc`. If you rely on `tsc` being available in your project, add it as a dependency or devDependency to your package.json.
  • sdk/python] Add 'typeChecker' runtime option to the Python language host
  • auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for continue-on-error parameter of the destroy command to the Automation API
  • cli] Support always fully qualifying stack names in CLI output
  • cli] Add --no-plugins and --no-dependencies to `pulumi install`
  • docs] Implement Java constructor syntax examples
  • sdk/go] Allow unknowns during `pulumi up`
  • sdk/{nodejs,python}] Allow apply to have unknown values during updates
Bug Fixes
  • auto] Tolerate missing stack and bookkeeping files in ProgramTest
  • backend/diy] Fix race condition when listing stacks
  • cli] Fix a panic when user's home directory could not be looked up
  • cli] Fix some commands that didn't respect `--disable-integrity-checking`
  • auto/go] Avoid flakyness when reading the event log from pulumi commands
  • engine] Resource transforms on component resources now apply to children correctly
  • programgen/dotnet] Remove trailing whitespace from emitted DependsOn resource option expressions
  • sdk/go] Fix Provider and Providers options in Go transform functions
  • sdk/nodejs] Handle serialization of aliases for well known native functions
  • sdk/nodejs] Correctly serialise functions whose code would make use of reserved identifiers
  • sdk/nodejs] Serialize function values obtained from Function.bind
  • sdk/python] Improve types of getters in Python SDK
  • sdkgen/{dotnet,go}] Fix SDK-generation when referencing shared types in config variables
  • backend/diy] Upgrade dependency to 0.37
  • sdk/nodejs] Update builtin module list for function serialization
  • sdk/nodejs] Set package.json engines to node >= 18


Compare Source

  • docs] Implement constructor syntax examples for every resource in typescript, python, csharp and go
  • docs] Implement YAML constructor syntax examples in the docs
  • engine] Send output values with property dependency information to transform functions
  • engine] Add a --continue-on-error flag to pulumi destroy
  • sdk/go] Make `property.Map` keyed by `string` not `MapKey`
  • sdk/nodejs] Make function serialization work with typescript 4 and 5
  • sdk/python] Improve the error message when depends_on is passed objects of the wrong type
Bug Fixes
  • auto/{go,python}] Make sure to read complete lines before trying to deserialize them as engine events
  • auto/{go,python}] Use the full path when running pulumi from a custom CLI install
  • cli/plugin] Fix installing local language plugins on Windows
  • engine] Don't delete stack outputs on failed deployments
  • engine] Fix a panic when updating provider version in a run using --target
  • engine] Handle that Assets & Archives can be returned from providers without content.
  • engine] Fix the engine trying to delete a protected resource caught in a replace chain
  • sdkgen/docs] Add missing newline for `Coming soon!`
  • programgen/dotnet] Fix generated code for a list of resources used in resource option DependsOn
  • programgen/{dotnet,go}] Fixes emitted code for object expressions assigned to properties of type Any
  • sdk/go] Fix lookup of plugin and program dependencies when using Go workspaces
  • sdk/nodejs] Export automation.tag.TagMap type
  • sdk/python] Wait only for pending outputs in the Python SDK, not all pending asyncio tasks
  • sdk/nodejs] Reorganize function serialization tests
  • sdk/nodejs] Move mockpackage tests to closure integration tests


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • cli/display] Fix superfluous newlines being written during updates
  • programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Fix enum resolution from types of the form union\[string, enum]


Compare Source

  • auto/go] Support remote deployment executor image
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Test and fix the engine filling in property dependencies to provider constructs
  • sdkgen/go] Ensure package generation for Go doesn't panic when encountering overly nested arrays or maps of primitive types


Compare Source

  • cli] Make "pulumi dn" an alias for "pulumi destroy"
  • yaml] Update yaml to v1.6.0
  • sdk/python] Add experimental support to the Python SDK for the new transforms system
Bug Fixes
  • cli/state] Add `--yes` to `state upgrade`
  • programgen/{dotnet,go,python}] Fix panic when generating programs for MLC packages where they include type references to external packages
  • programgen/go] Fix optional primitive values being derefrenced
  • sdk/go] Await output properties from Construct/Call before closing the Context
  • sdk/nodejs] Fix codepaths computation when working dir is nested relative to package.json
  • sdk/nodejs] Replace glob with fdir to avoid an indirect dependency on inflight
  • sdkgen/python] Make replace-on-changes values camelCased not kebab_cased


Compare Source

  • auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for suppress progress and suppress outputs parameters in the Automation API
  • pkg] Make schema.NewPluginLoader respect PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS, which enables Pulumi YAML programs to work correctly with this feature
  • sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet language host to 3.60.0
  • sdk/nodejs] Add experimental support to the NodeJS SDK for the new transforms system.
  • sdk/python] Add support for asynchronous invokes via a new `invoke_async` function
  • sdkgen/dotnet] Support for non-overlay components in codegen for pulumi-kubernetes provider
Bug Fixes
  • cli] Fix a panic when the secrets provider is missing from the deployment snapshot
  • backend/service] Make decrypt/encrypt network calls retryable to help work around network hiccups
  • cli/new] Strip credentials and query strings from template URLs saved to project
  • engine] Fix an issue where snapshots could become invalid when doing a targeted up
  • engine] Downgrade remediate policy violations to mandatory
  • pkg/testing] Make ProgramTest use a temporary PULUMI_HOME for each test
  • sdkgen/dotnet] Codegen fix for resources without constant input properties
  • sdk/nodejs] Properly capture node:crypto and global.crypto in node 19+
  • sdk/python] Fix determining plugins for old packages in the Python language host


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • sdk/nodejs] Move [@​types/glob]( to dev dependencies


Compare Source

  • cli/state] Exit immediately from state edit when no change was made
  • docs] Adds ability to process docs without Examples logic, using `<!--Start PulumiCodeChooser -->` markers in incoming schema descriptions
  • pkg] Adds simple vim keyboard shortcuts to the live tree view (j,k,g,G,Ctrl+F,Ctrl+B) and also wires up Home and End keys
  • sdk/go] Add experimental support to the Go SDK for the new transforms system.
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Fix root and program paths to always be absolute.
  • pkg] Tag new pkg versions on a commit on the main branch
  • sdk/nodejs] Handle yarn/npm workspaces when computing codepaths for function serialization
  • sdk/nodejs] Replace deprecated read-package-tree with [@&#8203;npmcli/arborist](
  • sdk/nodejs] Upgrade to [@&#8203;grpc/grpc-js]( 1.10.1
  • sdk/nodejs] Regenerate yarn.lock to fix lru-cache hoisting
  • backend/diy] Remove warning about non-project mode deprecation.


Compare Source

  • cli/config] Adds an `--open` flag to `pulumi config` command which resolves the environment listed in the stack configuration.
  • auto/go] Automation API support for `pulumi refresh --preview-only`
  • engine] Add support for remote transforms to the engine.
  • pkg/testing] Add a InstallDevReleases option to ProgramTest, to install pulumi dev SDKs
  • programgen/{dotnet,nodejs,python}] Emit Output-returning JSON serialization methods without rewriting applies for top-level function expression
  • sdk/nodejs] Detect npm and yarn workspaces setups when installing dependencies
  • sdk/nodejs] Use pnpm as package manager if we find a pnpm-lock.yaml file
Bug Fixes
  • docs] Fixes docs generator parent module computation
  • engine] Test and fix the engine filling in args dependencies to provider calls.
  • programgen] Fix infinite recursion when binding invoke signature into promises without accounting for recursive type references


Compare Source

  • components] Component providers can return output values in their response to the engine.
  • programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Emit missing trivia for resources and local variables
  • sdk/{nodejs,python}] Publish dev versions of the nodejs and python SDKs
Bug Fixes
  • cli] Fix `pulumi destroy` to fill in stack config with the secret config from state, not fresh secret config.
  • engine] Engine no longer assumes program dependencies are specified as semantic versions.
  • components/go] Component providers now correctly return output values to the engine.
  • protobuf] Split CallRequest into ResourceCallRequest for the ResourceMonitor service.
  • backend/diy] Add a warning that non-project mode will be deprecated at some point.


Compare Source

  • auto/go] Adds support for `--refresh` to Stack.Up(), Stack.Preview() and Stack.Destroy() via go automation api
  • cli] Adds a `preview-only` flag to `pulumi refresh`.
  • cli] Adds `preview-only` flag for `pulumi destroy` and `pulumi import`
  • engine] Translate all Computed and Secret values to OutputValues for Construct and Call methods.
  • cli/display] Add --suppress-progress option to not print dots
  • sdk/go] Add `UpgradeToOutputValues` to `MarshalOptions`.
  • cli/plugin] Add experimental `plugin run` command for running plugin binaries directly.
  • sdkgen/python] Update the default minimum required version of Python to 3.8 or greater for generated provider SDKs.
Bug Fixes
  • backend/diy] Fix an issue where state stored on a mounted device would result in errors
  • cli/state] Fix a panic when trying to delete a provider from the state that's still referenced.
  • cli/state] Fix a nil reference panic in the `state edit` command.
  • docs] Add kubernetes as a supported pulumi convert language
  • sdk/python] Require Python 3.8 or greater.
  • sdk/python] Upgrade grpcio to 1.60.1


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • backend/diy] Upgrade and fix an issue with azurekeyvault keys.


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • backend/diy] Revert upgrade


Compare Source

  • backend] Allows the PULUMI_SKIP_CHECKPOINTS environment variable to be set without requiring the PULUMI_EXPERIMENTAL flag.
  • auto/go] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI from the Automation API
  • auto/nodejs] Allow disabling version validation when using a custom PulumiCommand instance
  • auto/python] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI
  • auto/python] Inline programs can now be defined as async functions.
  • pkg/testing] Add RequireEmptyPreviewAfterRefresh option to ProgramTest
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Fix a hang in preview --import-file.
  • engine] Engine will now error if aliases request a parent with no URN.
  • engine] Fix stack name validation when PULUMI_DISABLE_VALIDATION isn't set.
  • engine] Fix a performance issue doing unneeded secret encryption.
  • sdk/go] Include error message in local workspace validation.
  • sdkgen/go] Remove pulumix references from generated enums
  • programgen/nodejs] Fixes generated expression for filebase64 function to use fs.readFileSync directly with base64 encoding option
  • sdkgen/python] Use importlib.metadata instead of pkg_resources
  • auto/go] Remove obsolete note from FullyQualifiedStackName comment.
  • backend/filestate] Upgrade to the latest version
  • sdk/python] Remove compatability code for Python 3.7 and below.


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • sdk/nodejs] Include [@&#8203;types/semver]( as a dependency


Compare Source

  • engine] Allow import plugins to define components and logical names.
  • cli/display] Incremental improvement on the output when installing plugins
  • sdk] Bake the release version into the SDK
  • sdk/go] Parse config paths strictly
  • cli/new] Adds pulumi:template tag to `pulumi new` created projects
  • auto/nodejs] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI from the Automation API
  • sdk/python] Add support for Python 3.12
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Fix a bug where mapping lookup could sometimes lead to an infinite loop.
  • engine] Remove an incorrect assert that resources must have inputs.
  • cli/display] Improve output when installing policy packs
  • sdk/go] Removes `omitempty` from StepEventMetadata.DetailedDiff
  • sdk/go] Replace a deleted type used by Pulumi Cloud code.
  • yaml] Upgrade yaml to v1.5.0


Compare Source

  • sdk/go] Add WithValue to pulumi.Context
Bug Fixes
  • cli] Fix a panic when user's home directory could not be looked up.
  • cli/display] Fix JSON/YAML value diff displays.
  • sdk/go] Update to v1.3.7.
  • cli/import] --import-file now omits empty resource lists.
  • sdk/python] Allow remote components to use output property called id
  • sdkgen] Emit a warning when using id or urn as resource outputs


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • backend/filestate] Revert upgrade to fix regressions introduced by the upgrade.


Compare Source

  • cli] Adds a flag that allows inserting a fragment into the dot file when generating a graph. This can be used for styling the graph elements, setting properties etc.
Bug Fixes
  • engine] Fix an uncommon datarace with replace steps.
  • sdkgen/go] Revert using plain object type when the plainness is shallow and we should use inputty-types instead
  • cli/state] Fix a panic in pulumi state when no snapshots are available
  • sdkgen/python] Fixes resource imports when importing across different modules
  • backend/filestate] Upgrade to the latest version


Compare Source

  • auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Adds ListEnvironments support to Go, Nodejs and Python Automation API.
  • cli/display] Warn correctly about new versions being availablen when using the CLI dev channel
Bug Fixes
  • cli/new] Fixes duplicate printing of the AI prompt & answer on Windows.
  • engine] Fix bug where unimported resources (of different types) with the same name would cause `--import-file` to panic.
  • engine] Default parallel operations to a reasonable limit.
  • programgen] Fixes type-annotating nested resource properties when these have quoted keys
  • sdkgen] Temporarily revert validation of `urn` and `id` resource output properties
  • programgen/{dotnet,python}] Allow object keys to be template expressions such as static quoted strings
  • backend/service] Exclude internal events from those sent to Pulumi Cloud.
  • sdk/go] fixes fulfillValue error when joining a nil output state
  • pkg] Upgrade pulumi-java to v0.9.9
  • yaml] Upgrade yaml to v1.4.5


Compare Source

  • cli/config] Adds `pulumi config env ls` command to list the environment imports declared in a stack configuration.
  • cli/new] Adds pulumi new --ai functionality.
  • sdk/nodejs] Add an environment variable (`PULUMI_ERROR_OUTPUT_STRING`) to throw when an output tries to convert to a string.
Bug Fixes
  • auto/nodejs] Always run cleanup for refresh and destroy commands
  • auto/nodejs] Don't mutate original stack settings when saving
  • programgen] Avoid pretty printing large object graphs when a resource property doesn't type-check when binding PCL programs
  • cli/config] Fixes config copy command to also copy environments from the source stack
  • cli/config] Fix a bug in `pulumi config env ls --json` where the json flag was not being correctly passed through.
  • programgen/go] Fix required config variables of type bool and number
  • cli] Update esc to v0.6.2
  • yaml] Upgrade yaml to 1.4.4


Compare Source

  • cli/import] Import can now distinguish between logical names and source names.
Bug Fixes
  • programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Fix generated utility functions for filebase64, filebase64sha256, sha1 and mimeType
  • programgen/{nodejs,python}] Fix duplicated import statements when instantiating a component multiple times
  • cli] Update esc to v0.6.1


Compare Source

  • auto/go] Add `ChangeSecretsProvider` to workspace and stack APIs.
  • auto/go] Adds AddEnvironments and RemoveEnvironment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace types for Go Automation API.
  • auto/nodejs] Adds addEnvironments and removeEnvironment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace classes for Nodejs Automation API.
  • auto/python] Adds add_environments and remove_environment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace classes for python Automation API.
Bug Fixes
  • sdk/nodejs] Fix a bug in nodejs providers returning empty inputs on read.
  • sdkgen/go] Fix generated usage documentation for enum input types


Compare Source

  • cli] The CLI now uses the yaml converter plugin rather than yaml convert logic linked in.
Bug Fixes
  • cli/display] Fixes displaying `warning: GOCOVERDIR not set, no coverage data emitted`
  • engine] Don't validate URNs, this was causing issues with unexpected data from filestate backends.


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • sdkgen/nodejs] Include [@&#8203;types/google-protobuf]( as a dependency


Compare Source

  • cli] Add `--import-file` to `pulumi preview` to generate a placeholder import file for every resource that needs to Create.
  • sdk/nodejs] Add TypeScript definitions for the grpc and protobuf generated code.
Bug Fixes
  • auto] Don't swallow error if EditDir is not found in ProgramTest.
  • cli/display] Fix a panic in diff display when parsing YAML strings
  • auto/python] Ensures that the project_settings has a main directory for inline programs in python
  • engine] Error if a resource's parent is a skipped create.
  • engine] Warn if SDKs are trying to use old RegisterResource style StackReferences.
  • engine] Send resource inputs as inputs and state for Reads.
  • engine] Engine now prefers stable plugin versions to pre-releases when no explict version is given.
  • engine] Fix handling of delete failures for targeted destroys
  • sdkgen] Return all bind diagnostics in sdk-gen rather than just the first.
  • sdkgen/go] Fix compiling plain element type with plain maps
  • sdkgen/go] Fix generating input collection types for enums when used from an array of map of enums
  • backend/service] Service backend now validates snapshots are valid on load, same as the self managed backend. This can be disabled with --disable-integrity-checking.
pulumi/pulumi-aws (pulumi-aws)


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  • 81f45e7 Add CODEBUILD_CONFIG_AUTO_DISCOVER environment variable of CodeBuild example
  • d12eda4 Cascade-replace resources when provider region changes (#​3497)
  • 9bcae4e Change the rule for dashed values to include suffixes
  • 34e21c8 Fix panic in aws.rds.Proxy (#​3838)
  • a42f5af Move instance types to an embedded file
  • 1a2dbae Revert "Cascade-replace resources when provider region changes" (#​3825)
  • 41df283 Sort existing types alphabetically
  • 4a44681 Update GitHub Actions workflows. (#​3830)
  • 0d3931c Update the list of instance types


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  • 60ee1d9 Correctly set the alt type for aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy (#​3743)
  • 2ee8434 Update the interface for ECS Container PortMapping with current options (#​3043)
  • bcceea1 Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.79.0 (#​3758)
  • 1ee3194 fix: rds.dataSourceEngineVersionRead panic (#​3757)


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What's Changed


New Contributors

Full Changelog:


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  • 3ebe0ad Add endpoints option to (#​3239)
  • e73ab1d Bump from 5.9.0 to 5.11.0 in /examples
  • ea4e4a7 Bump from 5.9.0 to 5.11.0 in /sdk
  • 5b3ad6a Bump in /examples/tags-combinations-go
  • a24ff26 Bump in /examples/webserver-go
  • 68efaf1 Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 in /examples/webserver-go
  • ba4fabe Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 in /sdk
  • 9d6b6f2 Bump in /examples/tags-combinations-go
  • 178ea8e Bump the go_modules group across 5 directories with 1 update
  • 0cddab9 Combined dependencies PR (#​3192)
  • edce261 Combined dependencies PR (#​3223)
  • dd892df Combined dependencies PR (#​3237)
  • c5916dd Disable retry for KMS access denied in lambda (#​3234)
  • 22e2bc2 Fix failing tests because of missing amazon linux 1 AMI (#​3207)
  • fcad3a1 Make integration tests stricter (#​3183)
  • da98332 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/tags-combinations-go/' into combined-pr-branch
  • f0da8a3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/tags-combinations-go/' into combined-pr-branch
  • 8c1f884 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/webserver-go/' into combined-pr-branch
  • b064297 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/webserver-go/' into combined-pr-branch
  • 92f35b5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/' into combined-pr-branch
  • 38af704 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/' into combined-pr-branch
  • b4ef67c Reintroduce OIDC test without the condition blocking releases (#​3176)
  • 29edae4 Unpin pulumi cli 3 (#​3191)
  • 9a2208a Update GitHub Actions workflows. (#​3210)
  • c96e7ed Update GitHub Actions workflows. (#​3229)
  • 04a3828 Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.70.0 (#​3204)
  • 3633fe8 run go mod tidy
  • 05c97fc run go mod tidy


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pulumi/pulumi-aws-native (pulumi-aws-native)


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What's Changed

Full Changelog:


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pulumi/pulumi-command (pulumi-command)


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  • Handle errors when setting remote environment variables properly, and document limitations (#​395)
  • Tie codegen version to version (#​392)
  • Allow opt-out of adding stdout/stderr env variables (#​355) - fixes error: fork/exec /bin/sh: argument list too long. Thank you @​julsemaan!
  • pulumi-gen-command/main.go is removed in favor of the standard pulumi package get-schema
pulumi/pulumi-policy (pulumi-policy)


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📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [Jinja2]( ([changelog]( | project.dependencies | patch | `==3.1.2` -> `==3.1.3` | | [boto3]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==1.33.8` -> `==1.34.88` | | [cfn-lint]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==0.83.4` -> `==0.86.3` | | [pulumi]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==3.95.0` -> `==3.113.3` | | [pulumi-aws]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==6.13.1` -> `==6.32.0` | | [pulumi-aws-native]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==0.90.0` -> `==0.102.0` | | [pulumi-command]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==0.9.2` -> `==0.10.0` | | [pulumi-policy]( | project.dependencies | minor | `==1.8.0` -> `==1.11.0` | | python | final | minor | `3.11-alpine3.18` -> `3.12-alpine3.18` | | python | stage | minor | `3.11-alpine3.18` -> `3.12-alpine3.18` | | [ruamel.yaml]( | project.dependencies | patch | `==0.18.5` -> `==0.18.6` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>boto/boto3 (boto3)</summary> ### [`v1.34.88`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Adding RowFilter in the response for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata API - api-change:`internetmonitor`: \[`botocore`] This update introduces the GetInternetEvent and ListInternetEvents APIs, which provide access to internet events displayed on the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Weather Map. - api-change:`personalize`: \[`botocore`] This releases auto training capability while creating a solution and automatically syncing latest solution versions when creating/updating a campaign ### [`v1.34.87`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`drs`: \[`botocore`] Outpost ARN added to Source Server and Recovery Instance - api-change:`emr-serverless`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the capability to publish detailed Spark engine metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) for enhanced monitoring for Spark jobs. - api-change:`guardduty`: \[`botocore`] Added IPv6Address fields for local and remote IP addresses - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for the Cross Sheet Filter and Control features, and support for warnings in asset imports for any permitted errors encountered during execution - api-change:`rolesanywhere`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces the PutAttributeMapping and DeleteAttributeMapping APIs. IAM Roles Anywhere now provides the capability to define a set of mapping rules, allowing customers to specify which data is extracted from their X.509 end-entity certificates. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Removed deprecated enum values and updated API documentation. - api-change:`workspaces`: \[`botocore`] Adds new APIs for managing and sharing WorkSpaces BYOL configuration across accounts. ### [`v1.34.86`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). - api-change:`qbusiness`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for IAM Identity Center (IDC) as the identity gateway for Q Business. It also allows users to provide an explicit intent for Q Business to identify how the Chat request should be handled. ### [`v1.34.85`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`bedrock-agent`: \[`botocore`] For Create Agent API, the agentResourceRoleArn parameter is no longer required. - api-change:`emr-serverless`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for shuffle optimized disks that allow larger disk sizes and higher IOPS to efficiently run shuffle heavy workloads. - api-change:`entityresolution`: \[`botocore`] Cross Account Resource Support . - api-change:`iotwireless`: \[`botocore`] Add PublicGateways in the GetWirelessStatistics call response, indicating the LoRaWAN public network accessed by the device. - api-change:`lakeformation`: \[`botocore`] This release adds Lake Formation managed RAM support for the 4 APIs - "DescribeLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", "CreateLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", "DescribeLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration", and "DeleteLakeFormationIdentityCenterConfiguration" - api-change:`m2`: \[`botocore`] Adding new ListBatchJobRestartPoints API and support for restart batch job. - api-change:`mediapackagev2`: \[`botocore`] Dash v2 is a MediaPackage V2 feature to support egressing on DASH manifest format. - api-change:`outposts`: \[`botocore`] This release adds new APIs to allow customers to configure their Outpost capacity at order-time. - api-change:`wellarchitected`: \[`botocore`] AWS Well-Architected now has a Connector for Jira to allow customers to efficiently track workload risks and improvement efforts and create closed-loop mechanisms. - enhancement:AWSCRT: \[`botocore`] Update awscrt version to 0.20.9 ### [`v1.34.84`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] Adding support for the new parameter "IncludePropertyValues" in the CloudFormation DescribeChangeSet API. When this parameter is included, the DescribeChangeSet response will include more detailed information such as before and after values for the resource properties that will change. - api-change:`config`: \[`botocore`] Updates documentation for AWS Config - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Modifying request for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata for view-related fields. - api-change:`healthlake`: \[`botocore`] Added new CREATE_FAILED status for data stores. Added new errorCause to DescribeFHIRDatastore API and ListFHIRDatastores API response for additional insights into data store creation and deletion workflows. - api-change:`iotfleethub`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for AWS IoT Fleet Hub to clarify that Fleet Hub supports organization instance of IAM Identity Center. - api-change:`kms`: \[`botocore`] This feature supports the ability to specify a custom rotation period for automatic key rotations, the ability to perform on-demand key rotations, and visibility into your key material rotations. - api-change:`mediatailor`: \[`botocore`] Added InsertionMode to PlaybackConfigurations. This setting controls whether players can use stitched or guided ad insertion. The default for players that do not specify an insertion mode is stitched. - api-change:`neptune-graph`: \[`botocore`] Update to API documentation to resolve customer reported issues. - api-change:`outposts`: \[`botocore`] This release adds EXPEDITORS as a valid shipment carrier. - api-change:`redshift`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for Amazon Redshift DescribeClusterSnapshots API to include Snapshot ARN response field. - api-change:`transfer`: \[`botocore`] This change releases support for importing self signed certificates to the Transfer Family for sending outbound file transfers over TLS/HTTPS. ### [`v1.34.83`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the task properties field to attempt details and the name field on EKS container detail. - api-change:`cloudfront`: \[`botocore`] CloudFront origin access control extends support to AWS Lambda function URLs and AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2 origins. - api-change:`cloudwatch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for Metric Characteristics for CloudWatch Anomaly Detection. Anomaly Detector now takes Metric Characteristics object with Periodic Spikes boolean field that tells Anomaly Detection that spikes that repeat at the same time every week are part of the expected pattern. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Support access tokens for Bitbucket sources - api-change:`iam`: \[`botocore`] For CreateOpenIDConnectProvider API, the ThumbprintList parameter is no longer required. - api-change:`medialive`: \[`botocore`] AWS Elemental MediaLive introduces workflow monitor, a new feature that enables the visualization and monitoring of your media workflows. Create signal maps of your existing workflows and monitor them by creating notification and monitoring template groups. - api-change:`omics`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for retrieval of S3 direct access metadata on sequence stores and read sets, and adds support for SHA256up and SHA512up HealthOmics ETags. - api-change:`pipes`: \[`botocore`] LogConfiguration ARN validation fixes - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for Standard Edition 2 support in RDS Custom for Oracle. - api-change:`s3control`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon S3-control. ### [`v1.34.82`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cleanrooms`: \[`botocore`] AWS Clean Rooms Differential Privacy is now fully available. Differential privacy protects against user-identification attempts. - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] This release adds new Submit Auto Evaluation Action for Amazon Connect Rules. - api-change:`networkmonitor`: \[`botocore`] Examples were added to CloudWatch Network Monitor commands. - api-change:`qconnect`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new QiC public API updateSession and updates an existing QiC public API createSession - api-change:`rekognition`: \[`botocore`] Added support for ContentType to content moderation detections. - api-change:`supplychain`: \[`botocore`] This release includes API SendDataIntegrationEvent for AWS Supply Chain - api-change:`workspaces-thin-client`: \[`botocore`] Adding tags field to SoftwareSet. Removing tags fields from Summary objects. Changing the list of exceptions in tagging APIs. Fixing an issue where the SDK returns empty tags in Get APIs. ### [`v1.34.81`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Add new webhook filter types for GitHub webhooks - api-change:`mediaconvert`: \[`botocore`] This release includes support for bringing your own fonts to use for burn-in or DVB-Sub captioning workflows. - api-change:`pinpoint`: \[`botocore`] The OrchestrationSendingRoleArn has been added to the email channel and is used to send emails from campaigns or journeys. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for specifying the CA certificate to use for the new db instance when restoring from db snapshot, restoring from s3, restoring to point in time, and creating a db instance read replica. ### [`v1.34.80`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`controlcatalog`: \[`botocore`] This is the initial SDK release for AWS Control Catalog, a central catalog for AWS managed controls. This release includes 3 new APIs - ListDomains, ListObjectives, and ListCommonControls - that vend high-level data to categorize controls across the AWS platform. - api-change:`mgn`: \[`botocore`] Added USE_SOURCE as default option to LaunchConfigurationTemplate bootMode parameter. - api-change:`networkmonitor`: \[`botocore`] Updated the allowed monitorName length for CloudWatch Network Monitor. ### [`v1.34.79`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] Adding IAMIdentityCenterInstanceArn parameter to CreateAccountSubscription - api-change:`resource-groups`: \[`botocore`] Added a new QueryErrorCode RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED that is returned by the ListGroupResources operation if the group query contains unsupported resource types. - api-change:`verifiedpermissions`: \[`botocore`] Adding BatchIsAuthorizedWithToken API which supports multiple authorization requests against a PolicyStore given a bearer token. ### [`v1.34.78`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`b2bi`: \[`botocore`] Adding support for X12 5010 HIPAA EDI version and associated transaction sets. - api-change:`cleanrooms`: \[`botocore`] Feature: New schemaStatusDetails field to the existing Schema object that displays a status on Schema API responses to show whether a schema is queryable or not. New BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRule API to retrieve multiple schemaAnalysisRules using a single API call. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Amazon EC2 G6 instances powered by NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPUs can be used for a wide range of graphics-intensive and machine learning use cases. Gr6 instances also feature NVIDIA L4 GPUs and can be used for graphics workloads with higher memory requirements. - api-change:`emr-containers`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for integration with EKS AccessEntry APIs to enable automatic Cluster Access for EMR on EKS. - api-change:`ivs`: \[`botocore`] API update to include an SRT ingest endpoint and passphrase for all channels. - api-change:`verifiedpermissions`: \[`botocore`] Adds GroupConfiguration field to Identity Source API's ### [`v1.34.77`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cleanroomsml`: \[`botocore`] The release includes a public SDK for AWS Clean Rooms ML APIs, making them globally available to developers worldwide. - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] This release would return a new field - PolicyAction in cloudformation's existed DescribeChangeSetResponse, showing actions we are going to apply on the physical resource (e.g., Delete, Retain) according to the user's template - api-change:`datazone`: \[`botocore`] This release supports the feature of dataQuality to enrich asset with dataQualityResult in Amazon DataZone. - api-change:`docdb`: \[`botocore`] This release adds Global Cluster Switchover capability which enables you to change your global cluster's primary AWS Region, the region that serves writes, while preserving the replication between all regions in the global cluster. - api-change:`groundstation`: \[`botocore`] This release adds visibilityStartTime and visibilityEndTime to DescribeContact and ListContacts responses. - api-change:`lambda`: \[`botocore`] Add Ruby 3.3 (ruby3.3) support to AWS Lambda - api-change:`medialive`: \[`botocore`] Cmaf Ingest outputs are now supported in Media Live - api-change:`medical-imaging`: \[`botocore`] SearchImageSets API now supports following enhancements - Additional support for searching on UpdatedAt and SeriesInstanceUID - Support for searching existing filters between dates/times - Support for sorting the search result by Ascending/Descending - Additional parameters returned in the response - api-change:`transfer`: \[`botocore`] Add ability to specify Security Policies for SFTP Connectors ### [`v1.34.76`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Adding View related fields to responses of read-only Table APIs. - api-change:`ivschat`: \[`botocore`] Doc-only update. Changed "Resources" to "Key Concepts" in docs and updated text. - api-change:`rolesanywhere`: \[`botocore`] This release increases the limit on the roleArns request parameter for the \*Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take up to 250 role ARNs. - api-change:`securityhub`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub ### [`v1.34.75`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudwatch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for CloudWatch Anomaly Detection on cross-account metrics. SingleMetricAnomalyDetector and MetricDataQuery inputs to Anomaly Detection APIs now take an optional AccountId field. - api-change:`datazone`: \[`botocore`] This release supports the feature of AI recommendations for descriptions to enrich the business data catalog in Amazon DataZone. - api-change:`deadline`: \[`botocore`] AWS Deadline Cloud is a new fully managed service that helps customers set up, deploy, and scale rendering projects in minutes, so they can improve the efficiency of their rendering pipelines and take on more projects. - api-change:`emr`: \[`botocore`] This release fixes a broken link in the documentation. - api-change:`lightsail`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to upgrade the TLS version of the distribution. ### [`v1.34.74`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`b2bi`: \[`botocore`] Supporting new EDI X12 transaction sets for X12 versions 4010, 4030, and 5010. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Add new fleet status code for Reserved Capacity. - api-change:`codeconnections`: \[`botocore`] Duplicating the CodeStar Connections service into the new, rebranded AWS CodeConnections service. - api-change:`internetmonitor`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to allow customers to track cross account monitors through ListMonitor, GetMonitor, ListHealthEvents, GetHealthEvent, StartQuery APIs. - api-change:`iotwireless`: \[`botocore`] Add support for retrieving key historical and live metrics for LoRaWAN devices and gateways - api-change:`marketplace-catalog`: \[`botocore`] This release enhances the ListEntities API to support ResaleAuthorizationId filter and sort for OfferEntity in the request and the addition of a ResaleAuthorizationId field in the response of OfferSummary. - api-change:`neptune-graph`: \[`botocore`] Add the new API Start-Import-Task for Amazon Neptune Analytics. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for custom images for the CodeEditor App on SageMaker Studio ### [`v1.34.73`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codecatalyst`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for understanding pending changes to subscriptions by including two new response parameters for the GetSubscription API for Amazon CodeCatalyst. - api-change:`compute-optimizer`: \[`botocore`] This release enables AWS Compute Optimizer to analyze and generate recommendations with a new customization preference, Memory Utilization. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Amazon EC2 C7gd, M7gd and R7gd metal instances with up to 3.8 TB of local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage have up to 45% improved real-time NVMe storage performance than comparable Graviton2-based instances. - api-change:`eks`: \[`botocore`] Add multiple customer error code to handle customer caused failure when managing EKS node groups - api-change:`guardduty`: \[`botocore`] Add EC2 support for GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring auto management. - api-change:`neptune-graph`: \[`botocore`] Update ImportTaskCancelled waiter to evaluate task state correctly and minor documentation changes. - api-change:`oam`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for sharing AWS::InternetMonitor::Monitor resources. - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] Amazon QuickSight: Adds support for setting up VPC Endpoint restrictions for accessing QuickSight Website. ### [`v1.34.72`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This feature allows AWS Batch to support configuration of imagePullSecrets and allowPrivilegeEscalation for jobs running on EKS - api-change:`bedrock-agent`: \[`botocore`] This changes introduces metadata documents statistics and also updates the documentation for bedrock agent. - api-change:`bedrock-agent-runtime`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces filtering support on Retrieve and RetrieveAndGenerate APIs. - api-change:`elasticache`: \[`botocore`] Added minimum capacity to Amazon ElastiCache Serverless. This feature allows customer to ensure minimum capacity even without current load - api-change:`secretsmanager`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Secrets Manager ### [`v1.34.71`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`bedrock-agent-runtime`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to customize prompts sent through the RetrieveAndGenerate API in Agents for Amazon Bedrock. - api-change:`ce`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for backfill of cost allocation tags, with new StartCostAllocationTagBackfill and ListCostAllocationTagBackfillHistory API. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] This is a documentation update for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`finspace`: \[`botocore`] Add new operation delete-kx-cluster-node and add status parameter to list-kx-cluster-node operation. ### [`v1.34.70`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Supporting GitLab and GitLab Self Managed as source types in AWS CodeBuild. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Added support for ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaults and GetInstanceMetadataDefaults to set Instance Metadata Service account defaults - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`emr-containers`: \[`botocore`] This release increases the number of supported job template parameters from 20 to 100. - api-change:`globalaccelerator`: \[`botocore`] AWS Global Accelerator now supports cross-account sharing for bring your own IP addresses. - api-change:`medialive`: \[`botocore`] Exposing TileMedia H265 options - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Introduced support for the following new instance types on SageMaker Studio for JupyterLab and CodeEditor applications: m6i, m6id, m7i, c6i, c6id, c7i, r6i, r6id, r7i, and p5 ### [`v1.34.69`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`firehose`: \[`botocore`] Updates Amazon Firehose documentation for message regarding Enforcing Tags IAM Policy. - api-change:`kendra`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some docs for Amazon Kendra. - api-change:`pricing`: \[`botocore`] Add ResourceNotFoundException to ListPriceLists and GetPriceListFileUrl APIs - api-change:`rolesanywhere`: \[`botocore`] This release relaxes constraints on the durationSeconds request parameter for the \*Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take on values that go up to 43200. - api-change:`securityhub`: \[`botocore`] Added new resource detail object to ASFF, including resource for LastKnownExploitAt ### [`v1.34.68`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codeartifact`: \[`botocore`] This release adds Package groups to CodeArtifact so you can more conveniently configure package origin controls for multiple packages. ### [`v1.34.67`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`accessanalyzer`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for policy validation and external access findings for DynamoDB tables and streams. IAM Access Analyzer helps you author functional and secure resource-based policies and identify cross-account access. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for new webhook events (RELEASED and PRERELEASED) and filter types (TAG_NAME and RELEASE_NAME). - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] This release updates the \*InstanceStorageConfig APIs to support a new ResourceType: REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_CHAT_SEGMENTS. Use this resource type to enable streaming for real-time analysis of chat contacts and to associate a Kinesis stream where real-time analysis chat segments will be published. - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces 3 new APIs ('GetResourcePolicy', 'PutResourcePolicy' and 'DeleteResourcePolicy') and modifies the existing 'CreateTable' API for the resource-based policy support. It also modifies several APIs to accept a 'TableArn' for the 'TableName' parameter. - api-change:`managedblockchain-query`: \[`botocore`] AMB Query: update GetTransaction to include transactionId as input - api-change:`savingsplans`: \[`botocore`] Introducing the Savings Plans Return feature enabling customers to return their Savings Plans within 7 days of purchase. ### [`v1.34.66`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some formatting. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the new DescribeMacHosts API operation for getting information about EC2 Mac Dedicated Hosts. Users can now see the latest macOS versions that their underlying Apple Mac can support without needing to be updated. - api-change:`finspace`: \[`botocore`] Adding new attributes readWrite and onDemand to dataview models for Database Maintenance operations. - api-change:`logs`: \[`botocore`] Update LogSamples field in Anomaly model to be a list of LogEvent - api-change:`managedblockchain-query`: \[`botocore`] Introduces a new API for Amazon Managed Blockchain Query: ListFilteredTransactionEvents. ### [`v1.34.65`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] This release supports for a new API ListStackSetAutoDeploymentTargets, which provider auto-deployment configuration as a describable resource. Customers can now view the specific combinations of regions and OUs that are being auto-deployed. - api-change:`kms`: \[`botocore`] Adds the ability to use the default policy name by omitting the policyName parameter in calls to PutKeyPolicy and GetKeyPolicy - api-change:`mediatailor`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to allow customers to show different content within a channel depending on metadata associated with the viewer. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] This release launches the ModifyIntegration API and support for data filtering for zero-ETL Integrations. - api-change:`s3`: \[`botocore`] Fix two issues with response root node names. - api-change:`timestream-query`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates, March 2024 ### [`v1.34.64`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`backup`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces a boolean attribute ManagedByAWSBackupOnly as part of ListRecoveryPointsByResource api to filter the recovery points based on ownership. This attribute can be used to filter out the recovery points protected by AWSBackup. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] AWS CodeBuild now supports overflow behavior on Reserved Capacity. - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] This release adds Hierarchy based Access Control fields to Security Profile public APIs and adds support for UserAttributeFilter to SearchUsers API. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Add media accelerator and neuron device information on the describe instance types API. - api-change:`kinesisanalyticsv2`: \[`botocore`] Support for Flink 1.18 in Managed Service for Apache Flink - api-change:`s3`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon S3. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Adds m6i, m6id, m7i, c6i, c6id, c7i, r6i r6id, r7i, p5 instance type support to Sagemaker Notebook Instances and miscellaneous wording fixes for previous Sagemaker documentation. - api-change:`workspaces-thin-client`: \[`botocore`] Removed unused parameter kmsKeyArn from UpdateDeviceRequest ### [`v1.34.63`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`amplify`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amplify. Identifies the APIs available only to apps created using Amplify Gen 1. - api-change:`ec2-instance-connect`: \[`botocore`] This release includes a new exception type "SerialConsoleSessionUnsupportedException" for SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey API. - api-change:`elbv2`: \[`botocore`] This release allows you to configure HTTP client keep-alive duration for communication between clients and Application Load Balancers. - api-change:`fis`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for previewing target resources before running a FIS experiment. It also adds resource ARNs for actions, experiments, and experiment templates to API responses. - api-change:`iot-roborunner`: \[`botocore`] The iot-roborunner client has been removed following the deprecation of the service. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for EBCDIC collation for RDS for Db2. - api-change:`secretsmanager`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update for Secrets Manager - api-change:`timestream-influxdb`: \[`botocore`] This is the initial SDK release for Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB. Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB is a new time-series database engine that makes it easy for application developers and DevOps teams to run InfluxDB databases on AWS for near real-time time-series applications using open source APIs. - enhancement:`urllib3`: \[`botocore`] Added support for urllib3 2.2.1+ in Python 3.10+ ### [`v1.34.62`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`ivs-realtime`: \[`botocore`] adds support for multiple new composition layout configuration options (grid, pip) - api-change:`kinesisanalyticsv2`: \[`botocore`] Support new RuntimeEnvironmentUpdate parameter within UpdateApplication API allowing callers to change the Flink version upon which their application runs. - api-change:`s3`: \[`botocore`] This release makes the default option for S3 on Outposts request signing to use the SigV4A algorithm when using AWS Common Runtime (CRT). ### [`v1.34.61`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] CloudFormation documentation update for March, 2024 - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] This release increases MaxResults limit to 500 in request for SearchUsers, SearchQueues and SearchRoutingProfiles APIs of Amazon Connect. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. - api-change:`kafka`: \[`botocore`] Added support for specifying the starting position of topic replication in MSK-Replicator. - api-change:`ssm`: \[`botocore`] March 2024 doc-only updates for Systems Manager. ### [`v1.34.60`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codestar-connections`: \[`botocore`] Added a sync configuration enum to disable publishing of deployment status to source providers (PublishDeploymentStatus). Added a sync configuration enum (TriggerStackUpdateOn) to only trigger changes. - api-change:`elasticache`: \[`botocore`] Revisions to API text that are now to be carried over to SDK text, changing usages of "SFO" in code examples to "us-west-1", and some other typos. - api-change:`mediapackagev2`: \[`botocore`] This release enables customers to safely update their MediaPackage v2 channel groups, channels and origin endpoints using entity tags. ### [`v1.34.59`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds JobStateTimeLimitActions setting to the Job Queue API. It allows you to configure an action Batch can take for a blocking job in front of the queue after the defined period of time. The new parameter applies for ECS, EKS, and FARGATE Job Queues. - api-change:`bedrock-agent-runtime`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update for Bedrock Runtime Agent - api-change:`cloudtrail`: \[`botocore`] Added exceptions to CreateTrail, DescribeTrails, and ListImportFailures APIs. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for a new webhook event: PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED. - api-change:`cognito-idp`: \[`botocore`] Add ConcurrentModificationException to SetUserPoolMfaConfig - api-change:`guardduty`: \[`botocore`] Add RDS Provisioned and Serverless Usage types - api-change:`transfer`: \[`botocore`] Added DES_EDE3\_CBC to the list of supported encryption algorithms for messages sent with an AS2 connector. ### [`v1.34.58`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appconfig`: \[`botocore`] AWS AppConfig now supports dynamic parameters, which enhance the functionality of AppConfig Extensions by allowing you to provide parameter values to your Extensions at the time you deploy your configuration. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds an optional parameter to RegisterImage and CopyImage APIs to support tagging AMIs at the time of creation. - api-change:`grafana`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for the new GrafanaToken as part of the Amazon Managed Grafana Enterprise plugins upgrade to associate your AWS account with a Grafana Labs account. - api-change:`lambda`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for AWS Lambda - api-change:`payment-cryptography-data`: \[`botocore`] AWS Payment Cryptography EMV Decrypt Feature Release - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Updates Amazon RDS documentation for io2 storage for Multi-AZ DB clusters - api-change:`snowball`: \[`botocore`] Doc-only update for change to EKS-Anywhere ordering. - api-change:`wafv2`: \[`botocore`] You can increase the max request body inspection size for some regional resources. The size setting is in the web ACL association config. Also, the AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet EnableMachineLearning setting now takes a Boolean instead of a primitive boolean type, for languages like Java. - api-change:`workspaces`: \[`botocore`] Added note for user decoupling ### [`v1.34.57`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] Doc only updates for DynamoDB documentation - api-change:`imagebuilder`: \[`botocore`] Add PENDING status to Lifecycle Execution resource status. Add StartTime and EndTime to ListLifecycleExecutionResource API response. - api-change:`mwaa`: \[`botocore`] Amazon MWAA adds support for Apache Airflow v2.8.1. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Updated the input of CreateDBCluster and ModifyDBCluster to support setting CA certificates. Updated the output of DescribeDBCluster to show current CA certificate setting value. - api-change:`redshift`: \[`botocore`] Update for documentation only. Covers port ranges, definition updates for data sharing, and definition updates to cluster-snapshot documentation. - api-change:`verifiedpermissions`: \[`botocore`] Deprecating details in favor of configuration for GetIdentitySource and ListIdentitySources APIs. ### [`v1.34.56`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`apigateway`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway - api-change:`chatbot`: \[`botocore`] Minor update to documentation. - api-change:`organizations`: \[`botocore`] This release contains an endpoint addition - api-change:`sesv2`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for providing custom headers within SendEmail and SendBulkEmail for SESv2. ### [`v1.34.55`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] Add DetailedStatus field to DescribeStackEvents and DescribeStacks APIs - api-change:`fsx`: \[`botocore`] Added support for creating FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems with up to 12 HA pairs, delivering up to 72 GB/s of read throughput and 12 GB/s of write throughput. - api-change:`organizations`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update for AWS Organizations ### [`v1.34.54`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`accessanalyzer`: \[`botocore`] Fixed a typo in description field. - api-change:`autoscaling`: \[`botocore`] With this release, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet improve the default price protection behavior of attribute-based instance type selection of Spot Instances, to consistently select from a wide range of instance types. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] With this release, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet improve the default price protection behavior of attribute-based instance type selection of Spot Instances, to consistently select from a wide range of instance types. ### [`v1.34.53`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`docdb-elastic`: \[`botocore`] Launched Elastic Clusters Readable Secondaries, Start/Stop, Configurable Shard Instance count, Automatic Backups and Snapshot Copying - api-change:`eks`: \[`botocore`] Added support for new AL2023 AMIs to the supported AMITypes. - api-change:`lexv2-models`: \[`botocore`] This release makes AMAZON.QnAIntent generally available in Amazon Lex. This generative AI feature leverages large language models available through Amazon Bedrock to automate frequently asked questions (FAQ) experience for end-users. - api-change:`migrationhuborchestrator`: \[`botocore`] Adds new CreateTemplate, UpdateTemplate and DeleteTemplate APIs. - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] TooltipTarget for Combo chart visuals; ColumnConfiguration limit increase to 2000; Documentation Update - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for ModelDataSource in Model Packages to support unzipped models. Adds support to specify SourceUri for models which allows registration of models without mandating a container for hosting. Using SourceUri, customers can decouple the model from hosting information during registration. - api-change:`securitylake`: \[`botocore`] Add capability to update the Data Lake's MetaStoreManager Role in order to perform required data lake updates to use Iceberg table format in their data lake or update the role for any other reason. ### [`v1.34.52`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds Batch support for configuration of multicontainer jobs in ECS, Fargate, and EKS. This support is available for all types of jobs, including both array jobs and multi-node parallel jobs. - api-change:`bedrock-agent-runtime`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to override search strategy performed by the Retrieve and RetrieveAndGenerate APIs for Amazon Bedrock Agents - api-change:`ce`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces the new API 'GetApproximateUsageRecords', which retrieves estimated usage records for hourly granularity or resource-level data at daily granularity. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] This release increases the range of MaxResults for GetNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisFindings to 1,000. - api-change:`iot`: \[`botocore`] This release reduces the maximum results returned per query invocation from 500 to 100 for the SearchIndex API. This change has no implications as long as the API is invoked until the nextToken is NULL. - api-change:`wafv2`: \[`botocore`] AWS WAF now supports configurable time windows for request aggregation with rate-based rules. Customers can now select time windows of 1 minute, 2 minutes or 10 minutes, in addition to the previously supported 5 minutes. ### [`v1.34.51`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`amplifyuibuilder`: \[`botocore`] We have added the ability to tag resources after they are created ### [`v1.34.50`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`apigateway`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway. - api-change:`drs`: \[`botocore`] Added volume status to DescribeSourceServer replicated volumes. - api-change:`kafkaconnect`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for tagging, with new TagResource, UntagResource and ListTagsForResource APIs to manage tags and updates to existing APIs to allow tag on create. This release also adds support for the new DeleteWorkerConfiguration API. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for gp3 data volumes for Multi-AZ DB Clusters. ### [`v1.34.49`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appsync`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only updates for AppSync - api-change:`qldb`: \[`botocore`] Clarify possible values for KmsKeyArn and EncryptionDescription. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Add pattern and length based validations for DBShardGroupIdentifier - api-change:`rum`: \[`botocore`] Doc-only update for new RUM metrics that were added ### [`v1.34.48`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`internetmonitor`: \[`botocore`] This release adds IPv4 prefixes to health events - api-change:`kinesisvideo`: \[`botocore`] Increasing NextToken parameter length restriction for List APIs from 512 to 1024. ### [`v1.34.47`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`iotevents`: \[`botocore`] Increase the maximum length of descriptions for Inputs, Detector Models, and Alarm Models - api-change:`lookoutequipment`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a field exposing model quality to read APIs for models. It also adds a model quality field to the API response when creating an inference scheduler. - api-change:`medialive`: \[`botocore`] MediaLive now supports the ability to restart pipelines in a running channel. - api-change:`ssm`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for sharing Systems Manager parameters with other AWS accounts. ### [`v1.34.46`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] Publishing quick fix for doc only update. - api-change:`firehose`: \[`botocore`] This release updates a few Firehose related APIs. - api-change:`lambda`: \[`botocore`] Add .NET 8 (dotnet8) Runtime support to AWS Lambda. ### [`v1.34.45`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`amplify`: \[`botocore`] This release contains API changes that enable users to configure their Amplify domains with their own custom SSL/TLS certificate. - api-change:`chatbot`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for AWS Chatbot. You can now monitor, operate, and troubleshoot your AWS resources with interactive ChatOps using the AWS SDK. - api-change:`config`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for the AWS Config CLI - api-change:`ivs`: \[`botocore`] Changed description for latencyMode in Create/UpdateChannel and Channel/ChannelSummary. - api-change:`keyspaces`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon Keyspaces - api-change:`mediatailor`: \[`botocore`] MediaTailor: marking #AdBreak.OffsetMillis as required. ### [`v1.34.44`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connectparticipant`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update to GetTranscript API reference guide to inform users about presence of events in the chat transcript. - api-change:`emr`: \[`botocore`] adds fine grained control over Unhealthy Node Replacement to Amazon ElasticMapReduce - api-change:`firehose`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for Data Message Extraction for decompressed CloudWatch logs, and to use a custom file extension or time zone for S3 destinations. - api-change:`lambda`: \[`botocore`] Documentation-only updates for Lambda to clarify a number of existing actions and properties. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update for a valid option in DB parameter group - api-change:`sns`: \[`botocore`] This release marks phone numbers as sensitive inputs. ### [`v1.34.43`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`artifact`: \[`botocore`] This is the initial SDK release for AWS Artifact. AWS Artifact provides on-demand access to compliance and third-party compliance reports. This release includes access to List and Get reports, along with their metadata. This release also includes access to AWS Artifact notifications settings. - api-change:`codepipeline`: \[`botocore`] Add ability to override timeout on action level. - api-change:`detective`: \[`botocore`] Doc only updates for content enhancement - api-change:`guardduty`: \[`botocore`] Marked fields IpAddressV4, PrivateIpAddress, Email as Sensitive. - api-change:`healthlake`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new response parameter, JobProgressReport, to the DescribeFHIRImportJob and ListFHIRImportJobs API operation. JobProgressReport provides details on the progress of the import job on the server. - api-change:`opensearch`: \[`botocore`] Adds additional supported instance types. - api-change:`polly`: \[`botocore`] Amazon Polly adds 1 new voice - Burcu (tr-TR) - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new API UpdateClusterSoftware for SageMaker HyperPod. This API allows users to patch HyperPod clusters with latest platform softwares. - api-change:`secretsmanager`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update for Secrets Manager - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.42`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`controltower`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for new Baseline and EnabledBaseline APIs for automating multi-account governance. - api-change:`lookoutequipment`: \[`botocore`] This feature allows customers to see pointwise model diagnostics results for their models. - api-change:`qbusiness`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the metadata-boosting feature, which allows customers to easily fine-tune the underlying ranking of retrieved RAG passages in order to optimize Q\&A answer relevance. It also adds new feedback reasons for the PutFeedback API. ### [`v1.34.41`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - bugfix:ContainerProvider: \[`botocore`] Properly refreshes token from file from EKS in ContainerProvider - api-change:`lightsail`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to upgrade the major version of a database. - api-change:`marketplace-catalog`: \[`botocore`] AWS Marketplace Catalog API now supports setting intent on requests - api-change:`resource-explorer-2`: \[`botocore`] Resource Explorer now uses newly supported IPv4 '' endpoints by default. - api-change:`securitylake`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Security Lake - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.40`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appsync`: \[`botocore`] Adds support for new options on GraphqlAPIs, Resolvers and Data Sources for emitting Amazon CloudWatch metrics for enhanced monitoring of AppSync APIs. - api-change:`cloudwatch`: \[`botocore`] Update cloudwatch client to latest version - api-change:`neptune-graph`: \[`botocore`] Adding a new option "parameters" for data plane api ExecuteQuery to support running parameterized query via SDK. - api-change:`route53domains`: \[`botocore`] This release adds bill contact support for RegisterDomain, TransferDomain, UpdateDomainContact and GetDomainDetail API. ### [`v1.34.39`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`amp`: \[`botocore`] Overall documentation updates. - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This feature allows Batch to support configuration of repository credentials for jobs running on ECS - api-change:`braket`: \[`botocore`] Creating a job will result in DeviceOfflineException when using an offline device, and DeviceRetiredException when using a retired device. - api-change:`cost-optimization-hub`: \[`botocore`] Adding includeMemberAccounts field to the response of ListEnrollmentStatuses API. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`iot`: \[`botocore`] This release allows AWS IoT Core users to enable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server Certificates when creating and updating AWS IoT Domain Configurations with Custom Domain. - api-change:`pricing`: \[`botocore`] Add Throttling Exception to all APIs. ### [`v1.34.38`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codepipeline`: \[`botocore`] Add ability to execute pipelines with new parallel & queued execution modes and add support for triggers with filtering on branches and file paths. - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] General Interactions for Visuals; Waterfall Chart Color Configuration; Documentation Update - api-change:`workspaces`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces User-Decoupling feature. This feature allows Workspaces Core customers to provision workspaces without providing users. CreateWorkspaces and DescribeWorkspaces APIs will now take a new optional parameter "WorkspaceName". ### [`v1.34.37`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`datasync`: \[`botocore`] AWS DataSync now supports manifests for specifying files or objects to transfer. - api-change:`lexv2-models`: \[`botocore`] Update lexv2-models client to latest version - api-change:`redshift`: \[`botocore`] LisRecommendations API to fetch Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations. ### [`v1.34.36`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appsync`: \[`botocore`] Support for environment variables in AppSync GraphQL APIs - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] This release is a documentation only update to address customer issues. - api-change:`es`: \[`botocore`] This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain. - api-change:`logs`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new field, logGroupArn, to the response of the logs:DescribeLogGroups action. - api-change:`opensearch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain. - api-change:`wafv2`: \[`botocore`] You can now delete an API key that you've created for use with your CAPTCHA JavaScript integration API. ### [`v1.34.35`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Introduce Catalog Encryption Role within Glue Data Catalog Settings. Introduce SASL/PLAIN as an authentication method for Glue Kafka connections - api-change:`workspaces`: \[`botocore`] Added definitions of various WorkSpace states ### [`v1.34.34`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] Any number of users can execute up to 50 concurrent restores (any type of restore) in a given account. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Amazon SageMaker Canvas adds GenerativeAiSettings support for CanvasAppSettings. - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.33`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cognito-idp`: \[`botocore`] Added CreateIdentityProvider and UpdateIdentityProvider details for new SAML IdP features - api-change:`ivs`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces a new resource Playback Restriction Policy which can be used to geo-restrict or domain-restrict channel stream playback when associated with a channel. New APIs to support this resource were introduced in the form of Create/Delete/Get/Update/List. - api-change:`managedblockchain-query`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for transactions that have not reached finality. It also removes support for the status property from the response of the GetTransaction operation. You can use the confirmationStatus and executionStatus properties to determine the status of the transaction. - api-change:`mediaconvert`: \[`botocore`] This release includes support for broadcast-mixed audio description tracks. - api-change:`neptune-graph`: \[`botocore`] Adding new APIs in SDK for Amazon Neptune Analytics. These APIs include operations to execute, cancel, list queries and get the graph summary. ### [`v1.34.32`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudformation`: \[`botocore`] CloudFormation IaC generator allows you to scan existing resources in your account and select resources to generate a template for a new or existing CloudFormation stack. - api-change:`elbv2`: \[`botocore`] Update elbv2 client to latest version - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Update page size limits for GetJobRuns and GetTriggers APIs. - api-change:`ssm`: \[`botocore`] This release adds an optional Duration parameter to StateManager Associations. This allows customers to specify how long an apply-only-on-cron association execution should run. Once the specified Duration is out all the ongoing cancellable commands or automations are cancelled. ### [`v1.34.31`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`datazone`: \[`botocore`] Add new skipDeletionCheck to DeleteDomain. Add new skipDeletionCheck to DeleteProject which also automatically deletes dependent objects - api-change:`route53`: \[`botocore`] Update the SDKs for text changes in the APIs. ### [`v1.34.30`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`autoscaling`: \[`botocore`] EC2 Auto Scaling customers who use attribute based instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot instances price protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand instance type. - api-change:`comprehend`: \[`botocore`] Comprehend PII analysis now supports Spanish input documents. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] EC2 Fleet customers who use attribute based instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot instances price protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand instance type. - api-change:`mwaa`: \[`botocore`] This release adds MAINTENANCE environment status for Amazon MWAA environments. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Introduced support for the InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot and RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime API methods. This provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience. - api-change:`snowball`: \[`botocore`] Modified description of createaddress to include direction to add path when providing a JSON file. ### [`v1.34.29`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Update list and string length limits for predefined attributes. - api-change:`inspector2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds ECR container image scanning based on their lastRecordedPullTime. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now provides an API to programmatically delete tuning jobs. ### [`v1.34.28`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`acm-pca`: \[`botocore`] AWS Private CA now supports an option to omit the CDP extension from issued certificates, when CRL revocation is enabled. - api-change:`lightsail`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for IPv6-only instance plans. ### [`v1.34.27`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Introduced a new clientToken request parameter on CreateNetworkAcl and CreateRouteTable APIs. The clientToken parameter allows idempotent operations on the APIs. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`outposts`: \[`botocore`] DeviceSerialNumber parameter is now optional in StartConnection API - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for Aurora Limitless Database. - api-change:`storagegateway`: \[`botocore`] Add DeprecationDate and SoftwareVersion to response of ListGateways. ### [`v1.34.26`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`inspector2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for CIS scans on EC2 instances. ### [`v1.34.25`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - enhancement:documentation: \[`botocore`] Updates the GitHub issue creation link in our README ### [`v1.34.24`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appconfigdata`: \[`botocore`] Fix FIPS Endpoints in aws-us-gov. - api-change:`cloud9`: \[`botocore`] Doc-only update around removing AL1 from list of available AMIs for Cloud9 - api-change:`cloudfront-keyvaluestore`: \[`botocore`] This release improves upon the DescribeKeyValueStore API by returning two additional fields, Status of the KeyValueStore and the FailureReason in case of failures during creation of KeyValueStore. - api-change:`connectcases`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the ability to view audit history on a case and introduces a new parameter, performedBy, for CreateCase and UpdateCase API's. - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Configurable Timeout to ECS Service Connect. TLS facilitates privacy and data security for inter-service communications, while Configurable Timeout allows customized per-request timeout and idle timeout for Service Connect services. - api-change:`finspace`: \[`botocore`] Allow customer to set zip default through command line arguments. - api-change:`organizations`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update for quota increase change - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Introduced support for the InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS CreateDBCluster API method. This provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience when creating database clusters with insufficient instance capacity. - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.23`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`athena`: \[`botocore`] Introducing new NotebookS3LocationUri parameter to Athena ImportNotebook API. Payload is no longer required and either Payload or NotebookS3LocationUri needs to be provided (not both) for a successful ImportNotebook API call. If both are provided, an InvalidRequestException will be thrown. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Release CodeBuild Reserved Capacity feature - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for including ApproximateCreationDateTimePrecision configurations in EnableKinesisStreamingDestination API, adds the same as an optional field in the response of DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination, and adds support for a new UpdateKinesisStreamingDestination API. - api-change:`qconnect`: \[`botocore`] Increased Quick Response name max length to 100 ### [`v1.34.22`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`b2bi`: \[`botocore`] Increasing TestMapping inputFileContent file size limit to 5MB and adding file size limit 250KB for TestParsing input file. This release also includes exposing InternalServerException for Tag APIs. - api-change:`cloudtrail`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new API ListInsightsMetricData to retrieve metric data from CloudTrail Insights. - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] GetMetricDataV2 now supports 3 groupings - api-change:`drs`: \[`botocore`] Removed invalid and unnecessary default values. - api-change:`firehose`: \[`botocore`] Allow support for Snowflake as a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery destination. - api-change:`sagemaker-featurestore-runtime`: \[`botocore`] Increase BatchGetRecord limits from 10 items to 100 items ### [`v1.34.21`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`dynamodb`: \[`botocore`] Updating note for enabling streams for UpdateTable. - api-change:`keyspaces`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for Multi-Region Replication with provisioned tables, and Keyspaces auto scaling APIs ### [`v1.34.20`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`iot`: \[`botocore`] Revert release of LogTargetTypes - api-change:`iotfleetwise`: \[`botocore`] Updated APIs: SignalNodeType query parameter has been added to ListSignalCatalogNodesRequest and ListVehiclesResponse has been extended with attributes field. - api-change:`macie2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for analyzing Amazon S3 objects that are encrypted using dual-layer server-side encryption with AWS KMS keys (DSSE-KMS). It also adds support for reporting DSSE-KMS details in statistics and metadata about encryption settings for S3 buckets and objects. - api-change:`payment-cryptography`: \[`botocore`] Provide an additional option for key exchange using RSA wrap/unwrap in addition to tr-34/tr-31 in ImportKey and ExportKey operations. Added new key usage (type) TR31\_M1\_ISO\_9797\_1\_MAC_KEY, for use with Generate/VerifyMac dataplane operations with ISO9797 Algorithm 1 MAC calculations. - api-change:`personalize-runtime`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon Personalize - api-change:`personalize`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Amazon Personalize. - api-change:`rekognition`: \[`botocore`] This release adds ContentType and TaxonomyLevel attributes to DetectModerationLabels and GetMediaAnalysisJob API responses. - api-change:`securityhub`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub ### [`v1.34.19`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] This release will have ValidationException thrown if certain invalid app types are provided. The release will also throw ValidationException if more than 10 account ids are provided in VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts. ### [`v1.34.18`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Supervisor Barge for Chat is now supported through the MonitorContact API. - api-change:`connectparticipant`: \[`botocore`] Introduce new Supervisor participant role - api-change:`location`: \[`botocore`] Location SDK documentation update. Added missing fonts to the MapConfiguration data type. Updated note for the SubMunicipality property in the place data type. - api-change:`mwaa`: \[`botocore`] This Amazon MWAA feature release includes new fields in CreateWebLoginToken response model. The new fields IamIdentity and AirflowIdentity will let you match identifications, as the Airflow identity length is currently hashed to 64 characters. - api-change:`s3control`: \[`botocore`] S3 On Outposts team adds dualstack endpoints support for S3Control and S3Outposts API calls. - api-change:`supplychain`: \[`botocore`] This release includes APIs CreateBillOfMaterialsImportJob and GetBillOfMaterialsImportJob. - api-change:`transfer`: \[`botocore`] AWS Transfer Family now supports static IP addresses for SFTP & AS2 connectors and for async MDNs on AS2 servers. - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.17`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for adding an ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for adding an ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks. - api-change:`events`: \[`botocore`] Update events client to latest version - api-change:`iot`: \[`botocore`] Add ConflictException to Update APIs of AWS IoT Software Package Catalog - api-change:`iotfleetwise`: \[`botocore`] The following dataTypes have been removed: CUSTOMER_DECODED_INTERFACE in NetworkInterfaceType; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL_INFO_IS_NULL in SignalDecoderFailureReason; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO_IS_NULL in NetworkInterfaceFailureReason; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL in SignalDecoderType - api-change:`secretsmanager`: \[`botocore`] Doc only update for Secrets Manager - api-change:`workspaces`: \[`botocore`] Added AWS Workspaces RebootWorkspaces API - Extended Reboot documentation update ### [`v1.34.16`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connectcampaigns`: \[`botocore`] Minor pattern updates for Campaign and Dial Request API fields. - api-change:`location`: \[`botocore`] This release adds API support for custom layers for the maps service APIs: CreateMap, UpdateMap, DescribeMap. - api-change:`logs`: \[`botocore`] Add support for account level subscription filter policies to PutAccountPolicy, DescribeAccountPolicies, and DeleteAccountPolicy APIs. Additionally, PutAccountPolicy has been modified with new optional "selectionCriteria" parameter for resource selection. - api-change:`qconnect`: \[`botocore`] QueryAssistant and GetRecommendations will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024. To receive generative responses after March 1, 2024 you will need to create a new Assistant in the Connect console and integrate the Amazon Q in Connect JavaScript library (amazon-q-connectjs) into your applications. - api-change:`redshift-serverless`: \[`botocore`] Updates to ConfigParameter for RSS workgroup, removal of use_fips_ssl - api-change:`route53`: \[`botocore`] Route53 now supports geoproximity routing in AWS regions - api-change:`wisdom`: \[`botocore`] QueryAssistant and GetRecommendations will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024. To receive generative responses after March 1, 2024 you will need to create a new Assistant in the Connect console and integrate the Amazon Q in Connect JavaScript library (amazon-q-connectjs) into your applications. ### [`v1.34.15`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] Aws CodeBuild now supports new compute type BUILD_GENERAL1\_XLARGE - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Amazon EC2 R7iz bare metal instances are powered by custom 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. - api-change:`route53resolver`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for query type configuration on firewall rules that enables customers for granular action (ALLOW, ALERT, BLOCK) by DNS query type. ### [`v1.34.14`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Minor trait updates for User APIs - api-change:`kms`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for AWS Key Management Service (KMS). - api-change:`redshift-serverless`: \[`botocore`] use_fips_ssl and require_ssl parameter support for Workgroup, UpdateWorkgroup, and CreateWorkgroup ### [`v1.34.13`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`config`: \[`botocore`] Updated ResourceType enum with new resource types onboarded by AWS Config in November and December 2023. - api-change:`docdb`: \[`botocore`] Adding PerformanceInsightsEnabled and PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId fields to DescribeDBInstances Response. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for managed instance draining which facilitates graceful termination of Amazon ECS instances. - api-change:`es`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints. - api-change:`lightsail`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support to set up an HTTPS endpoint on an instance. - api-change:`opensearch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Adding support for provisioned throughput mode for SageMaker Feature Groups - api-change:`servicecatalog`: \[`botocore`] Added Idempotency token support to Service Catalog AssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact, DisassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifact, DeleteServiceAction API - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.34.12`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Amazon Connect, Contact Lens Evaluation API increase evaluation notes max length to 3072. - api-change:`mediaconvert`: \[`botocore`] This release includes video engine updates including HEVC improvements, support for ingesting VP9 encoded video in MP4 containers, and support for user-specified 3D LUTs. ### [`v1.34.11`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`apprunner`: \[`botocore`] AWS App Runner adds Python 3.11 and Node.js 18 runtimes. - api-change:`location`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces a new parameter to bypasses an API key's expiry conditions and delete the key. - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] Add LinkEntityArn support for different partitions; Add UnsupportedUserEditionException in UpdateDashboardLinks API; Add support for New Reader Experience Topics ### [`v1.34.10`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codestar-connections`: \[`botocore`] New integration with the GitLab self-managed provider type. - api-change:`kinesis-video-archived-media`: \[`botocore`] NoDataRetentionException thrown when GetImages requested for a Stream that does not retain data (that is, has a DataRetentionInHours of 0). - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports Docker access from within app container ### [`v1.34.9`]( [Compare Source]( \====== - api-change:`emr`: \[`botocore`] Update emr client to latest version ### [`v1.34.8`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`glue`: \[`botocore`] Adding RowFilter in the response for GetUnfilteredTableMetadata API - api-change:`internetmonitor`: \[`botocore`] This update introduces the GetInternetEvent and ListInternetEvents APIs, which provide access to internet events displayed on the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Weather Map. - api-change:`personalize`: \[`botocore`] This releases auto training capability while creating a solution and automatically syncing latest solution versions when creating/updating a campaign ### [`v1.34.7`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`quicksight`: \[`botocore`] Adding IAMIdentityCenterInstanceArn parameter to CreateAccountSubscription - api-change:`resource-groups`: \[`botocore`] Added a new QueryErrorCode RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED that is returned by the ListGroupResources operation if the group query contains unsupported resource types. - api-change:`verifiedpermissions`: \[`botocore`] Adding BatchIsAuthorizedWithToken API which supports multiple authorization requests against a PolicyStore given a bearer token. ### [`v1.34.6`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`firehose`: \[`botocore`] Updates Amazon Firehose documentation for message regarding Enforcing Tags IAM Policy. - api-change:`kendra`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update, March 2024. Corrects some docs for Amazon Kendra. - api-change:`pricing`: \[`botocore`] Add ResourceNotFoundException to ListPriceLists and GetPriceListFileUrl APIs - api-change:`rolesanywhere`: \[`botocore`] This release relaxes constraints on the durationSeconds request parameter for the \*Profile APIs that support it. This parameter can now take on values that go up to 43200. - api-change:`securityhub`: \[`botocore`] Added new resource detail object to ASFF, including resource for LastKnownExploitAt ### [`v1.34.5`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This release adds JobStateTimeLimitActions setting to the Job Queue API. It allows you to configure an action Batch can take for a blocking job in front of the queue after the defined period of time. The new parameter applies for ECS, EKS, and FARGATE Job Queues. - api-change:`bedrock-agent-runtime`: \[`botocore`] Documentation update for Bedrock Runtime Agent - api-change:`cloudtrail`: \[`botocore`] Added exceptions to CreateTrail, DescribeTrails, and ListImportFailures APIs. - api-change:`codebuild`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for a new webhook event: PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED. - api-change:`cognito-idp`: \[`botocore`] Add ConcurrentModificationException to SetUserPoolMfaConfig - api-change:`guardduty`: \[`botocore`] Add RDS Provisioned and Serverless Usage types - api-change:`transfer`: \[`botocore`] Added DES_EDE3\_CBC to the list of supported encryption algorithms for messages sent with an AS2 connector. ### [`v1.34.4`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`appsync`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only updates for AppSync - api-change:`qldb`: \[`botocore`] Clarify possible values for KmsKeyArn and EncryptionDescription. - api-change:`rds`: \[`botocore`] Add pattern and length based validations for DBShardGroupIdentifier - api-change:`rum`: \[`botocore`] Doc-only update for new RUM metrics that were added ### [`v1.34.3`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`amp`: \[`botocore`] Overall documentation updates. - api-change:`batch`: \[`botocore`] This feature allows Batch to support configuration of repository credentials for jobs running on ECS - api-change:`braket`: \[`botocore`] Creating a job will result in DeviceOfflineException when using an offline device, and DeviceRetiredException when using a retired device. - api-change:`cost-optimization-hub`: \[`botocore`] Adding includeMemberAccounts field to the response of ListEnrollmentStatuses API. - api-change:`ecs`: \[`botocore`] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS. - api-change:`iot`: \[`botocore`] This release allows AWS IoT Core users to enable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server Certificates when creating and updating AWS IoT Domain Configurations with Custom Domain. - api-change:`pricing`: \[`botocore`] Add Throttling Exception to all APIs. ### [`v1.34.2`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Update list and string length limits for predefined attributes. - api-change:`inspector2`: \[`botocore`] This release adds ECR container image scanning based on their lastRecordedPullTime. - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now provides an API to programmatically delete tuning jobs. ### [`v1.34.1`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`sagemaker`: \[`botocore`] This release will have ValidationException thrown if certain invalid app types are provided. The release will also throw ValidationException if more than 10 account ids are provided in VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts. ### [`v1.34.0`]( [Compare Source]( \====== - feature:Python: End of support for Python 3.7 - feature:Python: \[`botocore`] End of support for Python 3.7 - api-change:`drs`: \[`botocore`] Adding AgentVersion to SourceServer and RecoveryInstance structures ### [`v1.33.13`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`imagebuilder`: \[`botocore`] This release adds the Image Workflows feature to give more flexibility and control over the image building and testing process. - api-change:`location`: \[`botocore`] This release 1) adds sub-municipality field in Places API for searching and getting places information, and 2) allows optimizing route calculation based on expected arrival time. - api-change:`logs`: \[`botocore`] This release introduces the StartLiveTail API to tail ingested logs in near real time. ### [`v1.33.12`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`neptune`: \[`botocore`] This release adds a new parameter configuration setting to the Neptune cluster related APIs that can be leveraged to switch between the underlying supported storage modes. - api-change:`pinpoint`: \[`botocore`] This release includes Amazon Pinpoint API documentation updates pertaining to campaign message sending rate limits. - api-change:`securityhub`: \[`botocore`] Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsDynamoDbTable, AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint, AwsMskCluster, AwsS3AccessPoint, AwsS3Bucket - api-change:`endpoint-rules`: \[`botocore`] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version ### [`v1.33.11`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`cloudwatch`: \[`botocore`] Update cloudwatch client to latest version - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] M2 Mac instances are built on Apple M2 Mac mini computers. I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. C7i compute optimized, M7i general purpose and R7i memory optimized instances are powered by custom 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. - api-change:`finspace`: \[`botocore`] Releasing Scaling Group, Dataview, and Volume APIs ### [`v1.33.10`]( [Compare Source]( \======= - api-change:`codedeploy`: \[`botocore`] This release adds support for two new CodeDeploy features: 1) zonal deployments for Amazon EC2 in-place deployments, 2) deployments triggered by Auto Scaling group termination lifecycle hook events. ### [`v1.33.9`]( [Compare Source]( \====== - api-change:`backup`: \[`botocore`] AWS Backup - Features: Add VaultType to the output of DescribeRecoveryPoint, ListRecoveryPointByBackupVault API and add ResourceType to the input of ListRestoreJobs API - api-change:`comprehend`: \[`botocore`] Documentation updates for Trust and Safety features. - api-change:`connect`: \[`botocore`] Releasing Tagging Support for Instance Management APIS - api-change:`ec2`: \[`botocore`] Releasing the new cpuManufacturer attribute within the DescribeInstanceTypes API response which notifies our customers with information on who the Manufacturer is for the processor attached to the instance, for example: Intel. - api-change:`payment-cryptography`: \[`botocore`] AWS Payment Cryptography IPEK feature release </details> <details> <summary>aws-cloudformation/cfn-python-lint (cfn-lint)</summary> ### [`v0.86.3`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `169.0.0` (pull #[3135]( - Support `db2-ae` and `db2-se` RDS engines for `AWS::RDS::DBInstance.Engine` (pull #[3139]( ###### Fixes - Safely get `readOnlyProperties` (pull #[3141]( ### [`v0.86.2`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `168.0.0` (pull #[3127]( - Remove `AWS::RDS::DBCluster` from exclusive checks (pull #[3119]( ###### Fixes - When doing a transform pass back FindInMap when resolution failure (pull #[3131]( - Update deprecated Lambda runtimes (pull #[3113]( ### [`v0.86.1`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `165.0.0` (pull #[3092]( ###### Fixes - RDS DB Cluster remove MasterUserPassword from exclusion with MasterUsername (pull #[3106]( - fix an issue when searching for Ref in tojsonstring (pull #[3107]( ### [`v0.86.0`]( [Compare Source]( ###### Feature - Disable and configure certain rules when template is from CDK (pull #[2971]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `163.0.0` (pull #[3076]( ### [`v0.85.3`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `162.0.0` (pull #[3069]( ###### Fixes - Raise error if any key in a mapping is null (pull #[3073]( - Add getatt support for registry schemas (pull #[3061]( - Set Application location when its a string in SAM transform (pull #[3060]( ### [`v0.85.2`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `160.0.0` (pull #[3054]( ### [`v0.85.1`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `158.0.0` (pull #[3039]( ###### Fixes - Fix an issue with using SAM and a GetAtt (pull #[3042]( ### [`v0.85.0`]( [Compare Source]( ###### Feature - Update rule [E3027]( to validate rate periods (pull #[3017]( - Add support new language extension foreach capabilities `&{parameter}` (pull #[3033]( - Passthrough metadata into SAM translator (pull #[3030]( - Switch to using path and resource names for directives (pull #[3035]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `156.0.0` (pull #[3029]( ### [`v0.84.0`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `154.0.0` (pull #[3005]( - Add db.serverless to neptune instance classes (pull #[3009]( ###### Fixes - Drop python 3.7 support (pull #[3005]( ### [`v0.83.8`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `153.0.0` (pull #[2986]( ###### Fixes - Remove rule [E2506]( which results in false positive (pull #[3001]( - Return dict str_node when doing transform (pull #[2996]( ### [`v0.83.7`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `152.0.0` (pull #[2984]( - Add `ca-west-1` region (pull #[2980]( ### [`v0.83.6`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `151.0.0` (pull #[2969]( ###### Fixes - Fix LanguageTransformer to better handle `Fn::GetAtt` dot notation in `Fn::Sub` (pull #[2974]( - Update rule [E2530]( and [I2530]( to support regionality of the `SnapStart` feature (pull #[2973]( ### [`v0.83.5`]( [Compare Source]( ###### CloudFormation Specifications - Update CloudFormation specs to `150.0.0` (pull #[2963]( - Patch in `TargetObjectKeyFormat` for `AWS::S3::Bucket` (pull #[2966]( ###### Fixes - Update rule [E3013]( to ignore dynamic references in CloudFront aliases (pull #[2967]( </details> <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi (pulumi)</summary> ### [`v3.113.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli/about] Add plugin kind to the about output [#&#8203;15996]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Remove locks between snapshot and executor systems [#&#8203;15998]( ### [`v3.113.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[backend/{diy,service}] Elide state file writes for unchanged component outputs [#&#8203;15976]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Display the entire preview with diff when a protected resource needs replacement [#&#8203;15969]( ### [`v3.113.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for inheritSettings to go, nodejs and python automation API. [#&#8203;15684]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend] Fix incorrect dependency sorting in snapshot ### [`v3.113.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[sdk/nodejs] Make TypeScript and ts-node optional peer dependencies to allow using user specified versions [#&#8203;15622]( Note: TypeScript and ts-node are now optional peer dependencies of the Node.js SDK. This makes its possible to chose any version of these packages by adding them as dependency or devDependency to your package.json. If these optional peer dependencies are not installed, Pulumi will fallback to bundled versions included in the Node.js SDK to maintain backwards compatibility. As a side effect of this change, the `tsc` binary is no longer available in `node_modules/.bin/tsc`. If you rely on `tsc` being available in your project, add it as a dependency or devDependency to your package.json. - \[sdk/python] Add 'typeChecker' runtime option to the Python language host [#&#8203;15725]( - \[auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for continue-on-error parameter of the destroy command to the Automation API [#&#8203;15921]( - \[cli] Support always fully qualifying stack names in CLI output [#&#8203;15857]( - \[cli] Add --no-plugins and --no-dependencies to `pulumi install` [#&#8203;15910]( - \[docs] Implement Java constructor syntax examples [#&#8203;15805]( - \[sdk/go] Allow unknowns during `pulumi up` [#&#8203;15942]( - \[sdk/{nodejs,python}] Allow apply to have unknown values during updates [#&#8203;15898]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[auto] Tolerate missing stack and bookkeeping files in ProgramTest [#&#8203;15863]( - \[backend/diy] Fix race condition when listing stacks [#&#8203;15931]( - \[cli] Fix a panic when user's home directory could not be looked up [#&#8203;15872]( - \[cli] Fix some commands that didn't respect `--disable-integrity-checking` [#&#8203;15911]( - \[auto/go] Avoid flakyness when reading the event log from pulumi commands [#&#8203;15856]( - \[engine] Resource transforms on component resources now apply to children correctly [#&#8203;15846]( - \[programgen/dotnet] Remove trailing whitespace from emitted DependsOn resource option expressions [#&#8203;15892]( - \[sdk/go] Fix Provider and Providers options in Go transform functions [#&#8203;15885]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Handle serialization of aliases for well known native functions [#&#8203;15873]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Correctly serialise functions whose code would make use of reserved identifiers [#&#8203;15879]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Serialize function values obtained from Function.bind [#&#8203;15887]( - \[sdk/python] Improve types of getters in Python SDK [#&#8203;15865]( - \[sdkgen/{dotnet,go}] Fix SDK-generation when referencing shared types in config variables [#&#8203;15772]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[backend/diy] Upgrade dependency to 0.37 [#&#8203;15924]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Update builtin module list for function serialization [#&#8203;15830]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Set package.json engines to node >= 18 [#&#8203;15845]( ### [`v3.112.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[docs] Implement constructor syntax examples for every resource in typescript, python, csharp and go [#&#8203;15624]( - \[docs] Implement YAML constructor syntax examples in the docs [#&#8203;15791]( - \[engine] Send output values with property dependency information to transform functions [#&#8203;15637]( - \[engine] Add a --continue-on-error flag to pulumi destroy [#&#8203;15727]( - \[sdk/go] Make `property.Map` keyed by `string` not `MapKey` [#&#8203;15767]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Make function serialization work with typescript 4 and 5 [#&#8203;15761]( - \[sdk/python] Improve the error message when depends_on is passed objects of the wrong type [#&#8203;15737]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[auto/{go,python}] Make sure to read complete lines before trying to deserialize them as engine events [#&#8203;15778]( [#&#8203;15798]( - \[auto/{go,python}] Use the full path when running pulumi from a custom CLI install [#&#8203;15802]( - \[cli/plugin] Fix installing local language plugins on Windows [#&#8203;15715]( - \[engine] Don't delete stack outputs on failed deployments [#&#8203;15754]( - \[engine] Fix a panic when updating provider version in a run using --target [#&#8203;15716]( - \[engine] Handle that Assets & Archives can be returned from providers without content. [#&#8203;15736]( - \[engine] Fix the engine trying to delete a protected resource caught in a replace chain [#&#8203;15776]( - \[sdkgen/docs] Add missing newline for `Coming soon!` [#&#8203;15783]( - \[programgen/dotnet] Fix generated code for a list of resources used in resource option DependsOn [#&#8203;15773]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,go}] Fixes emitted code for object expressions assigned to properties of type Any [#&#8203;15770]( - \[sdk/go] Fix lookup of plugin and program dependencies when using Go workspaces [#&#8203;15743]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Export automation.tag.TagMap type [#&#8203;15774]( - \[sdk/python] Wait only for pending outputs in the Python SDK, not all pending asyncio tasks [#&#8203;15744]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdk/nodejs] Reorganize function serialization tests [#&#8203;15753]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Move mockpackage tests to closure integration tests [#&#8203;15757]( ### [`v3.111.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/display] Fix superfluous newlines being written during updates - \[programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Fix enum resolution from types of the form union\[string, enum] [#&#8203;15696]( ### [`v3.111.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/go] Support remote deployment executor image [#&#8203;15697]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Test and fix the engine filling in property dependencies to provider constructs - \[sdkgen/go] Ensure package generation for Go doesn't panic when encountering overly nested arrays or maps of primitive types [#&#8203;15680]( ### [`v3.110.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli] Make "pulumi dn" an alias for "pulumi destroy" [#&#8203;15650]( - \[yaml] Update yaml to v1.6.0 [#&#8203;15661]( - \[sdk/python] Add experimental support to the Python SDK for the new transforms system [#&#8203;15376]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/state] Add `--yes` to `state upgrade` [#&#8203;15648]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,go,python}] Fix panic when generating programs for MLC packages where they include type references to external packages [#&#8203;15605]( - \[programgen/go] Fix optional primitive values being derefrenced [#&#8203;15592]( - \[sdk/go] Await output properties from Construct/Call before closing the Context [#&#8203;15611]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix codepaths computation when working dir is nested relative to package.json [#&#8203;15601]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Replace glob with fdir to avoid an indirect dependency on inflight [#&#8203;15617]( - \[sdkgen/python] Make replace-on-changes values camelCased not kebab_cased [#&#8203;15666]( ### [`v3.109.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Add support for suppress progress and suppress outputs parameters in the Automation API [#&#8203;15596]( - \[pkg] Make schema.NewPluginLoader respect PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS, which enables Pulumi YAML programs to work correctly with this feature [#&#8203;15526]( - \[sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet language host to 3.60.0 [#&#8203;15609]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Add experimental support to the NodeJS SDK for the new transforms system. [#&#8203;15532]( - \[sdk/python] Add support for asynchronous invokes via a new `invoke_async` function [#&#8203;15602]( - \[sdkgen/dotnet] Support for non-overlay components in codegen for pulumi-kubernetes provider [#&#8203;15490]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli] Fix a panic when the secrets provider is missing from the deployment snapshot [#&#8203;15599]( - \[backend/service] Make decrypt/encrypt network calls retryable to help work around network hiccups [#&#8203;15600]( - \[cli/new] Strip credentials and query strings from template URLs saved to project [#&#8203;15586]( - \[engine] Fix an issue where snapshots could become invalid when doing a targeted up [#&#8203;15476]( - \[engine] Downgrade remediate policy violations to mandatory - \[pkg/testing] Make ProgramTest use a temporary PULUMI_HOME for each test [#&#8203;15568]( - \[sdkgen/dotnet] Codegen fix for resources without constant input properties [#&#8203;15488]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Properly capture node:crypto and global.crypto in node 19+ [#&#8203;15492]( - \[sdk/python] Fix determining plugins for old packages in the Python language host [#&#8203;15576]( ### [`v3.108.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[sdk/nodejs] Move [@&#8203;types/glob]( to dev dependencies [#&#8203;15544]( ### [`v3.108.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli/state] Exit immediately from state edit when no change was made [#&#8203;15514]( - \[docs] Adds ability to process docs without Examples logic, using `<!--Start PulumiCodeChooser -->` markers in incoming schema descriptions [#&#8203;15475]( - \[pkg] Adds simple vim keyboard shortcuts to the live tree view (j,k,g,G,Ctrl+F,Ctrl+B) and also wires up Home and End keys [#&#8203;15418]( - \[sdk/go] Add experimental support to the Go SDK for the new transforms system. [#&#8203;15355]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[ci] Use SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCECOMMITID for AZ pipeline on GH PR [#&#8203;15513]( - \[engine] Fix root and program paths to always be absolute. [#&#8203;15470]( - \[pkg] Tag new pkg versions on a commit on the main branch [#&#8203;15515]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Handle yarn/npm workspaces when computing codepaths for function serialization [#&#8203;15426]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Replace deprecated read-package-tree with [@&#8203;npmcli/arborist]( [#&#8203;15503]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Upgrade to [@&#8203;grpc/grpc-js]( 1.10.1 [#&#8203;15500]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Regenerate yarn.lock to fix lru-cache hoisting [#&#8203;15543]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[backend/diy] Remove warning about non-project mode deprecation. [#&#8203;15497]( ### [`v3.107.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli/config] Adds an `--open` flag to `pulumi config` command which resolves the environment listed in the stack configuration. [#&#8203;15469]( - \[auto/go] Automation API support for `pulumi refresh --preview-only` [#&#8203;15340]( - \[engine] Add support for remote transforms to the engine. [#&#8203;15290]( - \[pkg/testing] Add a InstallDevReleases option to ProgramTest, to install pulumi dev SDKs [#&#8203;15387]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,nodejs,python}] Emit Output-returning JSON serialization methods without rewriting applies for top-level function expression [#&#8203;15371]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Detect npm and yarn workspaces setups when installing dependencies [#&#8203;15421]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Use pnpm as package manager if we find a pnpm-lock.yaml file [#&#8203;15456]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[docs] Fixes docs generator parent module computation [#&#8203;15035]( - \[engine] Test and fix the engine filling in args dependencies to provider calls. [#&#8203;15450]( - \[programgen] Fix infinite recursion when binding invoke signature into promises without accounting for recursive type references [#&#8203;15463]( ### [`v3.106.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[components] Component providers can return output values in their response to the engine. [#&#8203;15408]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Emit missing trivia for resources and local variables [#&#8203;15419]( - \[sdk/{nodejs,python}] Publish dev versions of the nodejs and python SDKs [#&#8203;15299]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli] Fix `pulumi destroy` to fill in stack config with the secret config from state, not fresh secret config. [#&#8203;15432]( - \[engine] Engine no longer assumes program dependencies are specified as semantic versions. [#&#8203;15409]( - \[components/go] Component providers now correctly return output values to the engine. [#&#8203;15405]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[protobuf] Split CallRequest into ResourceCallRequest for the ResourceMonitor service. [#&#8203;15404]( - \[backend/diy] Add a warning that non-project mode will be deprecated at some point. [#&#8203;15411]( ### [`v3.105.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/go] Adds support for `--refresh` to Stack.Up(), Stack.Preview() and Stack.Destroy() via go automation api [#&#8203;15350]( - \[cli] Adds a `preview-only` flag to `pulumi refresh`. [#&#8203;15330]( - \[cli] Adds `preview-only` flag for `pulumi destroy` and `pulumi import` [#&#8203;15336]( - \[engine] Translate all Computed and Secret values to OutputValues for Construct and Call methods. [#&#8203;15362]( - \[cli/display] Add --suppress-progress option to not print dots [#&#8203;14690]( - \[sdk/go] Add `UpgradeToOutputValues` to `MarshalOptions`. [#&#8203;15349]( - \[cli/plugin] Add experimental `plugin run` command for running plugin binaries directly. [#&#8203;12613]( - \[sdkgen/python] Update the default minimum required version of Python to 3.8 or greater for generated provider SDKs. [#&#8203;15368]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend/diy] Fix an issue where state stored on a mounted device would result in errors [#&#8203;15375]( - \[cli/state] Fix a panic when trying to delete a provider from the state that's still referenced. [#&#8203;15322]( - \[cli/state] Fix a nil reference panic in the `state edit` command. [#&#8203;15354]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[docs] Add kubernetes as a supported pulumi convert language [#&#8203;15359]( - \[sdk/python] Require Python 3.8 or greater. [#&#8203;15363]( - \[sdk/python] Upgrade grpcio to 1.60.1 [#&#8203;15366]( ### [`v3.104.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend/diy] Upgrade and fix an issue with azurekeyvault keys. [#&#8203;15334]( ### [`v3.104.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend/diy] Revert upgrade [#&#8203;15333]( ### [`v3.104.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[backend] Allows the PULUMI_SKIP_CHECKPOINTS environment variable to be set without requiring the PULUMI_EXPERIMENTAL flag. [#&#8203;15318]( - \[auto/go] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI from the Automation API [#&#8203;15049]( - \[auto/nodejs] Allow disabling version validation when using a custom PulumiCommand instance [#&#8203;15242]( - \[auto/python] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI [#&#8203;15204]( - \[auto/python] Inline programs can now be defined as async functions. [#&#8203;15278]( - \[pkg/testing] Add RequireEmptyPreviewAfterRefresh option to ProgramTest ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Fix a hang in preview --import-file. [#&#8203;15203]( - \[engine] Engine will now error if aliases request a parent with no URN. [#&#8203;15232]( - \[engine] Fix stack name validation when PULUMI_DISABLE_VALIDATION isn't set. [#&#8203;15245]( - \[engine] Fix a performance issue doing unneeded secret encryption. [#&#8203;15306]( - \[sdk/go] Include error message in local workspace validation. [#&#8203;15279]( - \[sdkgen/go] Remove pulumix references from generated enums [#&#8203;15280]( - \[programgen/nodejs] Fixes generated expression for filebase64 function to use fs.readFileSync directly with base64 encoding option [#&#8203;15253]( - \[sdkgen/python] Use importlib.metadata instead of pkg_resources [#&#8203;15266]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[auto/go] Remove obsolete note from FullyQualifiedStackName comment. [#&#8203;15281]( - \[backend/filestate] Upgrade to the latest version [#&#8203;15202]( - \[sdk/python] Remove compatability code for Python 3.7 and below. [#&#8203;15276]( ### [`v3.103.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[sdk/nodejs] Include [@&#8203;types/semver]( as a dependency [#&#8203;15251]( ### [`v3.103.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[engine] Allow import plugins to define components and logical names. [#&#8203;15199]( - \[cli/display] Incremental improvement on the output when installing plugins [#&#8203;15201]( - \[sdk] Bake the release version into the SDK [#&#8203;15185]( - \[sdk/go] Parse config paths strictly [#&#8203;15173]( - \[cli/new] Adds pulumi:template tag to `pulumi new` created projects [#&#8203;15056]( - \[auto/nodejs] Add new API to install the Pulumi CLI from the Automation API [#&#8203;14991]( - \[sdk/python] Add support for Python 3.12 [#&#8203;15190]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Fix a bug where mapping lookup could sometimes lead to an infinite loop. [#&#8203;15200]( - \[engine] Remove an incorrect assert that resources must have inputs. [#&#8203;15197]( - \[cli/display] Improve output when installing policy packs [#&#8203;15186]( - \[sdk/go] Removes `omitempty` from StepEventMetadata.DetailedDiff [#&#8203;15213]( - \[sdk/go] Replace a deleted type used by Pulumi Cloud code. [#&#8203;15216]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[yaml] Upgrade yaml to v1.5.0 [#&#8203;15214]( ### [`v3.102.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[sdk/go] Add WithValue to pulumi.Context [#&#8203;15149]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli] Fix a panic when user's home directory could not be looked up. [#&#8203;15160]( - \[cli/display] Fix JSON/YAML value diff displays. [#&#8203;15171]( - \[sdk/go] Update to v1.3.7. [#&#8203;15151]( - \[cli/import] --import-file now omits empty resource lists. [#&#8203;15132]( - \[sdk/python] Allow remote components to use output property called id [#&#8203;15115]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdkgen] Emit a warning when using id or urn as resource outputs [#&#8203;15060]( ### [`v3.101.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend/filestate] Revert upgrade to fix regressions introduced by the upgrade. [#&#8203;15128]( ### [`v3.101.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli] Adds a flag that allows inserting a fragment into the dot file when generating a graph. This can be used for styling the graph elements, setting properties etc. [#&#8203;14858]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Fix an uncommon datarace with replace steps. [#&#8203;15112]( - \[sdkgen/go] Revert using plain object type when the plainness is shallow and we should use inputty-types instead [#&#8203;15059]( - \[cli/state] Fix a panic in pulumi state when no snapshots are available [#&#8203;15045]( - \[sdkgen/python] Fixes resource imports when importing across different modules [#&#8203;14832]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[backend/filestate] Upgrade to the latest version [#&#8203;15011]( ### [`v3.100.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Adds ListEnvironments support to Go, Nodejs and Python Automation API. [#&#8203;14995]( - \[cli/display] Warn correctly about new versions being availablen when using the CLI dev channel [#&#8203;14954]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/new] Fixes duplicate printing of the AI prompt & answer on Windows. [#&#8203;15010]( - \[engine] Fix bug where unimported resources (of different types) with the same name would cause `--import-file` to panic. [#&#8203;15008]( - \[engine] Default parallel operations to a reasonable limit. [#&#8203;15016]( - \[programgen] Fixes type-annotating nested resource properties when these have quoted keys [#&#8203;15001]( - \[sdkgen] Temporarily revert validation of `urn` and `id` resource output properties [#&#8203;15025]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,python}] Allow object keys to be template expressions such as static quoted strings [#&#8203;15000]( - \[backend/service] Exclude internal events from those sent to Pulumi Cloud. [#&#8203;14972]( - \[sdk/go] fixes fulfillValue error when joining a nil output state [#&#8203;14949]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[pkg] Upgrade pulumi-java to v0.9.9 [#&#8203;15007]( - \[yaml] Upgrade yaml to v1.4.5 [#&#8203;15007]( ### [`v3.99.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli/config] Adds `pulumi config env ls` command to list the environment imports declared in a stack configuration. [#&#8203;14855]( - \[cli/new] Adds pulumi new --ai functionality. [#&#8203;14685]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Add an environment variable (`PULUMI_ERROR_OUTPUT_STRING`) to throw when an output tries to convert to a string. [#&#8203;14811]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[auto/nodejs] Always run cleanup for refresh and destroy commands [#&#8203;14948]( - \[auto/nodejs] Don't mutate original stack settings when saving [#&#8203;14952]( - \[programgen] Avoid pretty printing large object graphs when a resource property doesn't type-check when binding PCL programs [#&#8203;14864]( - \[cli/config] Fixes config copy command to also copy environments from the source stack [#&#8203;14847]( - \[cli/config] Fix a bug in `pulumi config env ls --json` where the json flag was not being correctly passed through. [#&#8203;14961]( - \[programgen/go] Fix required config variables of type bool and number [#&#8203;14958]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[cli] Update esc to v0.6.2 [#&#8203;14960]( - \[yaml] Upgrade yaml to 1.4.4 [#&#8203;14963]( ### [`v3.98.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli/import] Import can now distinguish between logical names and source names. [#&#8203;14745]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Fix generated utility functions for filebase64, filebase64sha256, sha1 and mimeType [#&#8203;14857]( - \[programgen/{nodejs,python}] Fix duplicated import statements when instantiating a component multiple times [#&#8203;14829]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[cli] Update esc to v0.6.1 [#&#8203;14939]( ### [`v3.97.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[auto/go] Add `ChangeSecretsProvider` to workspace and stack APIs. [#&#8203;14039]( - \[auto/go] Adds AddEnvironments and RemoveEnvironment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace types for Go Automation API. [#&#8203;14785]( - \[auto/nodejs] Adds addEnvironments and removeEnvironment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace classes for Nodejs Automation API. [#&#8203;14788]( - \[auto/python] Adds add_environments and remove_environment functions to Stack and LocalWorkspace classes for python Automation API. [#&#8203;14776]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix a bug in nodejs providers returning empty inputs on read. [#&#8203;14803]( - \[sdkgen/go] Fix generated usage documentation for enum input types [#&#8203;14739]( ### [`v3.96.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli] The CLI now uses the yaml converter plugin rather than yaml convert logic linked in. [#&#8203;14437]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/display] Fixes displaying `warning: GOCOVERDIR not set, no coverage data emitted` [#&#8203;14804]( - \[engine] Don't validate URNs, this was causing issues with unexpected data from filestate backends. [#&#8203;14741]( ### [`v3.96.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[sdkgen/nodejs] Include [@&#8203;types/google-protobuf]( as a dependency ### [`v3.96.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - \[cli] Add `--import-file` to `pulumi preview` to generate a placeholder import file for every resource that needs to Create. [#&#8203;14548]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Add TypeScript definitions for the grpc and protobuf generated code. [#&#8203;14415]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[auto] Don't swallow error if EditDir is not found in ProgramTest. [#&#8203;14695]( - \[cli/display] Fix a panic in diff display when parsing YAML strings [#&#8203;14710]( - \[auto/python] Ensures that the project_settings has a main directory for inline programs in python [#&#8203;14709]( - \[engine] Error if a resource's parent is a skipped create. [#&#8203;14672]( - \[engine] Warn if SDKs are trying to use old RegisterResource style StackReferences. [#&#8203;14678]( - \[engine] Send resource inputs as inputs and state for Reads. [#&#8203;14683]( - \[engine] Engine now prefers stable plugin versions to pre-releases when no explict version is given. [#&#8203;14700]( - \[engine] Fix handling of delete failures for targeted destroys [#&#8203;14735]( - \[sdkgen] Return all bind diagnostics in sdk-gen rather than just the first. [#&#8203;14661]( - \[sdkgen/go] Fix compiling plain element type with plain maps [#&#8203;14704]( - \[sdkgen/go] Fix generating input collection types for enums when used from an array of map of enums [#&#8203;14744]( - \[backend/service] Service backend now validates snapshots are valid on load, same as the self managed backend. This can be disabled with --disable-integrity-checking. [#&#8203;14046]( </details> <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi-aws (pulumi-aws)</summary> ### [`v6.32.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`9a00d6c`]( Upstream v5.46.0 ([#&#8203;3850]( ### [`v6.31.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`81f45e7`]( Add CODEBUILD_CONFIG_AUTO_DISCOVER environment variable of CodeBuild example - [`d12eda4`]( Cascade-replace resources when provider region changes ([#&#8203;3497]( - [`9bcae4e`]( Change the rule for dashed values to include suffixes - [`34e21c8`]( Fix panic in aws.rds.Proxy ([#&#8203;3838]( - [`a42f5af`]( Move instance types to an embedded file - [`1a2dbae`]( Revert "Cascade-replace resources when provider region changes" ([#&#8203;3825]( - [`41df283`]( Sort existing types alphabetically - [`4a44681`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3830]( - [`0d3931c`]( Update the list of instance types ### [`v6.31.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`c90c65c`]( Codify instance type names - [`28d6e36`]( Fix flaky test TestAccKmsAliasTs - [`16ae22e`]( Fix rds db param group default ([#&#8203;3802]( - [`8f74c96`]( Normalize rententionDays in controltower.LandingZone ([#&#8203;3812]( - [`6623fc6`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3813]( - [`82ce75c`]( Upstream 5.45.0 ([#&#8203;3820]( - [`a5632df`]( fix: sns topic creation should not be idempotent ([#&#8203;3809]( ### [`v6.30.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`c1939a0`]( Upstream v5.44.0 ([#&#8203;3792]( ### [`v6.29.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`4f603f8`]( Revert "Deprecation: inline rules for SecurityGroup and NetworkAcl resources ([#&#8203;3729](" - [`1eaf9df`]( Revert "Deprecation: inline rules for SecurityGroup and NetworkAcl resources" ([#&#8203;3785]( - [`ac90d61`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3789]( - [`cd590ac`]( Upgrade pulumi-converter-terraform to v1.0.16 ([#&#8203;3775]( - [`ffa64dc`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.80.0 ([#&#8203;3783]( ### [`v6.29.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`c711d36`]( Fresh dependencies for the express example ([#&#8203;3766]( - [`97eea72`]( Higher timeout for Go test ([#&#8203;3770]( - [`2d5ad20`]( Move upgrade tests to the new framework ([#&#8203;3772]( - [`0e14dc9`]( Retry for all tag fetching ([#&#8203;3765]( - [`6bcaba0`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3761]( - [`fe888ec`]( Upstream v5.43.0 ([#&#8203;3767]( ### [`v6.28.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`60ee1d9`]( Correctly set the alt type for `aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy` ([#&#8203;3743]( - [`2ee8434`]( Update the interface for ECS Container PortMapping with current options ([#&#8203;3043]( - [`bcceea1`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.79.0 ([#&#8203;3758]( - [`1ee3194`]( fix: rds.dataSourceEngineVersionRead panic ([#&#8203;3757]( ### [`v6.28.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog #### What's Changed - Upstream v5.42.0 by [@&#8203;t0yv0]( in - Add support for C7a instance types by [@&#8203;t0yv0]( in - Remove patch for CloudWatch Logging entry in Lambda description by [@&#8203;guineveresaenger]( in - Fix rds.ParameterGroup diff not clear [#&#8203;2442]( by [@&#8203;t0yv0]( in - Remove stale doc for acm.CertificateValidation by [@&#8203;guineveresaenger]( in - Cleanup: Update import overwrite for Network Firewall Resource Policy by [@&#8203;guineveresaenger]( in - Fix updating tags on aws_launch_template by [@&#8203;t0yv0]( in - Update auto-generated AWS managed IAM policies by [@&#8203;iwahbe]( in - Deprecation: inline rules for SecurityGroup and NetworkAcl resources by [@&#8203;EronWright]( in - Add EKS service principal for Node.js SDK by [@&#8203;auvred]( in #### Dependencies - Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.78.0 by [@&#8203;pulumi-bot]( in #### New Contributors - [@&#8203;EronWright]( made their first contribution in - [@&#8203;auvred]( made their first contribution in **Full Changelog**: ### [`v6.27.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`bee47b4`]( Expand upgrade tests ([#&#8203;3610]( - [`0e1f789`]( Upstream 5.41.0 ([#&#8203;3645]( ### [`v6.25.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`df5d522`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to [`54802d5`]( ([#&#8203;3609]( - [`b82e030`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.77.0 ([#&#8203;3607]( - [`7410dc2`]( fix: role inline policies fail to create without a policy name ([#&#8203;3587]( ### [`v6.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`8837819`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.39.1 ([#&#8203;3565]( ### [`v6.24.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`59f3fff`]( Add dotnet8 runtime ([#&#8203;3559]( - [`133b3c9`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3552]( ### [`v6.24.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`4c1ce0e`]( Unsecret tags all ([#&#8203;3471]( - [`9934627`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3466]( - [`9a0bcc6`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3484]( ### [`v6.23.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`93747ac`]( Bump codecov action version ([#&#8203;3456]( - [`82f3445`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3453]( - [`d936c98`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.37.0 ([#&#8203;3458]( ### [`v6.22.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`d80e951`]( Patch lambda to allow imports ([#&#8203;3420]( - [`1dfd4a2`]( Update GH workflows ([#&#8203;3437]( - [`df03108`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3441]( - [`3836eca`]( Update install gh release ([#&#8203;3434]( ### [`v6.22.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`d9e50d6`]( Patch upstream doc to be an H3 and display as part of the Example Usage section ([#&#8203;3410]( - [`32a25bf`]( Revert upstream changes triggering LB panic ([#&#8203;3426]( - [`6cef7e7`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3414]( ### [`v6.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`0ea2461`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.74.0 ([#&#8203;3409]( - [`36d8107`]( Upgrade terraform provider aws to v5.36.0 ([#&#8203;3411]( ### [`v6.21.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`c521a67`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3395]( - [`e976921`]( Update plugin sdk replace in examples ([#&#8203;3381]( - [`58f4637`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to [`b82e8b2`]( ([#&#8203;3394]( - [`7c8b0ee`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.35.0 ([#&#8203;3398]( ### [`v6.20.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`8dc14b1`]( Fix inconsistent behavior of aws.ssm.Document ([#&#8203;3353]( - [`be20793`]( Improve error messages around AWS config ([#&#8203;3310]( - [`6958b62`]( Move aws_s3\_bucket_legacy out of the patch set ([#&#8203;3374]( - [`60fee05`]( Swap CtyInstanceState with PlanResourceChange flag ([#&#8203;3359]( - [`be49f0a`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3366]( - [`58aa16d`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3372]( - [`c1b3729`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to [`6d1962d`]( ([#&#8203;3377]( - [`398b4af`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.73.0 ([#&#8203;3370]( ### [`v6.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`8b507b2`]( Fix [#&#8203;2868]( permanent diff on Congnito UserPool ([#&#8203;3246]( - [`2e71692`]( Remove VPC from tags test matrix ([#&#8203;3296]( - [`221d7ca`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3300]( - [`67ba186`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.72.0 ([#&#8203;3333]( - [`ed8660d`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.34.0 ([#&#8203;3354]( ### [`v6.18.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`9b4cc35`]( AWS Region `ca-west-1` ([#&#8203;3291]( - [`abfc6ac`]( Add precisions about using aws.s3.bucket with other cloud provider s3 integration ([#&#8203;3280]( - [`9335f62`]( Upgrade terraform provider aws to v5.32.0 ([#&#8203;3292]( - [`ad4dab3`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.32.1 ([#&#8203;3298]( - [`e6e3f9d`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.33.0 ([#&#8203;3299]( ### [`v6.18.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`a381c97`]( Add r5dn.metal ([#&#8203;3281]( - [`976def3`]( Non-idempotent SNS topic creation workaround ([#&#8203;3235]( - [`367529d`]( Patch ACM retry to not retry after LimitExceededException ([#&#8203;3290]( - [`6050193`]( Revert "Non-idempotent SNS topic creation workaround ([#&#8203;3235](" ([#&#8203;3272]( - [`b079b70`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3258]( - [`8e8813d`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3267]( - [`6bed545`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3287]( - [`b3675bd`]( Update aws.lambda.Runtime to latest AWS support ([#&#8203;3261]( - [`57e85aa`]( Update instance types ([#&#8203;3266]( - [`fc64791`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.71.0 ([#&#8203;3285]( - [`1388186`]( Validate if read-package-tree is necessary ([#&#8203;3238]( ### [`v6.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`3ebe0ad`]( Add endpoints option to ([#&#8203;3239]( - [`e73ab1d`]( Bump from 5.9.0 to 5.11.0 in /examples - [`ea4e4a7`]( Bump from 5.9.0 to 5.11.0 in /sdk - [`5b3ad6a`]( Bump in /examples/tags-combinations-go - [`a24ff26`]( Bump in /examples/webserver-go - [`68efaf1`]( Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 in /examples/webserver-go - [`ba4fabe`]( Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 in /sdk - [`9d6b6f2`]( Bump in /examples/tags-combinations-go - [`178ea8e`]( Bump the go_modules group across 5 directories with 1 update - [`0cddab9`]( Combined dependencies PR ([#&#8203;3192]( - [`edce261`]( Combined dependencies PR ([#&#8203;3223]( - [`dd892df`]( Combined dependencies PR ([#&#8203;3237]( - [`c5916dd`]( Disable retry for KMS access denied in lambda ([#&#8203;3234]( - [`22e2bc2`]( Fix failing tests because of missing amazon linux 1 AMI ([#&#8203;3207]( - [`fcad3a1`]( Make integration tests stricter ([#&#8203;3183]( - [`da98332`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/tags-combinations-go/' into combined-pr-branch - [`f0da8a3`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/tags-combinations-go/' into combined-pr-branch - [`8c1f884`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/webserver-go/' into combined-pr-branch - [`b064297`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/examples/webserver-go/' into combined-pr-branch - [`92f35b5`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/' into combined-pr-branch - [`38af704`]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dependabot/go_modules/sdk/' into combined-pr-branch - [`b4ef67c`]( Reintroduce OIDC test without the condition blocking releases ([#&#8203;3176]( - [`29edae4`]( Unpin pulumi cli 3 ([#&#8203;3191]( - [`9a2208a`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3210]( - [`c96e7ed`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3229]( - [`04a3828`]( Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.70.0 ([#&#8203;3204]( - [`3633fe8`]( run `go mod tidy` - [`05c97fc`]( run `go mod tidy` ### [`v6.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`31412fb`]( Revert "CI tests for OIDC authentication ([#&#8203;3074](" ([#&#8203;3175]( ### [`v6.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`7375675`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.31.0 ([#&#8203;3159]( ### [`v6.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`d5769a0`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3127]( - [`cbba826`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3143]( - [`6f07d7f`]( Update Java ([#&#8203;3134]( - [`2c9304f`]( Upgrade terraform-provider-aws to v5.30.0 ([#&#8203;3142]( ### [`v6.13.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`c14542a`]( Fix 3092 ([#&#8203;3126]( - [`08401e2`]( Relax sqs/queue upgrade test to permits Updates ([#&#8203;3123]( ### [`v6.13.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog - [`1083a8b`]( Add assume role with web identity, expand assume role properties in creds validation ([#&#8203;3084]( - [`e68945c`]( Introduce accidentally dropped Plugin Framework resources ([#&#8203;3099]( - [`9a6fbf2`]( Reproduce panic when passing unknowns to SecurityGroup ([#&#8203;3094]( - [`da80d88`]( Update GitHub Actions workflows. ([#&#8203;3098]( - [`33788f8`]( Update bridge to a pre-release version [`538570c`]( </details> <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi-aws-native (pulumi-aws-native)</summary> ### [`v0.102.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.101.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.100.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.99.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.98.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Fix warning from makefile before we're run codegen by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Generalize tag type where possible by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Switch to pulumi fork of jsschema by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Fix generating types for refs to map types by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Identify all tag styles by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Default tags by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Automated Pulumi/Pulumi upgrade by [@&#8203;pulumi-bot]( in - Handle write-only properties by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in - Automated SDK generation @&#8203; aws-cloudformation-user-guide [`19dc52c`]( by [@&#8203;pulumi-bot]( in - Fix precedence of credential sources by [@&#8203;danielrbradley]( in **Full Changelog**: ### [`v0.97.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.96.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.95.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.94.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.93.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.92.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.91.0`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi-command (pulumi-command)</summary> ### [`v0.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Handle errors when setting remote environment variables properly, and document limitations ([#&#8203;395]( - Tie codegen version to version ([#&#8203;392]( - Allow opt-out of adding stdout/stderr env variables ([#&#8203;355]( - fixes *error: fork/exec /bin/sh: argument list too long*. Thank you [@&#8203;julsemaan](! - `pulumi-gen-command/main.go` is removed in favor of the standard `pulumi package get-schema` </details> <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi-policy (pulumi-policy)</summary> ### [`v1.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix panic when a stack policy with a "remediate" level reports a violation ( - Node.js: Upgrade to `@grpc/grpc-js` 1.10.1 and remove calls to deprecated `server.start` ( ### [`v1.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Python: Update `grpcio` dependency to match the `pulumi` package ( ### [`v1.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Explicitly convert gRPC port number to string to prevent node output colorization ( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy42OC40IiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzcuMjk1LjAiLCJ0YXJnZXRCcmFuY2giOiJtYXN0ZXIifQ==-->
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renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 816c385f62 to 861ba3a412 2024-02-29 03:08:39 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from bf1562fbaf to 3e355fe578 2024-03-02 03:09:10 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from cb4fd423ca to d7b6de0599 2024-03-06 03:09:56 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from d7b6de0599 to a41c277b0d 2024-03-07 03:10:13 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from a41c277b0d to 527dd7ee53 2024-03-08 03:10:11 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 527dd7ee53 to 8f47d5629d 2024-03-09 03:14:48 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 8f47d5629d to 30410c91fe 2024-03-12 03:11:11 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 30410c91fe to de595fdc88 2024-03-13 03:13:17 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from de595fdc88 to 3bde02b0e0 2024-03-14 03:11:58 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 3bde02b0e0 to d7a789e67c 2024-03-15 03:12:05 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from d7a789e67c to 799de91273 2024-03-16 03:13:36 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 799de91273 to e7cf83b887 2024-03-20 19:48:30 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from e7cf83b887 to adc8eea140 2024-03-21 03:00:38 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from adc8eea140 to 852429679e 2024-03-22 03:00:42 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 79009426d6 to f2204f08dc 2024-03-26 03:00:37 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from f2204f08dc to ea8634f1f9 2024-03-27 03:00:59 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from ea8634f1f9 to 8f132f7b35 2024-03-28 03:01:05 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 8f132f7b35 to 6231638b2a 2024-03-29 03:01:20 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 6231638b2a to 14d915e78b 2024-03-30 03:01:10 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 14d915e78b to 9987556535 2024-03-31 03:01:12 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 9987556535 to 40662572b4 2024-04-02 03:01:16 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 40662572b4 to 4ba5e9ee97 2024-04-03 03:01:25 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 4ba5e9ee97 to dc612aa208 2024-04-04 03:01:29 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from dc612aa208 to a6027a31ab 2024-04-05 03:01:35 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from a6027a31ab to c1cc29d398 2024-04-06 03:01:44 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from c1cc29d398 to e76c862bb1 2024-04-09 03:02:04 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from e76c862bb1 to 4949c3d387 2024-04-10 03:01:55 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 4949c3d387 to 623bbd67cd 2024-04-11 03:02:09 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 623bbd67cd to df90c4743e 2024-04-12 03:02:15 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from df90c4743e to f553bd589e 2024-04-13 03:02:12 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from f553bd589e to 12c5207af0 2024-04-16 03:02:31 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 12c5207af0 to 65fa1e032a 2024-04-17 03:01:28 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 65fa1e032a to e5d6229b7f 2024-04-18 03:01:36 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from e5d6229b7f to d02f390b6c 2024-04-19 03:01:31 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from d02f390b6c to f74ebe0b10 2024-04-20 03:01:30 +00:00 Compare
stefan merged commit 311f409385 into master 2024-04-22 13:07:28 +00:00
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