Stefan Reimer d9320daa34 Squashed '.ci/' changes from 63421d1..2c44e4f
2c44e4f Disable concurrent builds
7144a42 Improve Trivy scanning logic
c1a48a6 Remove auto stash push / pop as being too dangerous
318c19e Add merge comment for subtree
22ed100 Fix custom branch docker tags
227e39f Allow custom GIT_TAG
38a9cda Debug CI pipeline
3efcc81 Debug CI pipeline
5023473 Make branch detection work for tagged commits
cdc32e0 Improve cleanup flow
8df60af Fix derp
748a4bd Migrate to :: to allow custom make steps, add generic stubs
955afa7 Apply pep8
5819ded Improve ECR public lifecycle handling via python script
5d4e4ad Make rm-remote-untagged less noisy
f00e541 Add cleanup step to remove untagged images by default
0821e91 Ensure tag names are valid for remote branches like PRs
79eebe4 add ARCH support for tests
aea1ccc Only add branch name to tags, if not part of actual tag
a5875db Make EXTRA_TAGS work again

git-subtree-dir: .ci
git-subtree-split: 2c44e4fd8550d30fba503a2bcccec8e0bac1c151
2024-06-25 17:16:10 +00:00

89 lines
2.3 KiB

// Common container builder by ZeroDownTime
def call(Map config=[:]) {
pipeline {
options {
agent {
node {
label 'podman-aws-trivy'
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
sh 'mkdir -p reports'
// we set pull tags as project adv. options
// pull tags
//withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'gitea-jenkins-user')]) {
// sh 'git fetch -q --tags ${GIT_URL}'
// Optional project specific preparations
sh 'make prepare'
// Build using rootless podman
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'make build GIT_BRANCH=$GIT_BRANCH'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'make test'
// Scan via trivy
stage('Scan') {
steps {
// we always scan and create the full json report
sh 'TRIVY_FORMAT=json TRIVY_OUTPUT="reports/trivy.json" make scan'
// render custom full html report
sh 'trivy convert -f template -t @/home/jenkins/html.tpl -o reports/trivy.html reports/trivy.json'
publishHTML target: [
allowMissing: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
keepAll: true,
reportDir: 'reports',
reportFiles: 'trivy.html',
reportName: 'TrivyScan',
reportTitles: 'TrivyScan'
sh 'echo "Trivy report at: $BUILD_URL/TrivyScan"'
// fail build if issues found above trivy threshold
script {
if ( config.trivyFail ) {
sh "TRIVY_SEVERITY=${config.trivyFail} trivy convert --report summary --exit-code 1 reports/trivy.json"
// Push to container registry if not PR
// incl. basic registry retention removing any untagged images
stage('Push') {
when { not { changeRequest() } }
steps {
sh 'make push'
sh 'make rm-remote-untagged'
// generic clean
stage('cleanup') {
steps {
sh 'make clean'