Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v0.7.3" have entirely different histories.

17 changed files with 114 additions and 388 deletions

View File

@ -2,22 +2,6 @@
Various toolchain bits and pieces shared between projects Various toolchain bits and pieces shared between projects
# Quickstart
Create top-level Makefile
REGISTRY := <your-registry>
IMAGE := <image_name>
REGION := <AWS region of your registry>
include .ci/
Add subtree to your project:
git subtree add --prefix .ci master --squash
## Jenkins ## Jenkins
Shared groovy libraries Shared groovy libraries

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import boto3
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Implement basic public ECR lifecycle policy')
parser.add_argument('--repo', dest='repositoryName', action='store', required=True,
help='Name of the public ECR repository')
parser.add_argument('--keep', dest='keep', action='store', default=10, type=int,
help='number of tagged images to keep, default 10')
parser.add_argument('--dev', dest='delete_dev', action='store_true',
help='also delete in-development images only having tags like v0.1.1-commitNr-githash')
args = parser.parse_args()
client = boto3.client('ecr-public', region_name='us-east-1')
images = client.describe_images(repositoryName=args.repositoryName)[
untagged = []
kept = 0
# actual Image
# imageManifestMediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json'
# image Index
# imageManifestMediaType: 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json'
# Sort by date uploaded
for image in sorted(images, key=lambda d: d['imagePushedAt'], reverse=True):
# Remove all untagged
# if registry uses image index all actual images will be untagged anyways
if 'imageTags' not in image:
untagged.append({"imageDigest": image['imageDigest']})
# print("Delete untagged image {}".format(image["imageDigest"]))
# check for dev tags
if args.delete_dev:
_delete = True
for tag in image["imageTags"]:
# Look for at least one tag NOT beign a SemVer dev tag
if "-" not in tag:
_delete = False
if _delete:
print("Deleting development image {}".format(image["imageTags"]))
untagged.append({"imageDigest": image['imageDigest']})
if kept < args.keep:
kept = kept+1
print("Keeping tagged image {}".format(image["imageTags"]))
print("Deleting tagged image {}".format(image["imageTags"]))
untagged.append({"imageDigest": image['imageDigest']})
deleted_images = client.batch_delete_image(
repositoryName=args.repositoryName, imageIds=untagged)
if deleted_images["imageIds"]:
print("Deleted images: {}".format(deleted_images["imageIds"]))

View File

@ -1,84 +1,56 @@
# Parse version from latest git semver tag # Parse version from latest git semver tag
GIT_TAG ?= $(shell git describe --tags --match v*.*.* 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) GTAG=$(shell git describe --tags --match v*.*.* 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) TAG ?= $(shell echo $(GTAG) | awk -F '-' '{ print $$1 "-" $$2 }' | sed -e 's/-$$//')
TAG ::= $(GIT_TAG) ifeq ($(TRIVY_REMOTE),)
# append branch name to tag if NOT main nor master TRIVY_OPTS := image
ifeq (,$(filter main master, $(GIT_BRANCH))) else
# If branch is substring of tag, omit branch name TRIVY_OPTS := client --remote ${TRIVY_REMOTE}
ifeq ($(findstring $(GIT_BRANCH), $(GIT_TAG)),)
# only append branch name if not equal tag
ifneq ($(GIT_TAG), $(GIT_BRANCH))
# Sanitize GIT_BRANCH to allowed Docker tag character set
TAG = $(GIT_TAG)-$(shell echo $$GIT_BRANCH | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g')
endif endif
ARCH ::= amd64 .PHONY: build test scan push clean
ALL_ARCHS ::= amd64 arm64
_ARCH = $(or $(filter $(ARCH),$(ALL_ARCHS)),$(error $$ARCH [$(ARCH)] must be exactly one of "$(ALL_ARCHS)"))
ifneq ($(TRIVY_REMOTE),) all: test
.SILENT: ; # no need for @
.ONESHELL: ; # recipes execute in same shell
.NOTPARALLEL: ; # wait for this target to finish
.EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: ; # send all vars to shell
.PHONY: all # All targets are accessible for user
.DEFAULT: help # Running Make will run the help target
help: ## Show Help build:
grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' .ci/ | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' @docker image exists $(IMAGE):$(TAG) || \
docker build --rm -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG) --build-arg TAG=$(TAG) .
prepare:: ## custom step on the build agent before building test: build rm-test-image
@test -f Dockerfile.test && \
{ docker build --rm -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test --from=$(IMAGE):$(TAG) -f Dockerfile.test . && \
docker run --rm --env-host -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test; } || \
echo "No Dockerfile.test found, skipping test"
fmt:: ## auto format source scan: build
@echo "Scanning $(IMAGE):$(TAG) using Trivy"
@trivy $(TRIVY_OPTS) $(IMAGE):$(TAG)
lint:: ## Lint source push: build
@aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $(REGION) | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(REGISTRY)
@docker tag $(IMAGE):$(TAG) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):latest
docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)
docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):latest
build: ## Build the app clean: rm-test-image rm-image
buildah build --rm --layers -t $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) --build-arg TAG=$(TAG) --build-arg ARCH=$(_ARCH) --platform linux/$(_ARCH) .
test:: ## test built artificats # Delete all untagged images
.PHONY: rm-remote-untagged
scan: ## Scan image using trivy rm-remote-untagged:
echo "Scanning $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) using Trivy $(TRIVY_REMOTE)" @echo "Removing all untagged images from $(IMAGE) in $(REGION)"
trivy image $(TRIVY_OPTS) --quiet --no-progress localhost/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) @aws ecr-public batch-delete-image --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --image-ids $$(for image in $$(aws ecr-public describe-images --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) --output json | jq -r '.imageDetails[] | select(.imageTags | not ).imageDigest'); do echo -n "imageDigest=$$image "; done)
# first tag and push all actual images
# create new manifest for each tag and add all available TAG-ARCH before pushing
push: ecr-login ## push images to registry
for t in $(TAG) latest $(EXTRA_TAGS); do \
echo "Tagging image with $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$${t}-$(ARCH)"
buildah tag $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$${t}-$(_ARCH); \
buildah manifest rm $(IMAGE):$$t || true; \
buildah manifest create $(IMAGE):$$t; \
for a in $(ALL_ARCHS); do \
buildah manifest add $(IMAGE):$$t $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$$a; \
done; \
echo "Pushing manifest $(IMAGE):$$t"
buildah manifest push --all $(IMAGE):$$t docker://$(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$$t; \
ecr-login: ## log into AWS ECR public
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $(REGION) | podman login --username AWS --password-stdin $(REGISTRY)
rm-remote-untagged: ## delete all remote untagged and in-dev images, keep 10 tagged
echo "Removing all untagged and in-dev images from $(IMAGE) in $(REGION)"
.ci/ --repo $(IMAGE) --dev
clean:: ## clean up source folder
.PHONY: rm-image
rm-image: rm-image:
test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH))" || podman image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH) > /dev/null @test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG))" || docker image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG) > /dev/null
test -z "$$(podman image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH))" || echo "Error: Removing image failed" @test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG))" || echo "Error: Removing image failed"
## some useful tasks during development # Ensure we run the tests by removing any previous runs
ci-pull-upstream: ## pull latest shared .ci subtree .PHONY: rm-test-image
git subtree pull --prefix .ci ssh:// master --squash -m "Merge latest ci-tools-lib" rm-test-image:
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test)" || docker image rm -f $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test > /dev/null
@test -z "$$(docker image ls -q $(IMAGE):$(TAG)-test)" || echo "Error: Removing test image failed"
create-repo: ## create new AWS ECR public repository .DEFAULT:
aws ecr-public create-repository --repository-name $(IMAGE) --region $(REGION) @echo "$@ not implemented. NOOP"

View File

@ -2,33 +2,24 @@
def call(Map config=[:]) { def call(Map config=[:]) {
pipeline { pipeline {
options {
agent { agent {
node { node {
label 'podman-aws-trivy' label 'podman-aws-trivy'
} }
} }
stages { stages {
stage('Prepare') { stage('Prepare') {
// get tags
steps { steps {
sh 'mkdir -p reports' sh 'git fetch -q --tags ${GIT_URL} +refs/heads/${BRANCH_NAME}:refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH_NAME}'
// we set pull tags as project adv. options
// pull tags
//withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'gitea-jenkins-user')]) {
// sh 'git fetch -q --tags ${GIT_URL}'
// Optional project specific preparations
sh 'make prepare'
} }
} }
// Build using rootless podman // Build using rootless podman
stage('Build') { stage('Build') {
steps { steps {
sh 'make build GIT_BRANCH=$GIT_BRANCH' sh 'make build'
} }
} }
@ -40,13 +31,13 @@ def call(Map config=[:]) {
// Scan via trivy // Scan via trivy
stage('Scan') { stage('Scan') {
environment {
TRIVY_FORMAT = "template"
TRIVY_OUTPUT = "reports/trivy.html"
steps { steps {
// we always scan and create the full json report sh 'mkdir -p reports'
sh 'TRIVY_FORMAT=json TRIVY_OUTPUT="reports/trivy.json" make scan' sh 'make scan'
// render custom full html report
sh 'trivy convert -f template -t @/home/jenkins/html.tpl -o reports/trivy.html reports/trivy.json'
publishHTML target: [ publishHTML target: [
allowMissing: true, allowMissing: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
@ -56,33 +47,25 @@ def call(Map config=[:]) {
reportName: 'TrivyScan', reportName: 'TrivyScan',
reportTitles: 'TrivyScan' reportTitles: 'TrivyScan'
] ]
sh 'echo "Trivy report at: $BUILD_URL/TrivyScan"'
// fail build if issues found above trivy threshold // Scan again and fail on CRITICAL vulns, if not overridden
script { script {
if ( config.trivyFail ) { if (config.trivyFail == 'NONE') {
sh "TRIVY_SEVERITY=${config.trivyFail} trivy convert --report summary --exit-code 1 reports/trivy.json" echo 'trivyFail == NONE, review Trivy report manually. Proceeding ...'
} else {
sh "TRIVY_EXIT_CODE=1 TRIVY_SEVERITY=${config.trivyFail} make scan"
} }
} }
} }
} }
// Push to container registry if not PR // Push to ECR
// incl. basic registry retention removing any untagged images
stage('Push') { stage('Push') {
when { not { changeRequest() } }
steps { steps {
sh 'make push' sh 'make push'
sh 'make rm-remote-untagged'
} }
} }
// generic clean
stage('cleanup') {
steps {
sh 'make clean'
} }
} }
} }

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -59,5 +59,3 @@ reports/
# virtualenv # virtualenv
venv/ venv/

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Stage 1 - bundle base image + runtime # Stage 1 - bundle base image + runtime
FROM python:3.12-alpine3.20 AS python-alpine FROM python:${RUNTIME_VERSION}-alpine${DISTRO_VERSION} AS python-alpine
ARG ALPINE="v3.20"
# Install GCC (Alpine uses musl but we compile and link dependencies with GCC) # Install GCC (Alpine uses musl but we compile and link dependencies with GCC)
RUN echo "@kubezero${ALPINE}/kubezero" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \ RUN apk upgrade -U --available --no-cache && \
wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/ apk add --no-cache \
RUN apk -U --no-cache upgrade && \
apk --no-cache add \
libstdc++ libstdc++
@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ FROM python-alpine AS build-image
ARG TAG="latest" ARG TAG="latest"
# Install aws-lambda-cpp build dependencies # Install aws-lambda-cpp build dependencies
RUN apk --no-cache add \ RUN apk upgrade -U --available --no-cache && \
apk add --no-cache \
build-base \ build-base \
libtool \ libtool \
autoconf \ autoconf \
automake \ automake \
libexecinfo-dev \
make \ make \
cmake \ cmake \
libcurl \ libcurl \
libffi-dev \ libffi-dev \
openssl-dev \ openssl-dev
# cargo # cargo
# Install requirements # Install requirements
@ -37,15 +38,12 @@ RUN export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" && \
# Install our app # Install our app
COPY /app COPY /app
# Set internal __version__ to our own container TAG # Ser version to our TAG
RUN sed -i -e "s/^__version__ =.*/__version__ = \"${TAG}\"/" /app/ RUN sed -i -e "s/^__version__ =.*/__version__ = \"${TAG}\"/" /app/
# Stage 3 - final runtime image # Stage 3 - final runtime image
FROM python-alpine FROM python-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add \
COPY --from=build-image /app /app COPY --from=build-image /app /app

Dockerfile.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
FROM setviacmdline:latest
# Install additional tools for tests
COPY dev-requirements.txt .flake8 .
RUN export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" && \
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
# Unit Tests / Static / Style etc.
COPY tests/ tests/
RUN flake8 tests && \
codespell tests
# Get aws-lambda run time emulator
ADD /usr/local/bin/aws-lambda-rie
RUN chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/aws-lambda-rie && \
mkdir -p tests
# Install pytest
RUN pip install pytest --target /app
# Add our tests
ADD tests /app/tests
# Run tests
CMD [ "/usr/local/bin/python", "-m", "pytest", "tests", "--capture=tee-sys" ]

View File

@ -3,21 +3,3 @@ IMAGE := sns-alert-hub
REGION := us-east-1 REGION := us-east-1
include .ci/ include .ci/
SOURCE := tests/
test:: aws-lambda-rie
./ "$(IMAGE):$(TAG)-$(_ARCH)"
autopep8 -i -a $(SOURCE)
flake8 $(SOURCE)
codespell $(SOURCE)
rm -rf .pytest_cache __pycache__ aws-lambda-rie
wget && chmod 0755 aws-lambda-rie

View File

@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
## Abstract ## Abstract
AWS SNS/Lambda central alert hub taking SNS messages, parsing and formatting them before sending them to any messaging service, like Slack, Matrix, etc AWS SNS/Lambda central alert hub taking SNS messages, parsing and formatting them before sending them to any messaging service, like Slack, Matrix, etc
## Tests
All env variables are forwarded into the test container.
Simply set WEBHOOK_URL accordingly before running `make test`.
## Resources ## Resources
- -
- -

View File

@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ else:
# Ensure slack URLs use ?blocks=yes # Ensure slack URLs use ?blocks=yes
if "" in WEBHOOK_URL: if "" in WEBHOOK_URL:
scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit( scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(WEBHOOK_URL)
query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string) query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
query_params["blocks"] = ["yes"] query_params["blocks"] = ["yes"]
new_query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params, doseq=True) new_query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params, doseq=True)
@ -57,8 +56,7 @@ asset.app_url = ""
asset.image_url_mask = ( asset.image_url_mask = (
) )
asset.app_id = "{} / {} {}".format("cloudbender", asset.app_id = "{} / {} {}".format("cloudbender", __version__, "")
__version__, "")
apobj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset) apobj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset)
apobj.add(WEBHOOK_URL) apobj.add(WEBHOOK_URL)
@ -98,16 +96,11 @@ def handler(event, context):
msg = {} msg = {}
pass pass
body = ""
title = ""
msg_type = apprise.NotifyType.INFO
# CloudWatch Alarm ? # CloudWatch Alarm ?
if "AlarmName" in msg: if "AlarmName" in msg:
title = "AWS Cloudwatch Alarm" title = "AWS Cloudwatch Alarm"
# Discard NewStateValue == OK && OldStateValue == INSUFFICIENT_DATA as # Discard NewStateValue == OK && OldStateValue == INSUFFICIENT_DATA as these are triggered by installing new Alarms and only cause confusion
# these are triggered by installing new Alarms and only cause confusion
if msg["NewStateValue"] == "OK" and msg["OldStateValue"] == "INSUFFICIENT_DATA": if msg["NewStateValue"] == "OK" and msg["OldStateValue"] == "INSUFFICIENT_DATA":
"Discarding Cloudwatch Metrics Alarm as state is OK and previous state was insufficient data, most likely new alarm being installed" "Discarding Cloudwatch Metrics Alarm as state is OK and previous state was insufficient data, most likely new alarm being installed"
@ -140,12 +133,13 @@ def handler(event, context):
pass pass
body = body + "\n\n_{}_".format(msg_context) body = body + "\n\n_{}_".format(msg_context)
apobj.notify(body=body, title=title, notify_type=msg_type)
elif "Source" in msg and msg["Source"] == "CloudBender": elif "Source" in msg and msg["Source"] == "CloudBender":
title = "AWS EC2 - CloudBender" title = "AWS EC2 - CloudBender"
try: try:
msg_context = "{account} - {region} - {host} ({instance}) <https://{region}{region}#AutoScalingGroupDetails:id={asg};view=activity|{artifact} ASG>".format( msg_context = "{account} - {region} - {host} ({instance}) <https://{region}{region}#AutoScalingGroups:id={asg};view=history|{artifact} ASG>".format(
account=get_alias(msg["AWSAccountId"]), account=get_alias(msg["AWSAccountId"]),
region=msg["Region"], region=msg["Region"],
asg=msg["Asg"], asg=msg["Asg"],
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ def handler(event, context):
body = body + "\n```{}```".format(msg["Attachment"]) body = body + "\n```{}```".format(msg["Attachment"])
body = body + "\n\n_{}_".format(msg_context) body = body + "\n\n_{}_".format(msg_context)
apobj.notify(body=body, title=title, notify_type=msg_type)
elif "receiver" in msg and msg["receiver"] == "alerthub-notifications": elif "receiver" in msg and msg["receiver"] == "alerthub-notifications":
@ -239,74 +234,13 @@ def handler(event, context):
except KeyError: except KeyError:
pass pass
# ElasticCache snapshot notifications # Finally send each parsed alert
elif "ElastiCache:SnapshotComplete" in msg: apobj.notify(body=body, title=title, notify_type=msg_type)
title = "ElastiCache Snapshot complete."
body = "Snapshot taken on {}".format(
# ElasticCache replacement notifications
elif "ElastiCache:NodeReplacementScheduled" in msg:
title = "ElastiCache node replacement scheduled"
body = "{} will be replaced between {} and {}".format(
msg["ElastiCache:NodeReplacementScheduled"], msg["Start Time"], msg["End Time"])
# ElasticCache replacement notifications
elif "ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceStarted" in msg:
title = "ElastiCache fail over stareted"
body = "for node {}".format(msg["ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceStarted"])
# ElasticCache replacement notifications
elif "ElastiCache:FailoverComplete" in msg:
title = "ElastiCache fail over complete"
body = "for node {}".format(msg["ElastiCache:FailoverComplete"])
# ElasticCache update notifications
elif "ElastiCache:ServiceUpdateAvailableForNode" in msg:
title = "ElastiCache update available"
body = "for node {}".format(msg["ElastiCache:ServiceUpdateAvailableForNode"])
elif "ElastiCache:ServiceUpdateAvailable" in msg:
title = "ElastiCache update available"
body = "for Group {}".format(msg["ElastiCache:ServiceUpdateAvailable"])
# known RDS events
elif "Event Source" in msg and msg['Event Source'] in ["db-instance", "db-cluster-snapshot", "db-snapshot"]:
title = msg["Event Message"]
name = " ({}).".format(
except (KeyError, IndexError):
name = ""
body = "RDS {}: <{}|{}>{}\n<{}|Event docs>".format(msg["Event Source"].replace("db-", ""),
msg["Identifier Link"], msg["Source ID"], name, msg["Event ID"])
except KeyError:
msg_type = apprise.NotifyType.WARNING
body = sns["Message"]
# Basic ASG events
elif "Event" in msg and msg["Event"] in ["autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE", "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH"]:
title = msg["Description"]
body = msg["Cause"]
msg_context = "{account} - {region} - <https://{region}{region}#AutoScalingGroupDetails:id={asg};view=activity|{asg} ASG>".format(
body = body + "\n\n_{}_".format(msg_context)
except KeyError:
else: else:
title = "Unknown message type"
msg_type = apprise.NotifyType.WARNING
body = sns["Message"] body = sns["Message"]
if not apobj.notify(body=body, title=title, notify_type=msg_type): body=body,
logger.error("Error during notify!") title="Unknown message type",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
pytest pytest
flake8 flake8
codespell codespell

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"$schema": "",
"extends": [
"prHourlyLimit": 0

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
boto3==1.35.17 boto3
apprise==1.9.0 apprise
humanize==4.10.0 humanize
awslambdaric==2.2.1 awslambdaric

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh -ex
ctr=$(buildah from $IMAGE)
trap "buildah rm $ctr" EXIT
buildah copy $ctr dev-requirements.txt .flake8 .
buildah copy $ctr aws-lambda-rie
buildah copy $ctr tests/ tests/
buildah run $ctr pip install -r dev-requirements.txt --target .
buildah run $ctr python -m flake8
buildah run $ctr python -m codespell_lib
buildah run $ctr python -m pytest tests -c tests/pytest.ini --capture=tee-sys

View File

@ -9,13 +9,8 @@ from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
s = requests.Session() s = requests.Session()
retries = Retry( retries = Retry(
total=3, total=3, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504], allowed_methods="POST"
backoff_factor=1, )
s.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) s.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
@ -23,7 +18,7 @@ class Test:
@classmethod @classmethod
def setup_class(cls): def setup_class(cls):
cls.p = subprocess.Popen( cls.p = subprocess.Popen(
"./aws-lambda-rie python -m awslambdaric app.handler", shell=True "aws-lambda-rie python -m awslambdaric app.handler", shell=True
) )
@classmethod @classmethod
@ -65,54 +60,3 @@ class Test:
r' { "Records": [ { "EventSource": "aws:sns", "EventVersion": "1.0", "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub:0e7ce1ba-c3e4-4264-bae1-4eb71c91235a", "Sns": { "Type": "Notification", "MessageId": "10ae86eb-9ddc-5c2f-806c-df6ecb6bde42", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub", "Subject": null, "Message": "{\"receiver\":\"alerthub-notifications\",\"status\":\"resolved\",\"alerts\":[{\"status\":\"resolved\",\"labels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch\",\"awsAccount\":\"123456789012\",\"awsRegion\":\"us-west-2\",\"clusterName\":\"test-cluster\",\"container\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"deployment\":\"example-job\",\"endpoint\":\"http\",\"instance\":\"\",\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"pod\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics-56546f44c7-h57jx\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"service\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"annotations\":{\"description\":\"Deployment default/example-job has not matched the expected number of replicas for longer than 15 minutes.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas.\"},\"startsAt\":\"2021-09-29T12:36:11.394Z\",\"endsAt\":\"2021-09-29T14:51:11.394Z\",\"generatorURL\":\"\\\",\"fingerprint\":\"59ad2f1a4567b43b\"},{\"status\":\"firing\",\"labels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeVersionMismatch\",\"awsRegion\":\"eu-central-1\",\"clusterName\":\"test\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"annotations\":{\"description\":\"There are 2 different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running.\"},\"startsAt\":\"2021-08-04T13:17:40.31Z\",\"endsAt\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z\",\"generatorURL\":\"https://prometheus/graph?g0.expr=count%28count+by%28git_version%29+%28label_replace%28kubernetes_build_info%7Bjob%21~%22kube-dns%7Ccoredns%22%7D%2C+%22git_version%22%2C+%22%241%22%2C+%22git_version%22%2C+%22%28v%5B0-9%5D%2A.%5B0-9%5D%2A%29.%2A%22%29%29%29+%3E+1\\\",\"fingerprint\":\"5f94d4a22730c666\"}],\"groupLabels\":{\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\"},\"commonLabels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch\",\"awsAccount\":\"123456789012\",\"awsRegion\":\"us-west-2\",\"clusterName\":\"test-cluster\",\"container\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"deployment\":\"example-job\",\"endpoint\":\"http\",\"instance\":\"\",\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"pod\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics-56546f44c7-h57jx\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"service\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"commonAnnotations\":{\"description\":\"Deployment default/example-job has not matched the expected number of replicas for longer than 15 minutes.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas.\"},\"externalURL\":\"\",\"version\":\"4\",\"groupKey\":\"{}:{job=\\\"kube-state-metrics\\\"}\",\"truncatedAlerts\":0}\n", "Timestamp": "2021-08-05T03:01:11.233Z", "SignatureVersion": "1", "Signature": "pSUYO7LDIfzCbBrp/S2HXV3/yzls3vfYy+2di6HsKG8Mf+CV97RLnen15ieAo3eKA8IfviZIzyREasbF0cwfUeruHPbW1B8kO572fDyV206zmUxvR63r6oM6OyLv9XKBmvyYHKawkOgHZHEMP3v1wMIIHK2W5KbJtXoUcks5DVamooVb9iFF58uqTf+Ccy31bOL4tFyMR9nr8NU55vEIlGEVno8A9Q21TujdZTg0V0BmRgPafcic96udWungjmfhZ005378N32u2hlLj6BRneTpHHSXHBw4wKZreKpX+INZwiZ4P8hzVfgRvAIh/4gXN9+0UJSHgnsaqUcLDNoLZTQ==", "SigningCertUrl": "", "UnsubscribeUrl": "", "MessageAttributes": {} } } ] }' r' { "Records": [ { "EventSource": "aws:sns", "EventVersion": "1.0", "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub:0e7ce1ba-c3e4-4264-bae1-4eb71c91235a", "Sns": { "Type": "Notification", "MessageId": "10ae86eb-9ddc-5c2f-806c-df6ecb6bde42", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub", "Subject": null, "Message": "{\"receiver\":\"alerthub-notifications\",\"status\":\"resolved\",\"alerts\":[{\"status\":\"resolved\",\"labels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch\",\"awsAccount\":\"123456789012\",\"awsRegion\":\"us-west-2\",\"clusterName\":\"test-cluster\",\"container\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"deployment\":\"example-job\",\"endpoint\":\"http\",\"instance\":\"\",\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"pod\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics-56546f44c7-h57jx\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"service\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"annotations\":{\"description\":\"Deployment default/example-job has not matched the expected number of replicas for longer than 15 minutes.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas.\"},\"startsAt\":\"2021-09-29T12:36:11.394Z\",\"endsAt\":\"2021-09-29T14:51:11.394Z\",\"generatorURL\":\"\\\",\"fingerprint\":\"59ad2f1a4567b43b\"},{\"status\":\"firing\",\"labels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeVersionMismatch\",\"awsRegion\":\"eu-central-1\",\"clusterName\":\"test\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"annotations\":{\"description\":\"There are 2 different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running.\"},\"startsAt\":\"2021-08-04T13:17:40.31Z\",\"endsAt\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z\",\"generatorURL\":\"https://prometheus/graph?g0.expr=count%28count+by%28git_version%29+%28label_replace%28kubernetes_build_info%7Bjob%21~%22kube-dns%7Ccoredns%22%7D%2C+%22git_version%22%2C+%22%241%22%2C+%22git_version%22%2C+%22%28v%5B0-9%5D%2A.%5B0-9%5D%2A%29.%2A%22%29%29%29+%3E+1\\\",\"fingerprint\":\"5f94d4a22730c666\"}],\"groupLabels\":{\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\"},\"commonLabels\":{\"alertname\":\"KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch\",\"awsAccount\":\"123456789012\",\"awsRegion\":\"us-west-2\",\"clusterName\":\"test-cluster\",\"container\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"deployment\":\"example-job\",\"endpoint\":\"http\",\"instance\":\"\",\"job\":\"kube-state-metrics\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"pod\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics-56546f44c7-h57jx\",\"prometheus\":\"monitoring/metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus\",\"service\":\"metrics-kube-state-metrics\",\"severity\":\"warning\"},\"commonAnnotations\":{\"description\":\"Deployment default/example-job has not matched the expected number of replicas for longer than 15 minutes.\",\"runbook_url\":\"\",\"summary\":\"Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas.\"},\"externalURL\":\"\",\"version\":\"4\",\"groupKey\":\"{}:{job=\\\"kube-state-metrics\\\"}\",\"truncatedAlerts\":0}\n", "Timestamp": "2021-08-05T03:01:11.233Z", "SignatureVersion": "1", "Signature": "pSUYO7LDIfzCbBrp/S2HXV3/yzls3vfYy+2di6HsKG8Mf+CV97RLnen15ieAo3eKA8IfviZIzyREasbF0cwfUeruHPbW1B8kO572fDyV206zmUxvR63r6oM6OyLv9XKBmvyYHKawkOgHZHEMP3v1wMIIHK2W5KbJtXoUcks5DVamooVb9iFF58uqTf+Ccy31bOL4tFyMR9nr8NU55vEIlGEVno8A9Q21TujdZTg0V0BmRgPafcic96udWungjmfhZ005378N32u2hlLj6BRneTpHHSXHBw4wKZreKpX+INZwiZ4P8hzVfgRvAIh/4gXN9+0UJSHgnsaqUcLDNoLZTQ==", "SigningCertUrl": "", "UnsubscribeUrl": "", "MessageAttributes": {} } } ] }'
) )
self.send_event(event) self.send_event(event)
# ElastiCache snaphshot
def test_elasticache_snapshot(self):
event = json.loads(
r' {"Records": [{"EventSource": "aws:sns", "EventVersion": "1.0", "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub:0e7ce1ba-c3e4-4264-bae1-4eb71c91235a", "Sns": {"Type": "Notification", "MessageId": "10ae86eb-9ddc-5c2f-806c-df6ecb6bde42", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub", "Subject": null, "Message": "{\"ElastiCache:SnapshotComplete\":\"redis-prod-0002-001\"}" }}]}'
def test_rds_event(self):
event = json.loads(
r''' {
"Records": [
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:AlertHub:63470449-620d-44ce-971f-ad9582804b13",
"Sns": {
"Type": "Notification",
"MessageId": "ef1f821c-a04f-5c5c-9dff-df498532069b",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:AlertHub",
"Subject": "RDS Notification Message",
"Message": "{\"Event Source\":\"db-cluster-snapshot\",\"Event Time\":\"2023-08-15 07:03:24.491\",\"Identifier Link\":\";id=rds:projectdb-cluster-2023-08-15-07-03\",\"Source ID\":\"rds:projectdb-cluster-2023-08-15-07-03\",\"Source ARN\":\"arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster-snapshot:rds:projectdb-cluster-2023-08-15-07-03\",\"Event ID\":\"\",\"Event Message\":\"Creating automated cluster snapshot\",\"Tags\":{}}",
"Timestamp": "2023-08-15T07:03:25.289Z",
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Signature": "mRtx+ddS1uzF3alGDWnDtUkAz+Gno8iuv0wPwkeBJPe1LAcKTXVteYhQdP2BB5ZunPlWXPSDsNtFl8Eh6v4/fcdukxH/czc6itqgGiciQ3DCICLvOJrvrVVgsVvHgOA/Euh8wryzxeQ3HJ/nmF9sg/PtuKyxvGxyO7NSFJrRKkqwkuG1Wr/8gcN3nrenqNTzKiC16kzVuKISWgXM1jqbsleQ4MyBcjq61LRwODKB8tc8vJ6PLGOs4Lrc3qeruCqF3Tzpl43680RsaRBBn1SLycwFVdB1kpHSXuk+YJQ6BS7s6rbMoyhPOpSCFHMZXC/eEb09wTzgpop0KDE/koiUsg==",
"SigningCertUrl": "",
"UnsubscribeUrl": "",
"MessageAttributes": {
"Resource": {
"Type": "String",
"Value": "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster-snapshot:rds:projectdb-cluster-2023-08-15-07-03"
"EventID": {
"Type": "String",
"Value": "RDS-EVENT-0168"
def test_asg(self):
event = json.loads(
r' {"Records": [{"EventSource": "aws:sns", "EventVersion": "1.0", "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub:0e7ce1ba-c3e4-4264-bae1-4eb71c91235a", "Sns": {"Type": "Notification", "MessageId": "10ae86eb-9ddc-5c2f-806c-df6ecb6bde42", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:AlertHub", "Subject": null, "Message": "{\"Origin\":\"AutoScalingGroup\",\"Destination\":\"EC2\",\"Progress\":50,\"AccountId\":\"123456789012\",\"Description\":\"Terminating EC2 instance: i-023ca42b188ffd91d\",\"RequestId\":\"1764cac3-224b-46bf-8bed-407a5b868e63\",\"EndTime\":\"2023-05-15T08:51:16.195Z\",\"AutoScalingGroupARN\":\"arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:autoScalingGroup:4a4fb6e3-22b4-487b-8335-3904f02ff9fd:autoScalingGroupName/powerbi\",\"ActivityId\":\"1764cac3-224b-46bf-8bed-407a5b868e63\",\"StartTime\":\"2023-05-15T08:50:14.145Z\",\"Service\":\"AWS Auto Scaling\",\"Time\":\"2023-05-15T08:51:16.195Z\",\"EC2InstanceId\":\"i-023ca42b188ffd91d\",\"StatusCode\":\"InProgress\",\"StatusMessage\":\"\",\"Details\":{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-fe2d6189\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2a\"},\"AutoScalingGroupName\":\"powerbi\",\"Cause\":\"At 2023-05-15T08:50:03Z the scheduled action end executed. Setting min size from 1 to 0. Setting desired capacity from 1 to 0. At 2023-05-15T08:50:03Z a scheduled action update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 0, max: 1, desired: 0 changing the desired capacity from 1 to 0. At 2023-05-15T08:50:13Z an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 1 to 0. At 2023-05-15T08:50:14Z instance i-023ca42b188ffd91d was selected for termination.\",\"Event\":\"autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE\"}" }}]}'