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Executable File

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# Allow EFS and EBS Argo apps to be deleted without removing things like storageClasses etc.
# all to be replaced by kubezero-storage
kubectl patch application aws-ebs-csi-driver -n argocd --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
kubectl patch application aws-efs-csi-driver -n argocd --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
# Migrate ZeroDownTime helm repo
kubectl patch appproject kubezero -n argocd --type=json -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/sourceRepos/0", "value": "https://cdn.zero-downtime.net/charts" }]'
# Delete EBS and EFS Deployments and Daemonsets as we cannot change the lables while moving them to storage.
# This will NOT affect provisioned volumes
kubectl delete deployment ebs-csi-controller -n kube-system
kubectl delete daemonSet ebs-csi-node -n kube-system
# Snapshot controller was removed from EBS chart
kubectl delete statefulset ebs-snapshot-controller -n kube-system
kubectl delete deployment efs-csi-controller -n kube-system
kubectl delete daemonSet efs-csi-node -n kube-system
# Remove calico Servicemonitor in case still around
kubectl delete servicemonitor calico-node -n kube-system
# Upgrade Prometheus stack, requires state metrics to be removed first
kubectl delete deployment metrics-kube-state-metrics -n monitoring
kubectl delete deployment metrics-prometheus-adapter -n monitoring