
78 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

set -e
DEPLOY_DIR=$( dirname $( realpath $0 ))
# Waits for max 300s and retries
function wait_for() {
local TRIES=0
while true; do
$@ && break
[ $TRIES -eq 100 ] && return 1
sleep 3
helm repo add kubezero https://zero-down-time.github.io/kubezero
helm repo update
# Determine if we bootstrap or update
helm list -n argocd -f kubezero -q | grep -q kubezero && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then
helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml > generated-values.yaml
helm upgrade -n argocd kubezero kubezero/kubezero-argo-cd -f generated-values.yaml
# During bootstrap we first generate a minimal values.yaml to prevent various deadlocks
# Generate ArgoCD password if not in values.yaml yet and add it
grep -q argocdServerAdminPassword values.yaml && rc=$? || rc=$?
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
_argo_date="$(date -u --iso-8601=seconds)"
cat <<EOF >> values.yaml
# ArgoCD password: ${_argo_passwd%%:*} Please move to secure location !
argocdServerAdminPassword: "${_argo_passwd##*:}"
argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime: "$_argo_date"
helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml --set bootstrap=true > generated-values.yaml
# Deploy initial argo-cd
helm install -n argocd kubezero kubezero/kubezero-argo-cd --create-namespace -f generated-values.yaml
# Wait for argocd-server to be running
kubectl rollout status deployment -n argocd kubezero-argocd-server
# Now wait for cert-manager to be bootstrapped
echo "Waiting for cert-manager to be deployed..."
wait_for kubectl get deployment -n cert-manager cert-manager-webhook 2>/dev/null 1>&2
kubectl rollout status deployment -n cert-manager cert-manager-webhook
# Now lets get kiam and cert-manager to work as they depend on each other, keep advanced options still disabled though
# - istio, prometheus
helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml --set istio.enabled=false --set prometheus.enabled=false > generated-values.yaml
helm upgrade -n argocd kubezero kubezero/kubezero-argo-cd -f generated-values.yaml
# Install Istio if enabled, but keep ArgoCD istio support disabled for now in case
helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml --set argo-cd.istio.enabled=false > generated-values.yaml
helm upgrade -n argocd kubezero kubezero/kubezero-argo-cd -f generated-values.yaml
echo "Install kube-prometheus and logging manually for now, before proceeding! <Any key to continue>"
# Todo: Now we need to wait till all is synced and healthy ... argocd cli or kubectl ?
# Wait for aws-ebs or kiam to be all ready, or all pods running ?
# Todo:
# - integrate Prometheus-Grafana
# - integrate ES based logging
# Finally we could enable the actual config and deploy all
helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml > generated-values.yaml
helm upgrade -n argocd kubezero kubezero/kubezero-argo-cd -f generated-values.yaml