Stefan Reimer 59cc94efe9 Fix: ensure fluent-bit doesnt start before cilium 2024-05-23 21:22:27 +00:00
charts feat: first step to migrate the logging pipeline into Telemetry 2024-04-25 15:33:49 +00:00
templates Tweak ES logging memory behaviour 2023-12-01 16:56:21 +00:00
.helmignore Add rabbitmq ingress gateway def 2020-08-11 15:09:48 +01:00
Chart.yaml chore(deps): update helm release fluent-bit to v0.46.2 2024-04-19 03:07:14 +00:00
README.md feat: first step to migrate the logging pipeline into Telemetry 2024-04-25 15:33:49 +00:00
README.md.gotmpl Updated helm-docs, fluentd SSL handled by Istio, ES&Istio tuning 2020-10-05 03:50:23 -07:00
dashboards-es.yaml feat: split Grafana logging dashboards into ES/Fluent and install accordingly 2022-11-14 14:11:46 +01:00
dashboards.yaml Logging version bump 2023-04-14 14:40:51 +00:00
fluentd.patch feat: logging module version bumps 2024-04-08 12:30:01 +00:00
update.sh Logging version bump, metrics fixes 2023-11-28 18:42:00 +00:00
values-all.yaml Add nodeAffinity to all logging components, add resources to fluent-bit, tuning 2021-03-19 16:15:58 +01:00
values-fluentbit.yaml Add fluent-bit support to kuberzero-logging, istio fixes 2020-08-22 18:27:18 +01:00
values-fluentd.yaml Add nodeAffinity to all logging components, add resources to fluent-bit, tuning 2021-03-19 16:15:58 +01:00
values.yaml Fix: ensure fluent-bit doesnt start before cilium 2024-05-23 21:22:27 +00:00



Version: 0.8.12 Type: application AppVersion: 1.6.0

KubeZero Umbrella Chart for complete EFK stack

Homepage: https://kubezero.com


Name Email Url
Stefan Reimer stefan@zero-downtime.net


Kubernetes: >= 1.26.0

Repository Name Version
https://cdn.zero-downtime.net/charts/ kubezero-lib >= 0.1.6
https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts fluent-bit 0.46.2
https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts fluentd 0.5.2

Changes from upstream


  • Operator mapped to controller nodes


  • SSL disabled ( Todo: provide cluster certs and setup Kibana/Fluentd to use https incl. client certs )

  • Installed Plugins:

    • repository-s3
    • elasticsearch-prometheus-exporter
  • Cross AZ Zone awareness is implemented via nodeSets


  • increased timeout to ES to 3 minutes



  • support for dedot Lua filter to replace "." with "_" for all annotations and labels
  • support for api audit log

Manual tasks ATM

  • install index template
  • setup Kibana
  • create logstash-* Index Pattern


Key Type Default Description
elastic_password string ""
es.nodeSets list []
es.prometheus bool false
es.s3Snapshot.enabled bool false
es.s3Snapshot.iamrole string ""
fluent-bit.config.customParsers string `"[PARSER]\n Name cri-log\n Format regex\n Regex ^(? stderr) (?F
fluent-bit.config.filters string "[FILTER]\n Name parser\n Match cri.*\n Parser cri-log\n Key_Name log\n\n[FILTER]\n Name kubernetes\n Match cri.*\n Merge_Log On\n Merge_Log_Key kube\n Kube_Tag_Prefix cri.var.log.containers.\n Keep_Log Off\n K8S-Logging.Parser Off\n K8S-Logging.Exclude Off\n Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 3600s\n Buffer_Size 0\n #Use_Kubelet true\n\n{{- if index .Values \"config\" \"extraRecords\" }}\n\n[FILTER]\n Name record_modifier\n Match cri.*\n {{- range $k,$v := index .Values \"config\" \"extraRecords\" }}\n Record {{ $k }} {{ $v }}\n {{- end }}\n{{- end }}\n\n[FILTER]\n Name rewrite_tag\n Match cri.*\n Emitter_Name kube_tag_rewriter\n Rule $kubernetes['pod_id'] .* kube.$kubernetes['namespace_name'].$kubernetes['container_name'] false\n\n[FILTER]\n Name lua\n Match kube.*\n script /fluent-bit/scripts/kubezero.lua\n call nest_k8s_ns\n"
fluent-bit.config.flushInterval int 5
fluent-bit.config.input.memBufLimit string "16MB"
fluent-bit.config.input.refreshInterval int 5
fluent-bit.config.inputs string "[INPUT]\n Name tail\n Path /var/log/containers/*.log\n # Exclude ourselves to current error spam, https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/issues/5769\n Exclude_Path *logging-fluent-bit*\n multiline.parser cri\n Tag cri.*\n Skip_Long_Lines On\n Skip_Empty_Lines On\n DB /var/log/flb_kube.db\n DB.Sync Normal\n DB.locking true\n # Buffer_Max_Size 1M\n {{- with .Values.config.input }}\n Mem_Buf_Limit {{ default \"16MB\" .memBufLimit }}\n Refresh_Interval {{ default 5 .refreshInterval }}\n {{- end }}\n"
fluent-bit.config.logLevel string "info"
fluent-bit.config.output.host string "logging-fluentd"
fluent-bit.config.output.sharedKey string "cloudbender"
fluent-bit.config.output.tls bool false
fluent-bit.config.outputs string "[OUTPUT]\n Match *\n Name forward\n Host {{ .Values.config.output.host }}\n Port 24224\n Shared_Key {{ .Values.config.output.sharedKey }}\n tls {{ ternary \"on\" \"off\" .Values.config.output.tls }}\n Send_options true\n Require_ack_response true\n"
fluent-bit.config.service string "[SERVICE]\n Flush {{ .Values.config.flushInterval }}\n Daemon Off\n Log_Level {{ .Values.config.logLevel }}\n Parsers_File parsers.conf\n Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf\n HTTP_Server On\n HTTP_Listen\n HTTP_Port {{ .Values.service.port }}\n Health_Check On\n"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumeMounts[0].mountPath string "/var/log"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumeMounts[0].name string "varlog"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumeMounts[1].mountPath string "/var/lib/containers/logs"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumeMounts[1].name string "newlog"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumes[0].hostPath.path string "/var/log"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumes[0].name string "varlog"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumes[1].hostPath.path string "/var/lib/containers/logs"
fluent-bit.daemonSetVolumes[1].name string "newlog"
fluent-bit.enabled bool false
fluent-bit.luaScripts."kubezero.lua" string "function nest_k8s_ns(tag, timestamp, record)\n if not record['kubernetes']['namespace_name'] then\n return 0, 0, 0\n end\n new_record = {}\n for key, val in pairs(record) do\n if key == 'kube' then\n new_record[key] = {}\n new_record[key][record['kubernetes']['namespace_name']] = record[key]\n else\n new_record[key] = record[key]\n end\n end\n return 1, timestamp, new_record\nend\n"
fluent-bit.resources.limits.memory string "128Mi"
fluent-bit.resources.requests.cpu string "20m"
fluent-bit.resources.requests.memory string "48Mi"
fluent-bit.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false
fluent-bit.serviceMonitor.selector.release string "metrics"
fluent-bit.testFramework.enabled bool false
fluent-bit.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
fluent-bit.tolerations[0].operator string "Exists"
fluentd.configMapConfigs[0] string "fluentd-prometheus-conf"
fluentd.dashboards.enabled bool false
fluentd.enabled bool false
fluentd.env[0].name string "OUTPUT_PASSWORD"
fluentd.env[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key string "elastic"
fluentd.env[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name string "logging-es-elastic-user"
fluentd.fileConfigs."00_system.conf" string "<system>\n root_dir /fluentd/log\n log_level info\n ignore_repeated_log_interval 60s\n ignore_same_log_interval 60s\n workers 1\n</system>"
fluentd.fileConfigs."01_sources.conf" string "<source>\n @type http\n @label @KUBERNETES\n port 9880\n bind\n keepalive_timeout 30\n</source>\n\n<source>\n @type forward\n @label @KUBERNETES\n port 24224\n bind\n # skip_invalid_event true\n send_keepalive_packet true\n <security>\n self_hostname \"#{ENV['HOSTNAME']}\"\n shared_key {{ .Values.shared_key }}\n </security>\n</source>"
fluentd.fileConfigs."02_filters.conf" string "<label @KUBERNETES>\n # prevent log feedback loops eg. ES has issues etc.\n # discard logs from our own pods\n <match kube.logging.fluentd>\n @type relabel\n @label @FLUENT_LOG\n </match>\n\n # Exclude current fluent-bit multiline noise\n <filter kube.logging.fluent-bit>\n @type grep\n <exclude>\n key log\n pattern /could not append content to multiline context/\n </exclude>\n </filter>\n\n # Generate Hash ID to break endless loop for already ingested events during retries\n <filter **>\n @type elasticsearch_genid\n use_entire_record true\n </filter>\n\n # Route through DISPATCH for Prometheus metrics\n <match **>\n @type relabel\n @label @DISPATCH\n </match>\n</label>"
fluentd.fileConfigs."04_outputs.conf" string "<label @OUTPUT>\n <match **>\n @id out_es\n @type elasticsearch\n # @log_level debug\n include_tag_key true\n\n id_key _hash\n remove_keys _hash\n write_operation create\n\n # KubeZero pipeline incl. GeoIP etc.\n pipeline fluentd\n\n hosts \"{{ .Values.output.host }}\"\n port 9200\n scheme http\n user elastic\n password \"#{ENV['OUTPUT_PASSWORD']}\"\n\n log_es_400_reason\n logstash_format true\n reconnect_on_error true\n reload_on_failure true\n request_timeout 300s\n slow_flush_log_threshold 55.0\n\n #with_transporter_log true\n\n verify_es_version_at_startup false\n default_elasticsearch_version 7\n suppress_type_name true\n\n # Retry failed bulk requests\n # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch#unrecoverable-error-types\n unrecoverable_error_types [\"out_of_memory_error\"]\n bulk_message_request_threshold 1048576\n\n <buffer>\n @type file\n\n flush_mode interval\n flush_thread_count 2\n flush_interval 10s\n\n chunk_limit_size 2MB\n total_limit_size 1GB\n\n flush_at_shutdown true\n retry_type exponential_backoff\n retry_timeout 6h\n overflow_action drop_oldest_chunk\n disable_chunk_backup true\n </buffer>\n </match>\n</label>"
fluentd.image.repository string "public.ecr.aws/zero-downtime/fluentd-concenter"
fluentd.image.tag string "v1.16.3"
fluentd.istio.enabled bool false
fluentd.kind string "Deployment"
fluentd.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels.release string "metrics"
fluentd.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false
fluentd.mountDockerContainersDirectory bool false
fluentd.mountVarLogDirectory bool false
fluentd.output.host string "logging-es-http"
fluentd.podSecurityPolicy.enabled bool false
fluentd.replicaCount int 1
fluentd.resources.limits.memory string "512Mi"
fluentd.resources.requests.cpu string "200m"
fluentd.resources.requests.memory string "256Mi"
fluentd.service.ports[0].containerPort int 24224
fluentd.service.ports[0].name string "tcp-forward"
fluentd.service.ports[0].protocol string "TCP"
fluentd.service.ports[1].containerPort int 9880
fluentd.service.ports[1].name string "http-fluentd"
fluentd.service.ports[1].protocol string "TCP"
fluentd.shared_key string "cloudbender"
kibana.count int 1
kibana.istio.enabled bool false
kibana.istio.gateway string "istio-system/ingressgateway"
kibana.istio.url string ""
version string "7.17.3"
