kind: ApplicationSet metadata: name: kubezero namespace: argocd labels: {{- include "kubezero-lib.labels" . | nindent 4 }} spec: generators: - git: repoURL: {{ .Values.kubezero.applicationSet.repoURL }} revision: {{ .Values.kubezero.applicationSet.revision }} files: {{- toYaml .Values.kubezero.applicationSet.files | nindent 6 }} template: metadata: name: kubezero spec: project: kubezero source: repoURL: chart: kubezero targetRevision: '{{ "{{" }} kubezero.version {{ "}}" }}' helm: parameters: # We use this to detect if we are called from ArgoCD - name: argocdAppName value: $ARGOCD_APP_NAME # This breaks the recursion, otherwise we install another kubezero project and app # To be removed once we applicationSet is working and AppProject is moved back to ArgoCD chart - name: installKubeZero value: "false" valueFiles: - '{{ "{{" }} kubezero.valuesPath {{ "}}" }}/kubezero.yaml' - '{{ "{{" }} kubezero.valuesPath {{ "}}" }}/values.yaml' destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: argocd syncPolicy: automated: prune: true