image: # image.pullPolicy -- imagePullPolicy - Highly recommended to leave this as `Always` pullPolicy: Always # image.repository -- Repository for the gemini image repository: # image.tag -- The gemini image tag to use. Defaults to .Chart.appVersion tag: rbac: # rbac.create -- If true, create a new ServiceAccount and attach permissions create: true # If rbac.create is false, the name of an existing ServiceAccount to use serviceAccountName: # verbosity -- How verbose the controller logs should be verbosity: 5 # resources -- The resources block for the controller pods resources: requests: memory: 64Mi cpu: 25m limits: memory: 512Mi cpu: 200m # tolerations -- Taint tolerations for nodes tolerations: [] # - key: "dedicated" # operator: "Equal" # value: "app" # effect: "NoSchedule" # nodeSelector -- Select nodes to deploy which matches the following labels nodeSelector: {} # default-pool # affinity -- Pod affinity and pod anti-affinity allow you to specify rules about how pods should be placed relative to other pods. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: disktype # operator: In # values: # - ssd # additionalPodLabels -- Additional labels added on pod additionalPodLabels: {} # env: prod # additionalPodAnnotations -- Additional annotations added on pod additionalPodAnnotations: {} # key: value