#!/bin/bash set -ex # prometheus metrics mixin branch # https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus#compatibility KUBE_PROMETHEUS_RELEASE=main update_jsonnet() { which jsonnet > /dev/null || { echo "Required jsonnet not found!"; exit 1;} which jb > /dev/null || { echo "Required jb ( json-bundler ) not found!"; exit 1;} # remove previous versions rm -f jsonnetfile.json jsonnetfile.lock.json jb init jb install github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/jsonnet/kube-prometheus@main } update_helm() { #helm repo update helm dep update } # AWS public ECR login_ecr_public() { aws ecr-public get-login-password \ --region us-east-1 | helm registry login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin public.ecr.aws } _get_extract_chart() { local CHART=$1 local VERSION=$2 local REPO=$(yq eval '.dependencies[] | select(.name=="'$CHART'") | .repository' Chart.yaml) local URL=$(curl -s $REPO/index.yaml | yq '.entries."'$CHART'".[] | select (.version=="'$VERSION'") | .urls[0]') wget -qO - $URL | tar xfvz - -C charts } patch_chart() { local CHART=$1 local VERSION=$(yq eval '.dependencies[] | select(.name=="'$CHART'") | .version' Chart.yaml) rm -rf charts/$CHART # If helm already pulled the chart archive use it if [ -f charts/$CHART-$VERSION.tgz ]; then tar xfvz charts/$CHART-$VERSION.tgz -C charts && rm charts/$CHART-$VERSION.tgz # otherwise parse Chart.yaml and get it else _get_extract_chart $CHART $VERSION fi # diff -tuNr charts/aws-node-termination-handler.orig charts/aws-node-termination-handler > nth.patch [ -r $CHART.patch ] && patch -p0 -i $CHART.patch --no-backup-if-mismatch || true } patch_rebase() { local CHART=$1 local VERSION=$(yq eval '.dependencies[] | select(.name=="'$CHART'") | .version' Chart.yaml) rm -rf charts/$CHART _get_extract_chart $CHART $VERSION cp -r charts/$CHART charts/$CHART.orig patch -p0 -i $CHART.patch --no-backup-if-mismatch } patch_create() { local CHART=$1 diff -rtuN charts/$CHART.orig charts/$CHART > $CHART.patch rm -rf charts/$CHART.orig } update_docs() { helm-docs }