# Upgrade Postgres major version ## backup - shell into running posgres-auth pod ``` export PGPASSWORD="" cd /bitnami/posgres pg_dumpall > backup ``` - store backup off-site ``` kubectl cp keycloak/kubezero-auth-postgresql-0:/bitnami/postgresql/backup postgres-backup ``` ## upgrade - upgrade auth chart - delete postgres-auth PVC and POD to flush old DB ## restore - copy backup to new PVC ``` kubectl cp postgres-backup keycloak/kubezero-auth-postgresql-0:/bitnami/postgresql/backup ``` - log into psql as admin ( shell on running pod ) ``` psql -U postgres ``` - drop database `keycloak` ``` DROP database keycloak ``` if keycloak is running and postgres complains about connected users simply kill the keycloak and retry - actual restore ``` psql -U postgres -d postgres -f backup ``` - restart keycloak once more success.