# Helm chart # v2.2.6 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.8` # v2.2.5 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.7` # v2.2.3 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.6` # v2.2.2 * Add controller.volMetricsOptIn for emitting volume metrics * Update ECR sidecars to 1-18-13 # v2.2.1 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.5` # v2.2.0 * Allow health ports to be configured * Add Missing "patch" permission for "events" # v2.1.6 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.4` # v2.1.5 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.3` # v2.1.4 * Add node.serviceAccount values for creating and/or specifying daemonset service account # v2.1.3 * Bump app/driver version to `v1.3.2` # v2.1.2 * Add extra-create-metadata # v2.1.1 * Update app/driver version to `v1.3.1` # v2.1.0 ## New features * Update app/driver version to `v1.3.0` ## Bug fixes * Put comments back in place inside the values file ([#475](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-efs-csi-driver/pull/475), [@pierluigilenoci](https://github.com/pierluigilenoci)) # v2.0.1 ## Bug fixes * Helm chart: fix reclaimPolicy and volumeBindingMode ([#464](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-efs-csi-driver/pull/464), [@devinsmith911](https://github.com/devinsmith911)) # v2.0.0 ## Breaking changes Multiple changes in values file at `sidecars`, `controller` and `node` --- ```yaml sidecars: xxxxxxxxx: repository: tag: ``` Moving to ```yaml sidecars: xxxxxxxxx: image: repository: tag: ``` --- ```yaml podAnnotations: resources: nodeSelector: tolerations: affinity: ``` Moving to ```yaml controller: podAnnotations: resources: nodeSelector: tolerations: affinity: ``` --- ```yaml hostAliases: dnsPolicy: dnsConfig: ``` Moving to ```yaml node: hostAliases: dnsPolicy: dnsConfig: ``` --- ```yaml serviceAccount: controller: ``` Moving to ```yaml controller: serviceAccount: ``` ## New features * Chart API `v2` (requires Helm 3) * Set `resources` and `imagePullPolicy` fields independently for containers * Set `logLevel`, `affinity`, `nodeSelector`, `podAnnotations` and `tolerations` fields independently for Controller deployment and Node daemonset * Set `reclaimPolicy` and `volumeBindingMode` fields in storage class ## Fixes * Fixing Controller deployment using `podAnnotations` and `tolerations` values from Node daemonset * Let the user define the whole `tolerations` array, default to `- operator: Exists` * Default `logLevel` lowered from `5` to `2` * Default `imagePullPolicy` everywhere set to `IfNotPresent`