# Changelog ## KubeZero - 2.18 ( Argoless ) ### High level / Admin changes - ArgoCD is now optional and NOT required nor used during initial cluster bootstrap - the bootstrap process now uses the same config and templates as the optional ArgoCD applications later on - the bootstrap is can now be restarted at any time and considerably faster - the top level KubeZero config for the ArgoCD app-of-apps is now also maintained via the gitops workflow. Changes can be applied by a simple git push rather than manual scripts ### Calico - version bump ### Cert-manager - local issuers are now cluster issuer to allow them being used across namespaces - all cert-manager resources moved into the cert-manager namespace - version bump to 1.10 ### Kiam - set priorty class to cluster essential - certificates are now issued by the cluster issuer ### EBS / EFS - version bump ### Istio - istio operator removed, deployment migrated to helm, various cleanups - version bump to 1.8 - all ingress resources are now in the dedicated new namespace istio-ingress ( deployed via separate kubezero chart istio-ingress) - set priorty class of ingress components to cluster essential ### Logging - ES/Kibana version bump to 7.10 - ECK operator is now installed on demand in logging ns - Custom event fields configurable via new fluent-bit chart e.g. clustername could be added to each event allowing easy filtering in case multiple clusters stream events into a single central ES cluster ### ArgoCD - version bump, new app of app architecure ### Metrics - version bump - all servicemonitor resources are now in the same namespaces as the respective apps to avoid deployments across multiple namespaces ### upstream Kubernetes 1.18 https://sysdig.com/blog/whats-new-kubernetes-1-18/