{{- if or .Values.nats.logging.debug .Values.nats.logging.trace }} *WARNING*: Keep in mind that running the server with debug and/or trace enabled significantly affects the performance of the server! {{- end }} You can find more information about running NATS on Kubernetes in the NATS documentation website: https://docs.nats.io/nats-on-kubernetes/nats-kubernetes {{- if .Values.natsbox.enabled }} NATS Box has been deployed into your cluster, you can now use the NATS tools within the container as follows: kubectl exec -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} -it deployment/{{ template "nats.fullname" . }}-box -- /bin/sh -l nats-box:~# nats-sub test & nats-box:~# nats-pub test hi nats-box:~# nc {{ template "nats.fullname" . }} 4222 {{- end }} Thanks for using NATS!