# NATS Server [NATS](https://nats.io) is a simple, secure and performant communications system for digital systems, services and devices. NATS is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ([CNCF](https://cncf.io)). NATS has over [30 client language implementations](https://nats.io/download/), and its server can run on-premise, in the cloud, at the edge, and even on a Raspberry Pi. NATS can secure and simplify design and operation of modern distributed systems. ## TL;DR; ```console helm repo add nats https://nats-io.github.io/k8s/helm/charts/ helm install my-nats nats/nats ``` ## Configuration ### Server Image ```yaml nats: image: nats:2.1.7-alpine3.11 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ``` ### Limits ```yaml nats: # The number of connect attempts against discovered routes. connectRetries: 30 # How many seconds should pass before sending a PING # to a client that has no activity. pingInterval: # Server settings. limits: maxConnections: maxSubscriptions: maxControlLine: maxPayload: writeDeadline: maxPending: maxPings: lameDuckDuration: # Number of seconds to wait for client connections to end after the pod termination is requested terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 ``` ### Logging *Note*: It is not recommended to enable trace or debug in production since enabling it will significantly degrade performance. ```yaml nats: logging: debug: trace: logtime: connectErrorReports: reconnectErrorReports: ``` ### TLS setup for client connections You can find more on how to setup and trouble shoot TLS connnections at: https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/securing_nats/tls ```yaml nats: tls: secret: name: nats-client-tls ca: "ca.crt" cert: "tls.crt" key: "tls.key" ``` ## Clustering If clustering is enabled, then a 3-node cluster will be setup. More info at: https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/clustering#nats-server-clustering ```yaml cluster: enabled: true replicas: 3 tls: secret: name: nats-server-tls ca: "ca.crt" cert: "tls.crt" key: "tls.key" ``` Example: ```sh $ helm install nats nats/nats --set cluster.enabled=true ``` ## Leafnodes Leafnode connections to extend a cluster. More info at: https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/leafnodes ```yaml leafnodes: enabled: true remotes: - url: "tls://connect.ngs.global:7422" ####################### # # # TLS Configuration # # # ####################### # # # You can find more on how to setup and trouble shoot TLS connnections at: # # # https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/securing_nats/tls # tls: secret: name: nats-client-tls ca: "ca.crt" cert: "tls.crt" key: "tls.key" ``` ## Setting up External Access ### Using HostPorts In case of both external access and advertisements being enabled, an initializer container will be used to gather the public ips. This container will required to have enough RBAC policy to be able to make a look up of the public ip of the node where it is running. For example, to setup external access for a cluster and advertise the public ip to clients: ```yaml nats: # Toggle whether to enable external access. # This binds a host port for clients, gateways and leafnodes. externalAccess: true # Toggle to disable client advertisements (connect_urls), # in case of running behind a load balancer (which is not recommended) # it might be required to disable advertisements. advertise: true # In case both external access and advertise are enabled # then a service account would be required to be able to # gather the public ip from a node. serviceAccount: "nats-server" ``` Where the service account named `nats-server` has the following RBAC policy for example: ```yaml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: nats-server namespace: default --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: nats-server rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: - nodes verbs: ["get"] --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: nats-server-binding roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: nats-server subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: nats-server namespace: default ``` The container image of the initializer can be customized via: ```yaml bootconfig: image: connecteverything/nats-boot-config:0.5.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ``` ### Using LoadBalancers In case of using a load balancer for external access, it is recommended to disable no advertise so that internal ips from the NATS Servers are not advertised to the clients connecting through the load balancer. ```yaml nats: image: nats:alpine cluster: enabled: true noAdvertise: true leafnodes: enabled: true noAdvertise: true natsbox: enabled: true ``` Then could use an L4 enabled load balancer to connect to NATS, for example: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nats-lb spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: nats ports: - protocol: TCP port: 4222 targetPort: 4222 name: nats - protocol: TCP port: 7422 targetPort: 7422 name: leafnodes - protocol: TCP port: 7522 targetPort: 7522 name: gateways ``` ## Gateways A super cluster can be formed by pointing to remote gateways. You can find more about gateways in the NATS documentation: https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/gateways ```yaml gateway: enabled: false name: 'default' ############################# # # # List of remote gateways # # # ############################# # gateways: # - name: other # url: nats://my-gateway-url:7522 ####################### # # # TLS Configuration # # # ####################### # # # You can find more on how to setup and trouble shoot TLS connnections at: # # # https://docs.nats.io/nats-server/configuration/securing_nats/tls # # tls: # secret: # name: nats-client-tls # ca: "ca.crt" # cert: "tls.crt" # key: "tls.key" ``` ## Auth setup ### Auth with a Memory Resolver ```yaml auth: enabled: true # Reference to the Operator JWT. operatorjwt: configMap: name: operator-jwt key: KO.jwt # Public key of the System Account systemAccount: resolver: ############################ # # # Memory resolver settings # # # ############################## type: memory # # Use a configmap reference which will be mounted # into the container. # configMap: name: nats-accounts key: resolver.conf ``` ### Auth using an Account Server Resolver ```yaml auth: enabled: true # Reference to the Operator JWT. operatorjwt: configMap: name: operator-jwt key: KO.jwt # Public key of the System Account systemAccount: resolver: ########################## # # # URL resolver settings # # # ########################## type: URL url: "http://nats-account-server:9090/jwt/v1/accounts/" ``` ## JetStream ### Setting up Memory and File Storage ```yaml nats: image: synadia/nats-server:nightly jetstream: enabled: true memStorage: enabled: true size: 2Gi fileStorage: enabled: true size: 1Gi storageDirectory: /data/ storageClassName: default ``` ### Using with an existing PersistentVolumeClaim For example, given the following `PersistentVolumeClaim`: ```yaml --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: nats-js-disk annotations: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: "default" spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 3Gi ``` You can start JetStream so that one pod is bounded to it: ```yaml nats: image: synadia/nats-server:nightly jetstream: enabled: true fileStorage: enabled: true storageDirectory: /data/ existingClaim: nats-js-disk claimStorageSize: 3Gi ``` ### Clustering example ```yaml nats: image: synadia/nats-server:nightly jetstream: enabled: true memStorage: enabled: true size: "2Gi" fileStorage: enabled: true size: "1Gi" storageDirectory: /data/ storageClassName: default cluster: enabled: true # Cluster name is required, by default will be release name. # name: "nats" replicas: 3 ``` ## Misc ### NATS Box A lightweight container with NATS and NATS Streaming utilities that is deployed along the cluster to confirm the setup. You can find the image at: https://github.com/nats-io/nats-box ```yaml natsbox: enabled: true image: synadia/nats-box:latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # credentials: # secret: # name: nats-sys-creds # key: sys.creds ``` ### Configuration Reload sidecar The NATS config reloader image to use: ```yaml reloader: enabled: true image: connecteverything/nats-server-config-reloader:0.6.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ``` ### Prometheus Exporter sidecar You can toggle whether to start the sidecar that can be used to feed metrics to Prometheus: ```yaml exporter: enabled: true image: synadia/prometheus-nats-exporter:0.5.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ``` ### Prometheus operator ServiceMonitor support You can enable prometheus operator ServiceMonitor: ```yaml exporter: # You have to enable exporter first enabled: true serviceMonitor: enabled: true ## Specify the namespace where Prometheus Operator is running # namespace: monitoring # ... ``` ### Pod Customizations #### Security Context ```yaml # Toggle whether to use setup a Pod Security Context # ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/ securityContext: fsGroup: 1000 runAsUser: 1000 runAsNonRoot: true ``` #### Affinity `matchExpressions` must be configured according to your setup ```yaml affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: node.kubernetes.io/purpose operator: In values: - nats podAntiAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - nats - stan topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" ``` #### Service topology [Service topology](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service-topology/) is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting `topologyKeys`. For example: ```yaml topologyKeys: - "kubernetes.io/hostname" - "topology.kubernetes.io/zone" - "topology.kubernetes.io/region" ``` #### CPU/Memory Resource Requests/Limits Sets the pods cpu/memory requests/limits ```yaml nats: resources: requests: cpu: 2 memory: 4Gi limits: cpu: 4 memory: 6Gi ``` No resources are set by default. #### Annotations ```yaml podAnnotations: key1 : "value1", key2 : "value2" ``` ### Name Overides Can change the name of the resources as needed with: ```yaml nameOverride: "my-nats" ``` ### Image Pull Secrets ```yaml imagePullSecrets: - name: myRegistry ``` Adds this to the StatefulSet: ```yaml spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: myRegistry ```