#!/bin/bash set -ex LOCATION=${1:-""} DEPLOY_DIR=$( dirname $( realpath $0 )) function chart_location() { if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then echo "$1 --repo https://zero-down-time.github.io/kubezero" else echo "$LOCATION/$1" fi } # Update only if we use upstream if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then helm repo add kubezero https://zero-down-time.github.io/kubezero helm repo update fi TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d kubezero.XXX) # This will be stored as secret during the initial kubezero chart install helm template $DEPLOY_DIR -f values.yaml -f cloudbender.yaml > $TMPDIR/kubezero.yaml helm template $(chart_location kubezero) --namespace argocd --name-template kubezero --skip-crds -f $TMPDIR/kubezero.yaml > $TMPDIR/helm.yaml kubectl apply --namespace argocd -f $TMPDIR/helm.yaml [ "$DEBUG" == "" ] && rm -rf $TMPDIR