# Generated by Fabric8 CRDGenerator, manual edits might get overwritten! apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: keycloakrealmimports.k8s.keycloak.org spec: group: k8s.keycloak.org names: kind: KeycloakRealmImport plural: keycloakrealmimports singular: keycloakrealmimport scope: Namespaced versions: - name: v2alpha1 schema: openAPIV3Schema: properties: spec: properties: keycloakCRName: description: "The name of the Keycloak CR to reference, in the same\ \ namespace." type: string realm: description: The RealmRepresentation to import into Keycloak. properties: webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister: type: boolean federatedUsers: items: properties: id: type: string clientConsents: items: properties: grantedClientScopes: items: type: string type: array grantedRealmRoles: items: type: string type: array lastUpdatedDate: type: integer createdDate: type: integer clientId: type: string type: object type: array clientRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object requiredActions: items: type: string type: array enabled: type: boolean realmRoles: items: type: string type: array createdTimestamp: type: integer emailVerified: type: boolean disableableCredentialTypes: items: type: string type: array socialLinks: items: properties: socialUserId: type: string socialProvider: type: string socialUsername: type: string type: object type: array username: type: string federationLink: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object totp: type: boolean serviceAccountClientId: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object federatedIdentities: items: properties: userId: type: string identityProvider: type: string userName: type: string type: object type: array firstName: type: string self: type: string notBefore: type: integer groups: items: type: string type: array credentials: items: properties: id: type: string period: type: integer counter: type: integer value: type: string hashIterations: type: integer algorithm: type: string hashedSaltedValue: type: string type: type: string priority: type: integer device: type: string temporary: type: boolean userLabel: type: string createdDate: type: integer secretData: type: string config: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object credentialData: type: string salt: type: string digits: type: integer type: object type: array applicationRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object lastName: type: string email: type: string origin: type: string type: object type: array adminEventsEnabled: type: boolean registrationEmailAsUsername: type: boolean keycloakVersion: type: string oauth2DeviceCodeLifespan: type: integer sslRequired: type: string realm: type: string defaultGroups: items: type: string type: array enabled: type: boolean webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms: items: type: string type: array ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe: type: integer webAuthnPolicyRpId: type: string webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister: type: boolean users: items: properties: id: type: string clientConsents: items: properties: grantedClientScopes: items: type: string type: array grantedRealmRoles: items: type: string type: array lastUpdatedDate: type: integer createdDate: type: integer clientId: type: string type: object type: array clientRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object requiredActions: items: type: string type: array enabled: type: boolean realmRoles: items: type: string type: array createdTimestamp: type: integer emailVerified: type: boolean disableableCredentialTypes: items: type: string type: array socialLinks: items: properties: socialUserId: type: string socialProvider: type: string socialUsername: type: string type: object type: array username: type: string federationLink: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object totp: type: boolean serviceAccountClientId: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object federatedIdentities: items: properties: userId: type: string identityProvider: type: string userName: type: string type: object type: array firstName: type: string self: type: string notBefore: type: integer groups: items: type: string type: array credentials: items: properties: id: type: string period: type: integer counter: type: integer value: type: string hashIterations: type: integer algorithm: type: string hashedSaltedValue: type: string type: type: string priority: type: integer device: type: string temporary: type: boolean userLabel: type: string createdDate: type: integer secretData: type: string config: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object credentialData: type: string salt: type: string digits: type: integer type: object type: array applicationRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object lastName: type: string email: type: string origin: type: string type: object type: array clientTemplates: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string fullScopeAllowed: type: boolean frontchannelLogout: type: boolean serviceAccountsEnabled: type: boolean standardFlowEnabled: type: boolean description: type: string publicClient: type: boolean consentRequired: type: boolean bearerOnly: type: boolean protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array name: type: string directAccessGrantsEnabled: type: boolean implicitFlowEnabled: type: boolean attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessUserVerificationRequirement: type: string registrationFlow: type: string publicKey: type: string webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessCreateTimeout: type: integer authenticationFlows: items: properties: id: type: string providerId: type: string authenticationExecutions: items: properties: userSetupAllowed: type: boolean flowAlias: type: string autheticatorFlow: type: boolean authenticatorConfig: type: string authenticator: type: string priority: type: integer requirement: type: string authenticatorFlow: type: boolean type: object type: array topLevel: type: boolean alias: type: string builtIn: type: boolean description: type: string type: object type: array applicationScopeMappings: additionalProperties: items: properties: clientTemplate: type: string self: type: string clientScope: type: string client: type: string roles: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array type: object offlineSessionMaxLifespan: type: integer codeSecret: type: string offlineSessionIdleTimeout: type: integer quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds: type: integer privateKey: type: string webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName: type: string emailTheme: type: string accessCodeLifespanLogin: type: integer passwordPolicy: type: string ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe: type: integer resetPasswordAllowed: type: boolean failureFactor: type: integer otpPolicyAlgorithm: type: string requiredActions: items: properties: providerId: type: string alias: type: string defaultAction: type: boolean priority: type: integer name: type: string enabled: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan: type: integer clientAuthenticationFlow: type: string webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment: type: string actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan: type: integer id: type: string clientPolicies: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement: type: string loginTheme: type: string requiredCredentials: items: type: string type: array webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAttestationConveyancePreference: type: string directGrantFlow: type: string identityProviderMappers: items: properties: id: type: string name: type: string identityProviderMapper: type: string identityProviderAlias: type: string config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array dockerAuthenticationFlow: type: string browserFlow: type: string bruteForceProtected: type: boolean displayNameHtml: type: string ssoSessionIdleTimeout: type: integer browserSecurityHeaders: additionalProperties: type: string type: object eventsListeners: items: type: string type: array accessTokenLifespan: type: integer applications: items: properties: name: type: string claims: properties: picture: type: boolean gender: type: boolean phone: type: boolean website: type: boolean email: type: boolean profile: type: boolean address: type: boolean name: type: boolean username: type: boolean locale: type: boolean type: object id: type: string frontchannelLogout: type: boolean useTemplateConfig: type: boolean registrationAccessToken: type: string baseUrl: type: string serviceAccountsEnabled: type: boolean registeredNodes: additionalProperties: type: integer type: object useTemplateMappers: type: boolean description: type: string publicClient: type: boolean useTemplateScope: type: boolean authorizationSettings: properties: id: type: string resources: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string name: type: string policyEnforcementMode: enum: - PERMISSIVE - ENFORCING - DISABLED type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array policies: items: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object id: type: string owner: type: string resources: items: type: string type: array policies: items: type: string type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string logic: enum: - POSITIVE - NEGATIVE type: string resourcesData: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array name: type: string type: type: string scopesData: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array description: type: string scopes: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array clientId: type: string allowRemoteResourceManagement: type: boolean type: object clientId: type: string enabled: type: boolean clientAuthenticatorType: type: string surrogateAuthRequired: type: boolean webOrigins: items: type: string type: array authorizationServicesEnabled: type: boolean secret: type: string protocol: type: string fullScopeAllowed: type: boolean nodeReRegistrationTimeout: type: integer clientTemplate: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object alwaysDisplayInConsole: type: boolean rootUrl: type: string oauth2DeviceAuthorizationGrantEnabled: type: boolean standardFlowEnabled: type: boolean optionalClientScopes: items: type: string type: array consentRequired: type: boolean authenticationFlowBindingOverrides: additionalProperties: type: string type: object bearerOnly: type: boolean defaultClientScopes: items: type: string type: array adminUrl: type: string protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array notBefore: type: integer directGrantsOnly: type: boolean defaultRoles: items: type: string type: array directAccessGrantsEnabled: type: boolean implicitFlowEnabled: type: boolean origin: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object redirectUris: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array clientProfiles: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true userFederationMappers: items: properties: id: type: string federationProviderDisplayName: type: string federationMapperType: type: string name: type: string config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array enabledEventTypes: items: type: string type: array otpPolicyLookAheadWindow: type: integer displayName: type: string eventsEnabled: type: boolean clientSessionMaxLifespan: type: integer roles: properties: application: additionalProperties: items: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string clientRole: type: boolean name: type: string description: type: string scopeParamRequired: type: boolean composites: properties: realm: items: type: string type: array application: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object client: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object containerId: type: string composite: type: boolean type: object type: array type: object client: additionalProperties: items: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string clientRole: type: boolean name: type: string description: type: string scopeParamRequired: type: boolean composites: properties: realm: items: type: string type: array application: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object client: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object containerId: type: string composite: type: boolean type: object type: array type: object realm: items: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string clientRole: type: boolean name: type: string description: type: string scopeParamRequired: type: boolean composites: properties: realm: items: type: string type: array application: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object client: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object containerId: type: string composite: type: boolean type: object type: array type: object groups: items: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object realmRoles: items: type: string type: array path: type: string clientRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object name: type: string subGroups: items: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object realmRoles: items: type: string type: array path: type: string clientRoles: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object name: type: string type: object type: array type: object type: array webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout: type: integer webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference: type: string clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout: type: integer notBefore: type: integer webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpEntityName: type: string verifyEmail: type: boolean clientScopeMappings: additionalProperties: items: properties: clientTemplate: type: string self: type: string clientScope: type: string client: type: string roles: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array type: object identityProviders: items: properties: storeToken: type: boolean trustEmail: type: boolean updateProfileFirstLoginMode: type: string authenticateByDefault: type: boolean displayName: type: string providerId: type: string linkOnly: type: boolean postBrokerLoginFlowAlias: type: string alias: type: string enabled: type: boolean firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias: type: string internalId: type: string addReadTokenRoleOnCreate: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array resetCredentialsFlow: type: string duplicateEmailsAllowed: type: boolean maxDeltaTimeSeconds: type: integer offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled: type: boolean realmCacheEnabled: type: boolean attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object adminTheme: type: string loginWithEmailAllowed: type: boolean otpSupportedApplications: items: type: string type: array clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan: type: integer userFederationProviders: items: properties: id: type: string providerName: type: string displayName: type: string priority: type: integer fullSyncPeriod: type: integer lastSync: type: integer changedSyncPeriod: type: integer config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array internationalizationEnabled: type: boolean permanentLockout: type: boolean userManagedAccessAllowed: type: boolean smtpServer: additionalProperties: type: string type: object otpPolicyDigits: type: integer webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessSignatureAlgorithms: items: type: string type: array socialProviders: additionalProperties: type: string type: object otpPolicyInitialCounter: type: integer defaultSignatureAlgorithm: type: string refreshTokenMaxReuse: type: integer revokeRefreshToken: type: boolean accountTheme: type: string webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAcceptableAaguids: items: type: string type: array webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAuthenticatorAttachment: type: string supportedLocales: items: type: string type: array defaultDefaultClientScopes: items: type: string type: array authenticatorConfig: items: properties: id: type: string alias: type: string config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpId: type: string scopeMappings: items: properties: clientTemplate: type: string self: type: string clientScope: type: string client: type: string roles: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array clientScopes: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array name: type: string description: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array oauth2DevicePollingInterval: type: integer eventsExpiration: type: integer certificate: type: string defaultRole: properties: attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object id: type: string clientRole: type: boolean name: type: string description: type: string scopeParamRequired: type: boolean composites: properties: realm: items: type: string type: array application: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object client: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object containerId: type: string composite: type: boolean type: object defaultOptionalClientScopes: items: type: string type: array editUsernameAllowed: type: boolean defaultLocale: type: string webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey: type: string oauthClients: items: properties: name: type: string claims: properties: picture: type: boolean gender: type: boolean phone: type: boolean website: type: boolean email: type: boolean profile: type: boolean address: type: boolean name: type: boolean username: type: boolean locale: type: boolean type: object id: type: string frontchannelLogout: type: boolean useTemplateConfig: type: boolean registrationAccessToken: type: string baseUrl: type: string serviceAccountsEnabled: type: boolean registeredNodes: additionalProperties: type: integer type: object useTemplateMappers: type: boolean description: type: string publicClient: type: boolean useTemplateScope: type: boolean authorizationSettings: properties: id: type: string resources: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string name: type: string policyEnforcementMode: enum: - PERMISSIVE - ENFORCING - DISABLED type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array policies: items: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object id: type: string owner: type: string resources: items: type: string type: array policies: items: type: string type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string logic: enum: - POSITIVE - NEGATIVE type: string resourcesData: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array name: type: string type: type: string scopesData: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array description: type: string scopes: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array clientId: type: string allowRemoteResourceManagement: type: boolean type: object clientId: type: string enabled: type: boolean clientAuthenticatorType: type: string surrogateAuthRequired: type: boolean webOrigins: items: type: string type: array authorizationServicesEnabled: type: boolean secret: type: string protocol: type: string fullScopeAllowed: type: boolean nodeReRegistrationTimeout: type: integer clientTemplate: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object alwaysDisplayInConsole: type: boolean rootUrl: type: string oauth2DeviceAuthorizationGrantEnabled: type: boolean standardFlowEnabled: type: boolean optionalClientScopes: items: type: string type: array consentRequired: type: boolean authenticationFlowBindingOverrides: additionalProperties: type: string type: object bearerOnly: type: boolean defaultClientScopes: items: type: string type: array adminUrl: type: string protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array notBefore: type: integer directGrantsOnly: type: boolean defaultRoles: items: type: string type: array directAccessGrantsEnabled: type: boolean implicitFlowEnabled: type: boolean origin: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object redirectUris: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array adminEventsDetailsEnabled: type: boolean ssoSessionMaxLifespan: type: integer accessCodeLifespanUserAction: type: integer registrationAllowed: type: boolean social: type: boolean accessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow: type: integer rememberMe: type: boolean maxFailureWaitSeconds: type: integer defaultRoles: items: type: string type: array otpPolicyType: type: string otpPolicyPeriod: type: integer accessCodeLifespan: type: integer minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds: type: integer webAuthnPolicyAcceptableAaguids: items: type: string type: array updateProfileOnInitialSocialLogin: type: boolean clientSessionIdleTimeout: type: integer webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRequireResidentKey: type: string waitIncrementSeconds: type: integer protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array clients: items: properties: id: type: string frontchannelLogout: type: boolean useTemplateConfig: type: boolean registrationAccessToken: type: string baseUrl: type: string serviceAccountsEnabled: type: boolean registeredNodes: additionalProperties: type: integer type: object useTemplateMappers: type: boolean description: type: string publicClient: type: boolean useTemplateScope: type: boolean authorizationSettings: properties: id: type: string resources: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string name: type: string policyEnforcementMode: enum: - PERMISSIVE - ENFORCING - DISABLED type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array policies: items: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object id: type: string owner: type: string resources: items: type: string type: array policies: items: type: string type: array decisionStrategy: enum: - AFFIRMATIVE - CONSENSUS - UNANIMOUS type: string logic: enum: - POSITIVE - NEGATIVE type: string resourcesData: items: properties: _id: type: string uris: items: type: string type: array attributes: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object displayName: type: string scopes: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array owner: properties: id: type: string name: type: string type: object name: type: string type: type: string icon_uri: type: string ownerManagedAccess: type: boolean type: object type: array name: type: string type: type: string scopesData: items: properties: id: type: string displayName: type: string name: type: string iconUri: type: string type: object type: array description: type: string scopes: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array clientId: type: string allowRemoteResourceManagement: type: boolean type: object clientId: type: string enabled: type: boolean clientAuthenticatorType: type: string name: type: string surrogateAuthRequired: type: boolean webOrigins: items: type: string type: array authorizationServicesEnabled: type: boolean secret: type: string protocol: type: string fullScopeAllowed: type: boolean nodeReRegistrationTimeout: type: integer clientTemplate: type: string access: additionalProperties: type: boolean type: object alwaysDisplayInConsole: type: boolean rootUrl: type: string oauth2DeviceAuthorizationGrantEnabled: type: boolean standardFlowEnabled: type: boolean optionalClientScopes: items: type: string type: array consentRequired: type: boolean authenticationFlowBindingOverrides: additionalProperties: type: string type: object bearerOnly: type: boolean defaultClientScopes: items: type: string type: array adminUrl: type: string protocolMappers: items: properties: protocol: type: string id: type: string name: type: string protocolMapper: type: string consentText: type: string consentRequired: type: boolean config: additionalProperties: type: string type: object type: object type: array notBefore: type: integer directGrantsOnly: type: boolean defaultRoles: items: type: string type: array directAccessGrantsEnabled: type: boolean implicitFlowEnabled: type: boolean origin: type: string attributes: additionalProperties: type: string type: object redirectUris: items: type: string type: array type: object type: array components: additionalProperties: items: properties: id: type: string providerId: type: string subType: type: string subComponents: additionalProperties: items: properties: id: type: string providerId: type: string subType: type: string name: type: string config: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object type: array type: object name: type: string config: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object type: object type: array type: object passwordCredentialGrantAllowed: type: boolean userCacheEnabled: type: boolean type: object required: - keycloakCRName - realm type: object status: properties: conditions: items: properties: status: type: boolean type: type: string message: type: string type: object type: array type: object type: object served: true storage: true subresources: status: {}