# KubeZero 1.24 ## TODO ## What's new - Major themes - Cilium is now the default CNI, calico gets removed - cluster-autoscaler is enabled by default on AWS - worker nodes are now automatically update to latest AMI and config in a rolling fashion - integrated Bitnami Sealed Secrets controller ## Version upgrades - cilium - metallb - nvidia-device-plugin - aws-node-termination-handler - aws-ebs-csi-driver - aws-efs-csi-driver - istio 1.16 - argocd 2.5.5 + tweaks - all things prometheus incl. automated muting of certain alarms, eg. CPUOverCommit when cluster-autoscaler is available ### FeatureGates - PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI - DelegateFSGroupToCSIDriver # Upgrade `(No, really, you MUST read this before you upgrade)` Ensure your Kube context points to the correct cluster ! 1. Review CFN config for controller and workers, no mandatory changes during this release though 2. Upgrade CFN stacks for the control plane *ONLY* ! Updating the workers CFN stacks would trigger rolling updates right away ! 3. Trigger cluster upgrade: `./admin/upgrade_cluster.sh ` 4. Reboot controller(s) one by one Wait each time for controller to join and all pods running. Might take a while ... 5. Upgrade CFN stacks for the workers. This in turn will trigger automated worker updates by evicting pods and launching new workers in a rolling fashion. Grab a coffee and keep an eye on the cluster to be safe ... 6. If all looks good, commit the ArgoApp resouce for Kubezero, before re-enabling ArgoCD itself. git add / commit / push `` 7. Head over to ArgoCD and sync all KubeZero modules incl. `pruning` enabled to remove eg. Calico