# use this for backwards compatability # fullnameOverride: "" # Version for ElasticSearch and Kibana have to match so we define it at top-level version: 7.8.1 elastic_password: "" # super_secret_elastic_password es: nodeSets: [] #- count: 2 # storage: # size: 16Gi # class: local-sc-xfs # zone: us-west-2a s3Snapshot: enabled: false iamrole: "" # INSERT_CLOUDFORMATION_OUTPUT_ElasticSearchSnapshots prometheus: false kibana: count: 1 #servicename: kibana.example.com istio: enabled: false gateway: "istio-system/ingressgateway" url: "" # kibana.example.com fluentd: enabled: false image: repository: quay.io/fluentd_elasticsearch/fluentd tag: v2.9.0 istio: enabled: false # broken as of 2.5.1 ;-( # useStatefulSet: true replicaCount: 2 plugins: enabled: false pluginsList: #- fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions #- fluent-plugin-s3 #- fluent-plugin-grok-parser #persistence: # enabled: true # storageClass: "ebs-sc-gp2-xfs" # accessMode: ReadWriteOnce # size: 4Gi service: ports: - name: tcp-forward protocol: TCP containerPort: 24224 - name: http-fluentd protocol: TCP containerPort: 9880 metrics: enabled: false serviceMonitor: enabled: true additionalLabels: release: metrics namespace: monitoring output: # Default should be "logging-kubezero-logging-es-http" if fullnameOverride is NOT used host: logging-es-http shared_key: "cloudbender" env: OUTPUT_USER: elastic OUTPUT_SSL_VERIFY: "false" # Same here the secret names change if fullnameOverride is not used !! extraEnvVars: - name: OUTPUT_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: logging-es-elastic-user key: elastic - name: FLUENTD_SHARED_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: logging-fluentd-secret key: shared_key configMaps: general.conf: | @type http port 9880 bind keepalive_timeout 30 @type monitor_agent bind port 24220 tag fluentd.monitor.metrics forward-input.conf: | @type forward port 24224 bind skip_invalid_event true send_keepalive_packet true self_hostname "#{ENV['HOSTNAME']}" shared_key "#{ENV['FLUENTD_SHARED_KEY']}" output.conf: | @id elasticsearch @type elasticsearch @log_level info include_tag_key true id_key id remove_keys id # KubeZero pipeline incl. GeoIP etc. # pipeline fluentd host "#{ENV['OUTPUT_HOST']}" port "#{ENV['OUTPUT_PORT']}" scheme "#{ENV['OUTPUT_SCHEME']}" ssl_version "#{ENV['OUTPUT_SSL_VERSION']}" ssl_verify "#{ENV['OUTPUT_SSL_VERIFY']}" user "#{ENV['OUTPUT_USER']}" password "#{ENV['OUTPUT_PASSWORD']}" log_es_400_reason logstash_format true reconnect_on_error true # reload_on_failure true request_timeout 15s suppress_type_name true @type file_single path /var/log/fluentd-buffers/kubernetes.system.buffer flush_mode interval flush_thread_count 2 flush_interval 30s flush_at_shutdown true retry_type exponential_backoff retry_timeout 60m overflow_action drop_oldest_chunk filter.conf: | @type parser key_name message remove_key_name_field true reserve_data true reserve_time true # inject_key_prefix message_json. emit_invalid_record_to_error false @type json fluent-bit: enabled: false test: enabled: false config: outputs: | [OUTPUT] Match * Name forward Host logging-fluentd Port 24224 Shared_Key cloudbender Send_options true Require_ack_response true customParsers: | [PARSER] Name cri-log Format regex Regex ^(?