replicaCount: 1 image: repository: twinproduction/aws-eks-asg-rolling-update-handler tag: v1.7.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent #imagePullSecrets: #- imagePullSecret environmentVars: - name: CLUSTER_NAME value: "cluster-name" # REPLACE THIS WITH THE NAME OF YOUR EKS CLUSTER #- name: AUTO_SCALING_GROUP_NAMES # value: "asg-1,asg-2,asg-3" # REPLACE THESE VALUES FOR THE NAMES OF THE ASGs, if CLUSTER_NAME is provided, this is ignored #- name: IGNORE_DAEMON_SETS # value: "true" #- name: DELETE_LOCAL_DATA # value: "true" #- name: AWS_REGION # value: us-west-2 #- name: ENVIRONMENT # value: "" resources: {} # limits: # cpu: 0.3 # memory: 100Mi # requests: # cpu: 0.1 # memory: 50Mi podAnnotations: {} # "8080" # "true" serviceAccount: create: true #name: aws-eks-asg-rolling-update-handler annotations: {}