# Cluster Operations ## Delete evicted pods across all namespaces ` kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.status.reason!=null) | select(.status.reason | contains("Evicted")) | "kubectl delete pods \(.metadata.name) -n \(.metadata.namespace)"' | xargs -n 1 bash -c ` ## Cleanup old replicasets `kubectl get rs --all-namespaces | awk {' if ($3 == 0 && $4 == 0) system("kubectl delete rs "$2" --namespace="$1)'}` ## Replace worker nodes In order to change the instance type or in genernal replace worker nodes do: * (optional) Update the launch configuration of the worker group * Make sure there is enough capacity in the cluster to handle all pods being evicted for the node * `kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets node_name` will evict all pods except DaemonSets. In case there are pods with local storage review each affected pod. After being sure no important data will be lost add `--delete-local-data` to the original command above and try again. * Terminate instance matching *node_name* The new instance should take over the previous node_name assuming only node is being replaced at a time and automatically join and replace the previous node. --- # kubectl kubectl is the basic cmdline tool to interact with any kubernetes cluster via the kube-api server ## Plugins As there are various very useful plugins for kubectl the first thing should be to install *krew* the plugin manager. See: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew for details List of awesome plugins: https://github.com/ishantanu/awesome-kubectl-plugins ### kubelogin To login / authenticate against an openID provider like Google install the kubelogin plugin. See: https://github.com/int128/kubelogin Make sure to adjust your kubeconfig files accordingly ! ### kauthproxy Easiest way to access the Kubernetes dashboard, if installed in the targeted cluster, is to use the kauthproxy plugin. See: https://github.com/int128/kauthproxy Once installed simply execute: `kubectl auth-proxy -n kubernetes-dashboard https://kubernetes-dashboard.svc` and access the dashboard via the automatically opened browser window.