# Make sure these values match kuberzero-istio !!! global: #hub: docker.io/istio #tag: 1.10.2 logAsJson: true priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" defaultPodDisruptionBudget: enabled: false arch: amd64: 2 istio-ingress: enabled: false telemetry: enabled: false gateways: istio-ingressgateway: autoscaleEnabled: false replicaCount: 1 rollingMaxSurge: 1 rollingMaxUnavailable: 0 resources: requests: cpu: 50m memory: 64Mi limits: # cpu: 100m memory: 512Mi externalTrafficPolicy: Local podAntiAffinityLabelSelector: - key: app operator: In topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname values: istio-ingressgateway type: NodePort podAnnotations: proxy.istio.io/config: '{ "terminationDrainDuration": "20s" }' # custom hardened bootstrap config env: ISTIO_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap/custom_bootstrap.json configVolumes: - name: custom-bootstrap-volume mountPath: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap configMapName: istio-gateway-bootstrap-config # The node selector is normally the list of nodeports, see CloudBender nodeSelector: node.kubernetes.io/ingress.public: "30080_30443" ports: - name: status-port port: 15021 nodePort: 30021 protocol: TCP - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 nodePort: 30080 protocol: TCP - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 nodePort: 30443 protocol: TCP certificates: - name: ingress-cert dnsNames: [] # - '*.example.com' proxyProtocol: false meshConfig: defaultConfig: proxyMetadata: # ISTIO_META_HTTP10: 1 istio-private-ingress: enabled: false telemetry: enabled: false gateways: istio-ingressgateway: # name and labels make the ingress private name: istio-private-ingressgateway labels: app: istio-private-ingressgateway istio: private-ingressgateway autoscaleEnabled: false replicaCount: 1 rollingMaxSurge: 1 rollingMaxUnavailable: 0 resources: requests: cpu: 50m memory: 64Mi limits: # cpu: 100m memory: 512Mi externalTrafficPolicy: Local podAntiAffinityLabelSelector: - key: app operator: In topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname values: istio-private-ingressgateway type: NodePort podAnnotations: proxy.istio.io/config: '{ "terminationDrainDuration": "20s" }' # custom hardened bootstrap config env: ISTIO_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap/custom_bootstrap.json configVolumes: - name: custom-bootstrap-volume mountPath: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap configMapName: istio-gateway-bootstrap-config nodeSelector: node.kubernetes.io/ingress.private: "31080_31443" #nodeSelector: "31080_31443_31671_31672_31224" ports: - name: status-port port: 15021 nodePort: 31021 protocol: TCP - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 nodePort: 31080 protocol: TCP - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 nodePort: 31443 protocol: TCP #- name: fluentd-forward # port: 24224 # nodePort: 31224 #- name: amqps # port: 5671 # nodePort: 31671 #- name: amqp # port: 5672 # nodePort: 31672 #- name: redis # port: 6379 # nodePort: 31379 certificates: - name: private-ingress-cert dnsNames: [] #- '*.example.com' proxyProtocol: false meshConfig: defaultConfig: proxyMetadata: # ISTIO_META_HTTP10: 1