{{- if .Values.global.configValidation }} apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istiod-{{ .Values.global.istioNamespace }} labels: app: istiod release: {{ .Release.Name }} istio: istiod webhooks: - name: validation.istio.io clientConfig: {{- if .Values.base.validationURL }} url: {{ .Values.base.validationURL }} {{- else }} service: name: istiod namespace: {{ .Values.global.istioNamespace }} path: "/validate" {{- end }} caBundle: "" # patched at runtime when the webhook is ready. rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - config.istio.io - security.istio.io - authentication.istio.io - networking.istio.io apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" # Fail open until the validation webhook is ready. The webhook controller # will update this to `Fail` and patch in the `caBundle` when the webhook # endpoint is ready. failurePolicy: Ignore sideEffects: None admissionReviewVersions: ["v1beta1", "v1"] --- {{- end }}