# KubeZero 1.29 ![aws_architecture](docs/images/logo-v1.29.png) ## What's new - Major themes - all KubeZero and support AMIs based on Alpine 3.20.1 - new Telemetry module integrated consisting of OpenTelemetry Collector, Jaeger UI, OpenSearch + Dashboards backend - custom KubeZero ArgoCD edition providing adding support for referring to external secrets using the helm-secrets plugin + vals - Falco IDS now using eBPF ( still in preview ) ## Version upgrades - cilium 1.15.7 - istio 1.22.3 - ArgoCD 2.11.5 - Prometheus 2.53 / Grafana 11.1 ### FeatureGates - CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod - KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes - ImageMaximumGCAge ## Known issues