#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail # Meant for testing only !!! # This sets the Kubernetes Version in SSM # Make sure your AWS Profile and Region points to the right direction ... CONGLOMERATE=$1 VERSION=$2 P="/cloudbender/${CONGLOMERATE}/kubecontrol/meta/clusterversion" export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT=text # First verify we point to an existing clusterVersion OLD=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name $P --with-decryption --query 'Parameter.Value' | base64 -d) || \ { echo "Cannot find an existing SSM parameter. Make sure your AWS profile and parameters are correct."; exit 1; } echo "Current version: $OLD" aws ssm put-parameter --name $P --type SecureString --value "$(echo "$VERSION" | base64 -w0)" --overwrite echo "New version: $VERSION"