# kube-state-metrics Helm Chart Installs the [kube-state-metrics agent](https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics). ## Get Repo Info ```console helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update ``` _See [helm repo](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_repo/) for command documentation._ ## Install Chart ```console helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-state-metrics [flags] ``` _See [configuration](#configuration) below._ _See [helm install](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_install/) for command documentation._ ## Uninstall Chart ```console helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME] ``` This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. _See [helm uninstall](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_uninstall/) for command documentation._ ## Upgrading Chart ```console helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-state-metrics [flags] ``` _See [helm upgrade](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_upgrade/) for command documentation._ ### Migrating from stable/kube-state-metrics and kubernetes/kube-state-metrics You can upgrade in-place: 1. [get repo info](#get-repo-info) 1. [upgrade](#upgrading-chart) your existing release name using the new chart repo ## Upgrading to v3.0.0 v3.0.0 includes kube-state-metrics v2.0, see the [changelog](https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/blob/release-2.0/CHANGELOG.md) for major changes on the application-side. The upgraded chart now the following changes: * Dropped support for helm v2 (helm v3 or later is required) * collectors key was renamed to resources * namespace key was renamed to namespaces ## Configuration See [Customizing the Chart Before Installing](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing). To see all configurable options with detailed comments: ```console helm show values kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics ``` You may also run `helm show values` on this chart's [dependencies](#dependencies) for additional options.