diff --git a/charts/kubezero/templates/istio.yaml b/charts/kubezero/templates/istio.yaml index 021a36a..abd6a4c 100644 --- a/charts/kubezero/templates/istio.yaml +++ b/charts/kubezero/templates/istio.yaml @@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ global: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration jsonPointers: - /webhooks/0/clientConfig/caBundle - - /webhooks/0/failurePolicy + - /webhooks/1/clientConfig/caBundle + - /webhooks/2/clientConfig/caBundle + - /webhooks/3/clientConfig/caBundle + {{- end }} {{ include "kubezero-app.app" . }} diff --git a/docs/Upgrade-2.20.md b/docs/Upgrade-2.20.md index 34ed405..31583d2 100644 --- a/docs/Upgrade-2.20.md +++ b/docs/Upgrade-2.20.md @@ -59,20 +59,28 @@ and verify your config via `aws sts get-caller-identity` and `kubectl cluster-in - replace worker nodes in a rolling fashion via. drain / terminate and rinse-repeat # Upgrade KubeZero -1. Update CRDs of all enabled components: -`./bootstrap.sh crds all clusters/$CLUSTER` - -2. Prepare upgrade +1. Prepare upgrade - Remove legacy monitoring configmaps -- Remove previous Grafana stateful config -- Remove legacy Istio Envoyfilter - ``` kubectl delete cm -n monitoring -l grafana_dashboard=1 +``` + +- Remove previous Grafana stateful config +``` kubectl delete pvc metrics-grafana -n monitoring +``` + +- Remove legacy Istio Envoyfilter +``` kubectl delete envoyfilter -A -l operator.istio.io/version=1.6.9 ``` +- ensure that the latest kubezero.yaml output from CloudBender is present under `clusters/$CLUSTER` and no legacy cloudbender.yaml is around anymore. +If ArgoCD is used make sure the `valuesFiles` settings in the top-level values.yaml matches the files under `clusters/$CLUSTER` + +2. Update CRDs of all enabled components: +`./bootstrap.sh crds all clusters/$CLUSTER` + 3. Upgrade all KubeZero modules: - without ArgoCD: - `./bootstrap.sh deploy all clusters/$CLUSTER`