chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #1

stefan merged 1 commits from renovate/all-minor-patch into main 2024-04-25 15:08:19 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
alpine final minor 3.18 -> 3.19
elasticsearch (source, changelog) minor '>= 7', '< 7.14' -> '>= 7', '< 7.17.11'
fluent-plugin-elasticsearch (changelog) minor "~> 5.2.5" -> "~> 5.4.0"
fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter minor "~> 3.2.0" -> "~> 3.4.0"
fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser minor "~> 1.0.0" -> "~> 1.1.0"
fluent-plugin-record-modifier minor "~> 2.1.0" -> "~> 2.2.0"
fluentd patch "1.16.3" -> "1.16.5"
oj (source, changelog) minor "~> 3.15.0" -> "~> 3.16.0"

Release Notes

elastic/elasticsearch-ruby (elasticsearch)


Compare Source

Backports support for Faraday 2 from elastic-transport. ¡Gracias santiagorodriguez96!

This version of the gem now supports Faraday v2. If you don't have a locked version of Faraday in your project, when you upgrade your gems, Faraday v2 will be installed. The main change on dependencies when using Faraday v2 is all adapters, except for the default net_http one, have been moved out of Faraday into separate gems. This means if you're not using the default adapter and you migrate to Faraday v2, you'll need to add the adapter gems to your Gemfile.

These are the gems required for the different adapters with Faraday 2, instead of the libraries on which they were based:

### HTTPCLient
gem 'faraday-httpclient'

### NetHTTPPersistent
gem 'faraday-net_http_persistent'

### Patron
gem 'faraday-patron'

### Typhoeus
gem 'faraday-typhoeus'

Things should work fine if you migrate to Faraday 2 as long as you include the adapter (unless you're using the default one net-http), but worst case scenario, you can always lock the version of Faraday in your project to 1.x:
gem 'faraday', '~> 1'

Be aware if migrating to Faraday v2 that it requires at least Ruby 2.6, unlike Faraday v1 which requires 2.4.


If you see a message like:
:adapter is not registered on Faraday::Adapter (Faraday::Error)
Then you probably need to include the adapter library in your gemfile and require it.

Please submit an issue if you encounter any problems.


Compare Source

  • Backports fix from elastic-transport: #​66 - Manticore transport unable to send custom headers with perform_request Pull Request.


Compare Source

  • Patch releases back to being detached from Elastic stack releases.
  • Tested compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17 APIs.
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.8: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, JRuby 9.3, JRuby 9.4.
  • Bugfix in elasticsearch-transport: Fixes enforcing UTF-8 in Response body, causing an error when the string is frozen, particularly when using webmock: issue #​63.

v7.17.7: 7.17.7

Compare Source

  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17.7 APIs.
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.7: Ruby (MRI) 2.6, 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1, JRuby 9.3.

v7.17.1: 7.17.1

Compare Source

  • Improves handling of YAML parsing, uses safe_load instead of load when doing the product verification (should only affect Ruby < 3.0).
  • Updates headers setup when using the Manticore adapter. This fixes an issue where the user-agent header was being foverridden even when it was being set on initialization via the transport options. Pull Request, issue.

v7.17.0: 7.17.0

Compare Source

  • Drops Ruby 2.5 from the test matrix. Support for Ruby 2.5 was dropped March 2021.
  • Updates the product verification when the response is a 413 error.

v7.16.3: 7.16.3

Compare Source


Bugfix for #​1475, an issue where if you indexed a document with an id such as an id, it would get escaped to an+id instead of an%20id when using index or create. This would result in the document id being an+id instead of the intended value an id.


Compare Source

Patch release corresponding with Elastic Stack version 7.16.1 that addresses the Apache Log4j2 vulnerability, more information.


The only changes in the client since 7.16.0 are a few minor updates for the Compatibility mode with 8.0. We added the compatibility header in 7.13.0, but now we have integration tests and compatibility tests for version 7.x of the client with Elasticsearch 8.0.

v7.16.0: 7.16.0

Compare Source


  • Adds the delay_on_retry parameter, a value in milliseconds to wait between each failed connection, thanks DinoPullerUqido! Pull Request and backport.
  • Adds CA fingerprinting. You can configure the client to only trust certificates that are signed by a specific CA certificate (CA certificate pinning) by providing a ca_fingerprint option. This will verify that the fingerprint of the CA certificate that has signed the certificate of the server matches the supplied value:
ca_fingerprint = '64F2593F...'
client =
  host: 'https://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200',
  transport_options: { ssl: { verify: false } },
  ca_fingerprint: ca_fingerprint

The verification will be run once per connection.

  • Fixes compression. When compression is set to true, the client will now gzip the request body properly and use the appropiate headers. Thanks johnnyshields! Pull Request and backport.
  • Cleaned up some deprecated code.
  • count - The API is documented as using GET, but it supports both GET and POST on the Elasticsearch side. So it was updated to only use POST when there's a body present, or else use GET. Elasticsearch would still accept a body with GET, but to be more semantically correct in the clients we use POST when there's a body.
  • delete_index_template was updated to support the ignore_404 parameter to ignore 404 errors when attempting to delete a non-existing template.
  • ingest.put_pipeline adds new parameter if_version: Required version for optimistic concurrency control for pipeline updates.
  • ml.put_trained_model: adds new parameter defer_definition_decompression: If set to true and a compressed_definition is provided, the request defers definition decompression and skips relevant validations.
  • nodes.hot_threads adds new parameter sort: The sort order for 'cpu' type (default: total) (options: cpu, total).
  • open_point_in_time: keep_alive is now a required parameter.
  • search_mvt: adds new parameter track_total_hits: Indicate if the number of documents that match the query should be tracked. A number can also be specified, to accurately track the total hit count up to the number.
  • transform.preview_transform: adds new parameter transform_id. Body is now optional and the API will use GET or POST depending on the presence of a body.
APIs promoted from experimental to stable since last version:
  • fleet.global_checkpoints
  • get_script_context
  • get_script_language
  • indices.resolve_index
  • monitoring.bulk
  • rank_eval
  • searchable_snapshots.mount
  • searchable_snapshots.stats
  • security.clear_cached_service_tokens
  • security.create_service_token
  • security.delete_service_token
  • security.get_service_accounts
  • security.get_service_credentials
  • shutdown.delete_node
  • shutdown.get_node
  • shutdown.put_node
  • terms_enum
New APIs
  • fleet.mseach
  • indices.modify_data_stream
  • ml.infer_trained_model_deployment
  • ml.start_trained_model_deployment
  • ml.stop_trained_model_deployment
  • migration.get_feature_upgrade_status
  • migration.post_feature_upgrade_status
  • security.enroll_kibana
  • security.enroll_node
  • transform.updgrade_transforms

v7.15.0: 7.15.0

Compare Source


  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.15.0 APIs.
  • We've tested and added documentation on best practices for leveraging the client in a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment to the official docs.
  • New experimental endpoints: indices.disk_usage. indices.field_usage_stats, nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive, get_repositories_metering_info, search_mvt
  • The index parameter is now required for open_point_in_time.
  • The index_metric parameter in nodes.stats adds the shards option.
  • New parameters for ml.put_job: ignore_unavailable, allow_no_indices, ignore_throttled, expand_wildcards.
  • New endpoint: security.query_api_keys.

v7.14.1: 7.14.1

Compare Source


v7.14.0: 7.14.0

Compare Source


Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to a supported Elasticsearch cluster the UnsupportedProductError exception will be raised.

This release changes the way in which the transport layer and the client interact. Previously, when using elasticsearch-transport, Elasticsearch::Transport::Client had a convenient wrapper, so it could be used as Elasticsearch::Client. Now, we are decoupling the transport layer from the Elasticsearch client. If you're using the elasticsearch gem, not much will change. It will instantiate a new Elasticsearch::Transport::Client when you instantiate Elasticsearch::Client and the endpoints from elasticsearch-api will be available.

Elasticsearch::Client has an attr_accessor for the transport instance:

> client =
> client.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Client
> client.transport.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday

The interaction with elasticsearch-api remains unchanged. You can use the API endpoints just like before:

=> {"name"=>"instance",
 "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}

Or perform request directly from the client which will return an Elasticsearch::Transport::Response object:

> client.perform_request('GET', '/')

### This is the same as doing client.transport.perform_request('GET', '/')
=> #<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response:0x000055c80bf94bc8
   "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"},
  {"content-type"=>"application/json; charset=UTF-8",

If you have any problems, please report them in this issue.


Code is now generated from Elastic artifacts instead of checked out code of Elasticsearch. See the Generator README for more info.

  • Endpoints msearch, msearch_template and search_template remove query_and_fetch and dfs_query_and_fetch options from the search_type parameter.
  • New parameter include_repository in snapshot.get: (boolean) Whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. Defaults to true.

X-Pack is being deprecated. The first time using xpack on the client, a warning will be triggered. Please check this issue for more information.

  • New endpoints: index_lifecycle_management.migrate_to_data_tiers, machine_learning.reset_job, security.saml_authenticate, security.saml_complete_logout, security.saml_invalidate, security.saml_logout, security.saml_prepare_authentication, security.saml_service_provider_metadata, sql.delete_async, sql.get_async, sql.get_async_status, terms_enum.
  • New experimental endpoints: machine_learning.infer_trained_model_deployment, machine_learning.start_trained_model_deployment, machine_learning.stop_trained_model_deployment.
  • Deprecation: indices.freeze and indices.unfreeze: Frozen indices are deprecated because they provide no benefit given improvements in heap memory utilization. They will be removed in a future release.
uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch (fluent-plugin-elasticsearch)


Compare Source

  • add data_stream_template_use_index_patterns_wildcard in elasticsearch_data_stream (#​1040)


Compare Source

  • in_elasticsearch: Avoid to use deprecated endpoint for clear_scroll (#​1039)


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • Fix support for host/hosts placeholders for ipv6 addresses (#​1030)
  • Handle newer es library (#​1032)


Compare Source

  • Unpin faraday from v1, upgrade to v2. (#​1012)
    Note that if you can't migrate other plugins from faraday v1 yet, need to keep
    fluent-plugin-elasticsearch v5.2.5.
fabric8io/fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter (fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter)


Compare Source


Compare Source

repeatedly/fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser (fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser)


Compare Source

repeatedly/fluent-plugin-record-modifier (fluent-plugin-record-modifier)


Compare Source

ohler55/oj (oj)


Compare Source

  • Fixed the gemspec to allow earlier versions of the bigdecimal gem.


Compare Source

  • Fixed documentation formatting.

  • Added option to the "usual" parser to raise an error on an empty input string.


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • Added the float_format option.

  • Expanded the max_nesting option to allow integer values as well as
    the previous boolean (true or nil).

  • Skip nesting tests with Truffle Ruby in the json gem tests.


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | alpine | final | minor | `3.18` -> `3.19` | | [elasticsearch]( ([source](, [changelog]( | | minor | `'>= 7', '< 7.14'` -> `'>= 7', '< 7.17.11'` | | [fluent-plugin-elasticsearch]( ([changelog]( | | minor | `"~> 5.2.5"` -> `"~> 5.4.0"` | | [fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter]( | | minor | `"~> 3.2.0"` -> `"~> 3.4.0"` | | [fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser]( | | minor | `"~> 1.0.0"` -> `"~> 1.1.0"` | | [fluent-plugin-record-modifier]( | | minor | `"~> 2.1.0"` -> `"~> 2.2.0"` | | fluentd | | patch | `"1.16.3"` -> `"1.16.5"` | | [oj]( ([source](, [changelog]( | | minor | `"~> 3.15.0"` -> `"~> 3.16.0"` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>elastic/elasticsearch-ruby (elasticsearch)</summary> ### [`v7.17.10`]( [Compare Source]( Backports support for Faraday 2 from `elastic-transport`. ¡Gracias [santiagorodriguez96](! This version of the gem now supports Faraday v2. If you don't have a locked version of Faraday in your project, when you upgrade your gems, Faraday v2 will be installed. The main change on dependencies when using Faraday v2 is all adapters, except for the default `net_http` one, have been moved out of Faraday into separate gems. This means if you're not using the default adapter and you migrate to Faraday v2, you'll need to add the adapter gems to your Gemfile. These are the gems required for the different adapters with Faraday 2, instead of the libraries on which they were based: ```ruby ### HTTPCLient gem 'faraday-httpclient' ### NetHTTPPersistent gem 'faraday-net_http_persistent' ### Patron gem 'faraday-patron' ### Typhoeus gem 'faraday-typhoeus' ``` Things should work fine if you migrate to Faraday 2 as long as you include the adapter (unless you're using the default one `net-http`), but worst case scenario, you can always lock the version of Faraday in your project to 1.x: `gem 'faraday', '~> 1'` Be aware if migrating to Faraday v2 that it requires at least Ruby `2.6`, unlike Faraday v1 which requires `2.4`. *Troubleshooting* If you see a message like: `:adapter is not registered on Faraday::Adapter (Faraday::Error)` Then you probably need to include the adapter library in your gemfile and require it. Please [submit an issue]( if you encounter any problems. ### [`v7.17.9`]( [Compare Source]( - Backports fix from `elastic-transport`: [#&#8203;66]( - Manticore transport unable to send custom headers with `perform_request` [Pull Request]( ### [`v7.17.8`]( [Compare Source]( - Patch releases back to being detached from Elastic stack releases. - Tested compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17 APIs. - Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.8: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, JRuby 9.3, JRuby 9.4. - Bugfix in elasticsearch-transport: Fixes enforcing UTF-8 in Response body, causing an error when the string is frozen, particularly when using webmock: [issue #&#8203;63]( ### [`v7.17.7`]( 7.17.7 [Compare Source]( - Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17.7 APIs. - Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.7: Ruby (MRI) 2.6, 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1, JRuby 9.3. ### [`v7.17.1`]( 7.17.1 [Compare Source]( - Improves handling of YAML parsing, uses `safe_load` instead of `load` when doing the product verification (should only affect Ruby < 3.0). - Updates headers setup when using the Manticore adapter. This fixes an issue where the user-agent header was being foverridden even when it was being set on initialization via the transport options. [Pull Request](, [issue]( ### [`v7.17.0`]( 7.17.0 [Compare Source]( - Drops Ruby 2.5 from the test matrix. Support for Ruby 2.5 was dropped March 2021. - Updates the product verification when the response is a `413` error. ### [`v7.16.3`]( 7.16.3 [Compare Source]( ##### API Bugfix for [#&#8203;1475](, an issue where if you indexed a document with an id such as `an id`, it would get escaped to `an+id` instead of `an%20id` when using `index` or `create`. This would result in the document id being `an+id` instead of the intended value `an id`. ### [`v7.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( Patch release corresponding with Elastic Stack version 7.16.1 that addresses the Apache Log4j2 vulnerability, [more information]( ##### Client The only changes in the client since 7.16.0 are a few minor updates for the [Compatibility mode with 8.0]( We added the compatibility header in `7.13.0`, but now we have integration tests and compatibility tests for version `7.x` of the client with Elasticsearch `8.0`. ### [`v7.16.0`]( 7.16.0 [Compare Source]( #### 7.16.0 ##### Client - Adds the `delay_on_retry` parameter, a value in milliseconds to wait between each failed connection, thanks [DinoPullerUqido](! [Pull Request]( and [backport]( - Adds *CA fingerprinting*. You can configure the client to only trust certificates that are signed by a specific CA certificate (CA certificate pinning) by providing a `ca_fingerprint` option. This will verify that the fingerprint of the CA certificate that has signed the certificate of the server matches the supplied value: ```ruby ca_fingerprint = '64F2593F...' client = host: 'https://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200', transport_options: { ssl: { verify: false } }, ca_fingerprint: ca_fingerprint ) ``` The verification will be run once per connection. - Fixes compression. When `compression` is set to `true`, the client will now gzip the request body properly and use the appropiate headers. Thanks [johnnyshields](! [Pull Request]( and [backport]( ##### API ##### Updates - Cleaned up some deprecated code. - `count` - The API is documented as using `GET`, but it supports both GET and POST on the Elasticsearch side. So it was updated to only use `POST` when there's a body present, or else use `GET`. Elasticsearch would still accept a body with `GET`, but to be more semantically correct in the clients we use `POST` when there's a body. - `delete_index_template` was updated to support the `ignore_404` parameter to ignore 404 errors when attempting to delete a non-existing template. - `ingest.put_pipeline` adds new parameter `if_version`: Required version for optimistic concurrency control for pipeline updates. - `ml.put_trained_model`: adds new parameter `defer_definition_decompression`: If set to `true` and a `compressed_definition` is provided, the request defers definition decompression and skips relevant validations. - `nodes.hot_threads` adds new parameter `sort`: The sort order for 'cpu' type (default: total) (options: cpu, total). - `open_point_in_time`: `keep_alive` is now a required parameter. - `search_mvt`: adds new parameter `track_total_hits`: Indicate if the number of documents that match the query should be tracked. A number can also be specified, to accurately track the total hit count up to the number. - `transform.preview_transform`: adds new parameter `transform_id`. Body is now optional and the API will use `GET` or `POST` depending on the presence of a body. ##### APIs promoted from experimental to stable since last version: - `fleet.global_checkpoints` - `get_script_context` - `get_script_language` - `indices.resolve_index` - `monitoring.bulk` - `rank_eval` - `searchable_snapshots.mount` - `searchable_snapshots.stats` - `security.clear_cached_service_tokens` - `security.create_service_token` - `security.delete_service_token` - `security.get_service_accounts` - `security.get_service_credentials` - `shutdown.delete_node` - `shutdown.get_node` - `shutdown.put_node` - `terms_enum` ##### New APIs - `fleet.mseach` - `` - `indices.modify_data_stream` - `ml.infer_trained_model_deployment` - `ml.start_trained_model_deployment` - `ml.stop_trained_model_deployment` - `migration.get_feature_upgrade_status` - `migration.post_feature_upgrade_status` - `security.enroll_kibana` - `security.enroll_node` - `transform.updgrade_transforms` ### [`v7.15.0`]( 7.15.0 [Compare Source]( #### 7.15.0 ##### Client - Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.15.0 APIs. - We've tested and added documentation on best practices for leveraging the client in a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment to the [official docs]( ##### API - New experimental endpoints: `indices.disk_usage`. `indices.field_usage_stats`, `nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive`, `get_repositories_metering_info`, [`search_mvt`]( - The `index` parameter is now required for `open_point_in_time`. - The `index_metric` parameter in `nodes.stats` adds the `shards` option. ##### X-Pack - New parameters for `ml.put_job`: `ignore_unavailable`, `allow_no_indices`, `ignore_throttled`, `expand_wildcards`. - New endpoint: [`security.query_api_keys`]( ### [`v7.14.1`]( 7.14.1 [Compare Source]( ##### Client - Fixes for Manticore Implementation: Addresses custom headers on initialization ( and fixes tracing ( Related to [#&#8203;1426]( and [#&#8203;1428]( ### [`v7.14.0`]( 7.14.0 [Compare Source]( ##### Client Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to a supported Elasticsearch cluster the `UnsupportedProductError` exception will be raised. This release changes the way in which the transport layer and the client interact. Previously, when using `elasticsearch-transport`, `Elasticsearch::Transport::Client` had a convenient wrapper, so it could be used as `Elasticsearch::Client`. Now, we are decoupling the transport layer from the Elasticsearch client. If you're using the `elasticsearch` gem, not much will change. It will instantiate a new `Elasticsearch::Transport::Client` when you instantiate `Elasticsearch::Client` and the endpoints from `elasticsearch-api` will be available. `Elasticsearch::Client` has an `attr_accessor` for the transport instance: ```ruby > client = > client.transport.class => Elasticsearch::Transport::Client > client.transport.transport.class => Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday ``` The interaction with `elasticsearch-api` remains unchanged. You can use the API endpoints just like before: ```ruby > => {"name"=>"instance", "cluster_name"=>"elasticsearch", "cluster_uuid"=>"id", "version"=> {"number"=>"7.14.0", ... }, "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"} ``` Or perform request directly from the client which will return an `Elasticsearch::Transport::Response` object: ```ruby > client.perform_request('GET', '/') ### This is the same as doing client.transport.perform_request('GET', '/') => #<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response:0x000055c80bf94bc8 @&#8203;body= {"name"=>"instance", "cluster_name"=>"elasticsearch", "cluster_uuid"=>"id", "version"=> {"number"=>"7.14.0-SNAPSHOT", ... }, "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}, @&#8203;headers= {"content-type"=>"application/json; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"571", ... }, @&#8203;status=200> ``` If you have any problems, please report them in [this issue]( ##### API Code is now generated from Elastic artifacts instead of checked out code of Elasticsearch. See [the Generator README]( for more info. - Endpoints `msearch`, `msearch_template` and `search_template` remove `query_and_fetch` and `dfs_query_and_fetch` options from the `search_type` parameter. - New parameter `include_repository` in `snapshot.get`: (boolean) Whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. Defaults to true. ##### X-Pack X-Pack is being deprecated. The first time using `xpack` on the client, a warning will be triggered. Please check [this issue]( for more information. - New endpoints: `index_lifecycle_management.migrate_to_data_tiers`, `machine_learning.reset_job`, `security.saml_authenticate`, `security.saml_complete_logout`, `security.saml_invalidate`, `security.saml_logout`, `security.saml_prepare_authentication`, `security.saml_service_provider_metadata`, `sql.delete_async`, `sql.get_async`, `sql.get_async_status`, `terms_enum`. - New experimental endpoints: `machine_learning.infer_trained_model_deployment`, `machine_learning.start_trained_model_deployment`, `machine_learning.stop_trained_model_deployment`. - Deprecation: `indices.freeze` and `indices.unfreeze`: Frozen indices are deprecated because they provide no benefit given improvements in heap memory utilization. They will be removed in a future release. </details> <details> <summary>uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch (fluent-plugin-elasticsearch)</summary> ### [`v5.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( - add data_stream_template_use_index_patterns_wildcard in elasticsearch_data_stream ([#&#8203;1040]( ### [`v5.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( - in_elasticsearch: Avoid to use deprecated endpoint for clear_scroll ([#&#8203;1039]( ### [`v5.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Adjust ilm endpoint ([#&#8203;1036]( ### [`v5.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix support for host/hosts placeholders for ipv6 addresses ([#&#8203;1030]( - Handle newer es library ([#&#8203;1032]( ### [`v5.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Unpin `faraday` from v1, upgrade to v2. ([#&#8203;1012]( Note that if you can't migrate other plugins from `faraday` v1 yet, need to keep fluent-plugin-elasticsearch v5.2.5. </details> <details> <summary>fabric8io/fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter (fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter)</summary> ### [`v3.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v3.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>repeatedly/fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser (fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser)</summary> ### [`v1.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>repeatedly/fluent-plugin-record-modifier (fluent-plugin-record-modifier)</summary> ### [`v2.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>ohler55/oj (oj)</summary> ### [`v3.16.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed the gemspec to allow earlier versions of the bigdecimal gem. ### [`v3.16.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed documentation formatting. - Added option to the "usual" parser to raise an error on an empty input string. ### [`v3.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed exception type on number parsing. (thank you [@&#8203;jasonpenny]( ### [`v3.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Added the `float_format` option. - Expanded the `max_nesting` option to allow integer values as well as the previous boolean (true or nil). - Skip nesting tests with Truffle Ruby in the json gem tests. </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy42OC40IiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzcuMjY3LjEiLCJ0YXJnZXRCcmFuY2giOiJtYWluIn0=-->
renovate added the
label 2023-12-11 19:06:35 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from 9d69bfd807 to b4fc6d9764 2023-12-13 19:48:44 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from b4fc6d9764 to a342dc2e4a 2024-03-15 03:15:43 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/all-minor-patch from a342dc2e4a to 7bda02d63f 2024-03-28 03:02:51 +00:00 Compare
stefan merged commit c87649cc61 into main 2024-04-25 15:08:19 +00:00
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Reference: ZeroDownTime/fluentd-concenter#1
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