PY_VERSION := 2.7 PACKAGE_NAME := elastalert_lambda VERSION ?= $(shell grep '__version__' $(PACKAGE_NAME).py | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'-' -f1 | sed -e 's/"//g') S3_BUCKETS ?= S3_PREFIX ?= cloudbender/$(PACKAGE_NAME) PACKAGE := $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION).zip PACKAGE_FILE := dist/$(PACKAGE) .PHONY: test clean build all upload clean_s3 all: test build test: flake8 --ignore=E501 . tests TEST=True pytest --log-cli-level=DEBUG clean: rm -rf __pycache__ .cache .coverage .pytest_cache dist prof *.pyc build: $(PACKAGE_FILE) $(PACKAGE_FILE): rm -rf dist && mkdir dist cp -r $(PACKAGE_NAME).py config.yaml dist/ pip$(PY_VERSION) install --target dist --no-compile elastalert # Hack to remove ES >=7 and reinstall 6.3.1 rm -rf dist/elasticsearch* pip$(PY_VERSION) install --target dist --no-compile elasticsearch==6.3.1 cd dist && zip -q -r $(PACKAGE) * upload: $(PACKAGE_FILE) for bucket in $(S3_BUCKETS); do \ aws s3 cp --acl public-read $(PACKAGE_FILE) s3://$$bucket/$(S3_PREFIX)/; \ aws s3 cp --acl public-read $(PACKAGE_FILE) s3://$$bucket/$(S3_PREFIX)/$(PACKAGE); \ done clean_s3: for bucket in $(S3_BUCKETS); do \ aws s3 rm --recursive --exclude "*" --include --include $(PACKAGE_NAME)-*.zip s3://$$bucket/$(S3_PREFIX); \ done