Jake Buchholz 396bb8ab86 Build Profiles and 3.9.4
* Build Profiles (completion of PR #49)
+ auto-updates version profile when new release detected
+ updates releases/<profile>.yaml after successful builds
* Prune AMIs (in AWS and in releases/<profile>.yaml
+ 'revision' - keep latest revision per release
+ 'release' - keep latest release per version
+ 'version' - remove end-of-life versions
* releases/ updater script
* README overhaul
+ Pre-built AMIs --> releases/
+ profiles/ for profile configuration details
+ main overhauled to go over how to build and manage custom AMIs
2019-07-05 12:51:09 -07:00

32 lines
948 B

### Profile for Testing Builds
# vim: ts=2 et:
version-current { include required("version/current") }
version-edge { include required("version/edge") }
arch-x86_64 { include required("arch/x86_64") }
arch-aarch64 { include required("arch/aarch64") }
# specific to this profile's builds
test {
# default revision is 'r0', recomment/reset for each new version release!
#revision = "r0"
ami_name_prefix = "test-"
ami_desc_prefix = "Alpine Test "
build_region = "us-west-2"
build_subnet = "subnet-033a30d7b5220d177"
# Build definitions
# merge version, arch, profile, and build vars
current-x86_64 = ${version-current} ${arch-x86_64} ${test}
edge-x86_64 = ${version-edge} ${arch-x86_64} ${test}
# aarch64 AMI builds are under development
edge-aarch64 = ${version-edge} ${arch-aarch64} ${test} {
# other subnet doesn't do a1.* instances
build_subnet = "subnet-08dfc622745f7d96a"