2020-09-15 22:17:16 -07:00
alpine.yaml 3.11.6, 3.10.5, and 3.9.6 (#65) 2020-04-25 17:03:26 -07:00 * updates to READMEs 2020-09-15 22:17:16 -07:00

Alpine Linux EC2 AMIs

These are not official AWS or Alpine images. They are community built and supported.

These AMIs should work with most EC2 features such as ENI's (Elastic Network Interfaces) and NVMe EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volumes. If you find any problems launching them on current generation instances, please open an issue and include as much detailed information as possible.

AMIs built after 2020-09-15 include support for hot-pluggable ENI's and will sync all private IPv4 and IPv6 address on those ENI's on udhcpc post-bound and post-renew events.

During the first boot of instances created with these AMIs, the lightweight tiny-ec2-bootstrap init script...

  • sets the instance's hostname,
  • installs the SSH authorized_keys for the 'alpine' user,
  • disables 'root' and AMI user (default 'alpine') passwords,
  • expands the root partition to use all available EBS volume space,
  • and executes a "user data" script (must be a shell script that starts with #!)

If you launch these AMIs to build other images (via Packer, etc.), don't forget to remove /var/lib/cloud/.bootstrap-complete -- otherwise, instances launched from those second-generation AMIs will not run tiny-ec2-bootstrap on their first boot.

The more popular cloud-init is currently not supported on Alpine Linux. If cloud-init support is important to you, please open an issue.


Alpine Linux 3.11.6 (2020-04-25)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.11.6-x86_64-r0
ap-northeast-1 ami-04dd34605aba7ce11 (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0fd25bd139c05812d (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-08437e8244154999a (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-04a63840be47a0816 (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-07be0b72172a63df3 (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-013d1db5df4ad7d4a (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-03bc1e4d4bf636895 (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-03830331da71d3b6a (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0a3bf003cc0e5cbaf (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-0dcb13d7ab5820ac0 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-043d77b850fc69cff (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0056de88b2ebc5071 (launch)
us-east-1 ami-0da684cce2ab4aadb (launch)
us-east-2 ami-014d15ba809c1e48f (launch)
us-west-1 ami-05f659e5fe3528bbd (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0380e01590d421d3e (launch)

Alpine Linux 3.10.5 (2020-04-25)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.10.5-x86_64-r0
ap-northeast-1 ami-043d40c880c7a176b (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0595dc50c0f0e23f7 (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-0c8a22fa0ee90c07a (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0244d1373053cfe5b (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-0cf284dc25e35862d (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-08c250f635a417222 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-0a626b78c94340b6e (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-041b6bdb27dbc8226 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0451f26166639b1b9 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-08ca328d558bee247 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-0bbb1a9d10ee0e6ee (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-088bc83fe1497e710 (launch)
us-east-1 ami-0e635ea3ca126c707 (launch)
us-east-2 ami-0f5a09a7d1d0ae35f (launch)
us-west-1 ami-06c2aa86f3a72385e (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0b6f8a395fa8b5961 (launch)

Alpine Linux 3.9.6 (2020-04-25)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.9.6-x86_64-r0
ap-northeast-1 ami-0133f3a571f684178 (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0f9ad7c51e14bdc3d (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-00af726ec2f4077a2 (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0d52e9d7f91ca051c (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-054360648343b66bc (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-0583a99f342097b6c (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-051eec0106a08df6d (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-07a2b23059054aea3 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0eb2b54ab4d09eb80 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-08c87b358b24d1df3 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-00a425aa20737343e (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0ea679407da47b78a (launch)
us-east-1 ami-004f0550310a2d7aa (launch)
us-east-2 ami-045a2cc3fe272caee (launch)
us-west-1 ami-026a54e52daea1233 (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0b933475d362cbfab (launch)

Alpine Linux Edge (2020-04-25)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-edge-x86_64-20200425232123
ap-northeast-1 ami-0f64e8385eb16f0c5 (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0f6525d9186a0ee66 (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-034d9a20d9bf2049f (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0e64d169297389f9e (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-0afc0bab8196b70e4 (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-068da53b91dcfad35 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-0b04139e51df7902b (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-0ac2cb76721262b8f (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0a86b121e789d84a2 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-0329b37ebc36521c7 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-037d85dcf06bc913e (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0b8e53df93ee4132d (launch)
us-east-1 ami-097be5ea1a5c7b6ce (launch)
us-east-2 ami-0f40de04e77f600b6 (launch)
us-west-1 ami-095527a55aa7c1c1d (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0e5711189d37ddd64 (launch)