tomalok 53fd1d27b1
Builder Overhaul (#106)
* merge 'resolve-profiles' and 'make-amis' into 'amis'
* rename 'update-releases' to 'release-yaml'
* rename 'gen-release-readme' to 'release-readme'
* rename 'prune-amis' to 'prune'
* reorder to match the usual workflow
* use argparse mutually-exclusive group where appropriate
* use argparse 'metavar' and 'nargs' for more salient help

* can now specify multiple AMIs on command line
* add explicit '--private' argument
* if no '--private', '--public', or '--allow-account' is specified, default to propagate the source AMI's permissions to its copies
* move 'iter_regions' and 'get*image' methods out of ReleaseAMIs class because they're also used elsewhere
* 'update_image_permissions' resets perms before adding new perms
* pending_copy loop, reports on everything in progress, waits 3m before reporting on everything again, and then waits 30s between reports
* pending_copy also notes when a copy has completed (and only queues for pending_perms if they need adjustment)

Releases class
* used by release-yaml and prune subcommands
* caches region client objects for later use (by prune)
* loads images from region - either from a profile or "unknown" (no profile tag)
* builds the releases object - now structured release -> build (instead of build -> release)

* works with new releases object format
* improve sorting and selection of latest per version per-build AMIs
* empty cell if a region doesn't happen to have a build AMI there

* rename 'version' level to 'end-of-life'
* add 'UNKNOWN' pruning level
* works, even if you don't want to --use-broker
* --keep N - keeps an additional N AMIs that would otherwise have been purged per build
* --defer-eol DAYS - give EOL AMIs a grace period past their official EOL date
* no AMI deletion happens unless --no-pretend arg is provided
* improve pruning criteria scan and candidate selection

Co-authored-by: Jake Buchholz <>
2021-01-04 17:36:15 -08:00
alpine.yaml Builder Overhaul (#106) 2021-01-04 17:36:15 -08:00 Post-Build Cleanup, etc. 2020-12-22 15:42:20 -08:00 Builder Overhaul (#106) 2021-01-04 17:36:15 -08:00

Alpine Linux EC2 AMIs

These are not official AWS or Alpine images. They are community built and supported.

These AMIs should work with most EC2 features -- such as ENIs (Elastic Network Interfaces) and NVMe EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volumes. If you find any problems launching these AMIs on current generation instances, please open an issue and include as much detailed information as possible.

All AMIs built after 2020-09-15 include support for hot-pluggable ENIs, and will sync all associated IPv6 and secondary IPv4 addresses during udhcpc post-bound and post-renew events.

Starting with Alpine release 3.12.1, IMDSv2 (Instance MetaData Service v2) is fully supported, and aarch64 AMIs are provided for EC2 ARM-based instances.

During the first boot of instances created with these AMIs, the lightweight tiny-ec2-bootstrap init script...

  • sets the instance's hostname,
  • installs the SSH authorized_keys for the AMI user (default 'alpine'),
  • disables 'root' and AMI user (default 'alpine') passwords,
  • expands the root partition to use all available EBS volume space,
  • and executes a "user data" script (must be a shell script that starts with #!)

If you launch these AMIs to build other images (via Packer, etc.), don't forget to remove /var/lib/cloud/.bootstrap-complete -- otherwise instances launched from those second-generation AMIs will not run tiny-ec2-bootstrap on their first boot.

The more popular cloud-init is currently not supported on Alpine Linux. If cloud-init support is important to you, please open an issue.


Alpine Linux 3.12.3 (2020-12-19)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.12.3-aarch64-r0 alpine-ami-3.12.3-x86_64-r0
af-south-1 ami-025ddc2e2931d0bf2 (launch) ami-06d5540221d65ca01 (launch)
ap-east-1 ami-023ba7dde5800c5b5 (launch) ami-02c576f223356bf34 (launch)
ap-northeast-1 ami-010debbee0fe7fbcb (launch) ami-0250e4a691729357a (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-09702b3f22e8616c8 (launch) ami-0cfb5eabfb58d5f72 (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-00de8b114b35175e6 (launch) ami-023fe0b4c4dc73f8c (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0e3ff62bec8a2f949 (launch) ami-0f06993534aec820f (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-077f7467876246e89 (launch) ami-0f66203a3a619f732 (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-0a1a8875a6a460565 (launch) ami-0a5084eac39a18d31 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-00e9dcc013b89ec7b (launch) ami-06a298dc479cf2a73 (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-0e3ad874b66b72f5b (launch) ami-051fcf0312ac02b05 (launch)
eu-south-1 ami-084274896601da8f5 (launch) ami-06b311d896c16a3a2 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-055f823d50dc901c0 (launch) ami-0846229ad28aefe20 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-08b76009eb990b44a (launch) ami-01282190055d34e3e (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-0d3cfa58b050f7090 (launch) ami-0fa68ac5365833d75 (launch)
me-south-1 ami-05a9eaed7e7f67c95 (launch) ami-0bee0f3b523892c11 (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-00890e1d93b0d2750 (launch) ami-0af3d5295dfa78f9a (launch)
us-east-1 ami-044f158b810baa6d4 (launch) ami-098a996634a88542f (launch)
us-east-2 ami-0973e3c7bc90a4801 (launch) ami-07012d290ef9c028e (launch)
us-west-1 ami-01834462564dfb367 (launch) ami-0570d3bcb39152bb8 (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0bedcc0226437e2e0 (launch) ami-009f13dc01dec6a56 (launch)

Alpine Linux 3.11.7 (2020-12-19)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.11.7-x86_64-r0
af-south-1 ami-05cf48a10f6002168 (launch)
ap-east-1 ami-096def05737bb9fa5 (launch)
ap-northeast-1 ami-0dc80e3c7e0aedb4e (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-09346dc8fc008c9f3 (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-050c579c7459a48c2 (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-02d1e1bf59cca56f6 (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-055e9bb961d28d69d (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-0af7eccbeacce0f05 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-05794ddba50a9a744 (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-05b0683850b38c6d5 (launch)
eu-south-1 ami-0642f11c989872666 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0956524d21583a27a (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-07e738b263969a042 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-07e0f0262ff7b7da9 (launch)
me-south-1 ami-0d033bc51aa9fc3c6 (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-07ec4797792079c72 (launch)
us-east-1 ami-0f5a58345290f20fe (launch)
us-east-2 ami-089db2524f896109e (launch)
us-west-1 ami-0a0564916b7d4a510 (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0b9f7e5619a03a0ea (launch)

Alpine Linux 3.10.5 (2020-12-19)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.10.5-x86_64-r1
af-south-1 ami-0f04d696b9bb2a043 (launch)
ap-east-1 ami-0392cbf555ce3a146 (launch)
ap-northeast-1 ami-095d84c90b5d8aeee (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0f6d55079fee59400 (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-07e6e99350bef94dd (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0f784485a4589cf66 (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-0886f3fffb96b61ba (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-078f16db0a269ea93 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-0380ce28ef629d90d (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-00b16b9ae0a30f956 (launch)
eu-south-1 ami-0d6b6ed478eac773c (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-04b775d6fe1735210 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-014e97d83f67eaa97 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-0288c23df586bd137 (launch)
me-south-1 ami-0f2301c3be4340833 (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0a431dbfae17074be (launch)
us-east-1 ami-0ad73f561b0d903fa (launch)
us-east-2 ami-0c15ef6ad3bdb364d (launch)
us-west-1 ami-0f06f7abd4a2481fc (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0605acecb09204ae6 (launch)

Alpine Linux 3.9.6 (2020-04-26)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-3.9.6-x86_64-r0
ap-northeast-1 ami-0133f3a571f684178 (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0f9ad7c51e14bdc3d (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-00af726ec2f4077a2 (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0d52e9d7f91ca051c (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-054360648343b66bc (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-0583a99f342097b6c (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-051eec0106a08df6d (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-07a2b23059054aea3 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-0eb2b54ab4d09eb80 (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-08c87b358b24d1df3 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-00a425aa20737343e (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0ea679407da47b78a (launch)
us-east-1 ami-004f0550310a2d7aa (launch)
us-east-2 ami-045a2cc3fe272caee (launch)
us-west-1 ami-026a54e52daea1233 (launch)
us-west-2 ami-0b933475d362cbfab (launch)

Alpine Linux Edge (2020-12-31)

click to show/hide

Region alpine-ami-edge-aarch64-20201231045833 alpine-ami-edge-x86_64-20201231045833
af-south-1 ami-0b183c56bd131ed3a (launch) ami-011743658a67dd855 (launch)
ap-east-1 ami-08b75758d2db7dfca (launch) ami-0d216cd3d020468f4 (launch)
ap-northeast-1 ami-0e4e372058199d5ef (launch) ami-080ee407fba860248 (launch)
ap-northeast-2 ami-0b1cb303b405d3097 (launch) ami-0f9ab3123bd36ee7c (launch)
ap-south-1 ami-03dd8e847479cf769 (launch) ami-0180ec8a9b842fb7b (launch)
ap-southeast-1 ami-0f63ec4ee42f919af (launch) ami-068588a4eea7ad3a3 (launch)
ap-southeast-2 ami-0cfb54d89d91b4588 (launch) ami-0ae9daf7a58df4934 (launch)
ca-central-1 ami-0028affab88bac113 (launch) ami-07bcbb6f6af86f511 (launch)
eu-central-1 ami-0a3002a25422450ec (launch) ami-052c85ff0f5526102 (launch)
eu-north-1 ami-0164bce0c7d9f1741 (launch) ami-050c04068b77339c8 (launch)
eu-south-1 ami-02fe886c007469453 (launch) ami-0d0c75892f636d022 (launch)
eu-west-1 ami-052c81600bc9265a2 (launch) ami-05e2518be7f8858dd (launch)
eu-west-2 ami-0dbd0469355fb628b (launch) ami-0feefbd48a8e39699 (launch)
eu-west-3 ami-0a8f99b7d240e427c (launch) ami-0423ae73dd6a792bf (launch)
me-south-1 ami-03e34a8c3f39d75a8 (launch) ami-04649d2d92b0365f7 (launch)
sa-east-1 ami-0c049c43758d1c6ae (launch) ami-0a9fcc32957c9f42f (launch)
us-east-1 ami-0d4bf5cbd324d086a (launch) ami-047669701018a01ac (launch)
us-east-2 ami-07434f0295f2816c8 (launch) ami-0f811ec590362fd5e (launch)
us-west-1 ami-0e2ddb3719b40d721 (launch) ami-02a9a916ff04c9553 (launch)
us-west-2 ami-07ab85086738d655c (launch) ami-003decaff69790d71 (launch)