tomalok 4680ecd85e
Add add_svcs, fix nvme, add eu-north-1 (#34)
* Allow additional services on the AMI's runlevels

I'm using this with my AMIs to add haveged to the boot runlevel to boost the amount of initial entropy on smaller instance types, so sshd can start in under 6s instead of over 2m.

    - haveged

* fix race condition with nvme-ebs /dev linking
* copy nvme stuff to build target in one operation
* add eu-north-1 region
2019-01-26 13:32:54 -08:00

359 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

# vim: set ts=4 et:
set -eu
: ${MIN_RELEASE:="3.8"}
: ${APK_TOOLS_URI:=""}
: ${APK_TOOLS_SHA256:="77f2d256fcd5d6fdafadf43bb6a9c85c3da7bb471ee842dcd729175235cb9fed"}
: ${ALPINE_KEYS:=""}
: ${ALPINE_KEYS_SHA256:="f7832b848cedca482b145011cf516e82392f02a10713875cb09f39c7221c6f17"}
: ${ALPINE_RELEASE:="${MIN_RELEASE}"} # unless otherwise specified
die() {
printf '\033[1;31mERROR:\033[0m %s\n' "$@" >&2 # bold red
exit 1
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;36m> %s\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold cyan
rc_add() {
local target="$1"; shift # target directory
local runlevel="$1"; shift # runlevel name
local services="$*" # names of services
local svc; for svc in $services; do
mkdir -p "$target"/etc/runlevels/$runlevel
ln -s /etc/init.d/$svc "$target"/etc/runlevels/$runlevel/$svc
echo " * service $svc added to runlevel $runlevel"
wgets() (
local url="$1" # url to fetch
local sha256="$2" # expected SHA256 sum of output
local dest="$3" # output path and filename
wget -T 10 -q -O "$dest" "$url"
echo "$sha256 $dest" | sha256sum -c > /dev/null
validate_block_device() {
local dev="$1" # target directory
lsblk -P --fs "$dev" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
die "'$dev' is not a valid block device"
if lsblk -P --fs "$dev" | grep -vq 'FSTYPE=""'; then
die "Block device '$dev' is not blank"
fetch_apk_tools() {
local store="$(mktemp -d)"
local tarball="$(basename $APK_TOOLS_URI)"
wgets "$APK_TOOLS_URI" "$APK_TOOLS_SHA256" "$store/$tarball"
tar -C "$store" -xf "$store/$tarball"
find "$store" -name apk
make_filesystem() {
local device="$1" # target device path
local target="$2" # mount target
mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit "$device"
e2label "$device" /
mount "$device" "$target"
setup_repositories() {
local target="$1" # target directory
local add_repos="$2" # extra repo lines, comma separated
mkdir -p "$target"/etc/apk/keys
if [ "$ALPINE_RELEASE" = 'edge' ]; then
cat > "$target"/etc/apk/repositories <<EOF
cat > "$target"/etc/apk/repositories <<EOF$ALPINE_RELEASE/main$ALPINE_RELEASE/community
# NOTE: until several key packages graduate from edge...
cat >> "$target"/etc/apk/repositories <<EOF
echo "$add_repos" | tr , "\012" >> "$target"/etc/apk/repositories
fetch_keys() {
local target="$1"
local tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
wgets "$ALPINE_KEYS" "$ALPINE_KEYS_SHA256" "$tmp/alpine-keys.apk"
tar -C "$target" -xvf "$tmp"/alpine-keys.apk etc/apk/keys
rm -rf "$tmp"
setup_chroot() {
local target="$1"
mount -t proc none "$target"/proc
mount --bind /dev "$target"/dev
mount --bind /sys "$target"/sys
# Don't want to ship this but it's needed for bootstrap. Will be removed in
# the cleanup stage.
install -Dm644 /etc/resolv.conf "$target"/etc/resolv.conf
install_core_packages() {
local target="$1" # target directory
local add_pkgs="$2" # extra packages, space separated
# Most from:
# sudo - to allow alpine user to become root, disallow root SSH logins
# tiny-ec2-bootstrap - to bootstrap system from EC2 metadata
chroot "$target" apk --no-cache add \
linux-virt@edge-main \
alpine-mirrors \
nvme-cli \
chrony \
openssh \
sudo \
tiny-ec2-bootstrap@edge-main \
tzdata \
$(echo "$add_pkgs" | tr , ' ')
chroot "$target" apk --no-cache add --no-scripts syslinux
# Disable starting getty for physical ttys because they're all inaccessible
# anyhow. With this configuration boot messages will still display in the
# EC2 console.
sed -Ei '/^tty[0-9]/s/^/#/' \
# Make it a little more obvious who is logged in by adding username to the
# prompt
sed -i "s/^export PS1='/&\\\\u@/" "$target"/etc/profile
setup_mdev() {
local target="$1"
cp /tmp/nvme-ebs-links "$target"/lib/mdev
sed -n -i -e '/# fallback/r /tmp/nvme-ebs-mdev.conf' -e 1x -e '2,${x;p}' -e '${x;p}' "$target"/etc/mdev.conf
create_initfs() {
local target="$1"
# Create ENA feature for mkinitfs
echo "kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/amazon" > \
# Enable ENA and NVME features these don't hurt for any instance and are
# hard requirements of the 5 series and i3 series of instances
sed -Ei 's/^features="([^"]+)"/features="\1 nvme ena"/' \
chroot "$target" /sbin/mkinitfs $(basename $(find "$target"/lib/modules/* -maxdepth 0))
setup_extlinux() {
local target="$1"
# Must use disk labels instead of UUID or devices paths so that this works
# across instance familes. UUID works for many instances but breaks on the
# NVME ones because EBS volumes are hidden behind NVME devices.
# Enable ext4 because the root device is formatted ext4
# Shorten timeout because EC2 has no way to interact with instance console
# ttyS0 is the target for EC2s "Get System Log" feature whereas tty0 is the
# target for EC2s "Get Instance Screenshot" feature. Enabling the serial
# port early in extlinux gives the most complete output in the system log.
sed -Ei -e "s|^[# ]*(root)=.*|\1=LABEL=/|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default_kernel_opts)=.*|\1=\"console=ttyS0 console=tty0\"|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(serial_port)=.*|\1=ttyS0|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(modules)=.*|\1=sd-mod,usb-storage,ext4|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default)=.*|\1=virt|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(timeout)=.*|\1=1|" \
install_extlinux() {
local target="$1"
chroot "$target" /sbin/extlinux --install /boot
chroot "$target" /sbin/update-extlinux --warn-only
setup_fstab() {
local target="$1"
cat > "$target"/etc/fstab <<EOF
# <fs> <mountpoint> <type> <opts> <dump/pass>
LABEL=/ / ext4 defaults,noatime 1 1
setup_networking() {
local target="$1"
cat > "$target"/etc/network/interfaces <<EOF
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
enable_services() {
local target="$1"
local add_svcs="$2"
rc_add "$target" default sshd chronyd networking tiny-ec2-bootstrap
rc_add "$target" sysinit devfs dmesg mdev hwdrivers
rc_add "$target" boot modules hwclock swap hostname sysctl bootmisc syslog acpid
rc_add "$target" shutdown killprocs savecache mount-ro
if [ -n "$add_svcs" ]; then
local lvl_svcs; for lvl_svcs in $(echo "$add_svcs" | tr : ' '); do
rc_add "$target" $(echo "$lvl_svcs" | tr =, ' ')
create_alpine_user() {
local target="$1"
# Allow members of the wheel group to sudo without a password. By default
# this will only be the alpine user. This allows us to ship an AMI that is
# accessible via SSH using the user's configured SSH keys (thanks to
# tiny-ec2-bootstrap) but does not allow remote root access which is the
# best-practice.
sed -i '/%wheel .* NOPASSWD: .*/s/^# //' "$target"/etc/sudoers
# There is no real standard ec2 username across AMIs, Amazon uses ec2-user
# for their Amazon Linux AMIs but Ubuntu uses ubuntu, Fedora uses fedora,
# etc... (see: So our user
# and group are alpine because this is Alpine Linux. On instance bootstrap
# the user can create whatever users they want and delete this one.
chroot "$target" /usr/sbin/addgroup alpine
chroot "$target" /usr/sbin/adduser -h /home/alpine -s /bin/sh -G alpine -D alpine
chroot "$target" /usr/sbin/addgroup alpine wheel
chroot "$target" /usr/bin/passwd -u alpine
configure_ntp() {
local target="$1"
# EC2 provides an instance-local NTP service syncronized with GPS and
# atomic clocks in-region. Prefer this over external NTP hosts when running
# in EC2.
# See:
sed -e 's/^pool /server /' \
-e 's/' \
-i "$target"/etc/chrony/chrony.conf
cleanup() {
local target="$1"
# Sweep cruft out of the image that doesn't need to ship or will be
# re-generated when the image boots
rm -f \
"$target"/var/cache/apk/* \
"$target"/etc/resolv.conf \
"$target"/root/.ash_history \
umount \
"$target"/dev \
"$target"/proc \
umount "$target"
version_sorted() {
# falsey if $1 version > $2 version
printf "%s\n%s" $1 $2 | sort -VC
main() {
[ "$#" -ne 3 ] && die "Expecting three parameters\nUsage: $0 '[<repo>[,...]]' '[<pkg>[,...]]' '[<lvl>=<svc>[,...][:...]]'"
[ "$ALPINE_RELEASE" != 'edge' ] && {
version_sorted $MIN_RELEASE $ALPINE_RELEASE || die "Minimum alpine_release is '$MIN_RELEASE'"
local add_repos="$1"
local add_pkgs="$2"
local add_svcs="$3"
local device="/dev/xvdf"
local target="/mnt/target"
validate_block_device "$device"
[ -d "$target" ] || mkdir "$target"
einfo "Fetching static APK tools"
einfo "Creating root filesystem"
make_filesystem "$device" "$target"
einfo "Configuring Alpine repositories"
setup_repositories "$target" "$add_repos"
einfo "Fetching Alpine signing keys"
fetch_keys "$target"
einfo "Installing base system"
$apk add --root "$target" --no-cache --initdb alpine-base
setup_chroot "$target"
einfo "Installing core packages"
install_core_packages "$target" "$add_pkgs"
einfo "Configuring and enabling boot loader"
create_initfs "$target"
setup_extlinux "$target"
install_extlinux "$target"
einfo "Configuring system"
setup_mdev "$target"
setup_fstab "$target"
setup_networking "$target"
enable_services "$target" "$add_svcs"
create_alpine_user "$target"
configure_ntp "$target"
einfo "All done, cleaning up"
cleanup "$target"
main "$@"