tomalok 4680ecd85e
Add add_svcs, fix nvme, add eu-north-1 (#34)
* Allow additional services on the AMI's runlevels

I'm using this with my AMIs to add haveged to the boot runlevel to boost the amount of initial entropy on smaller instance types, so sshd can start in under 6s instead of over 2m.

    - haveged

* fix race condition with nvme-ebs /dev linking
* copy nvme stuff to build target in one operation
* add eu-north-1 region
2019-01-26 13:32:54 -08:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

.PHONY: ami
ami: convert
packer build -var-file=build/variables.json build/alpine-ami.json
edge: convert
@echo '{ "alpine_release": "edge", "ami_release": "'`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`'" }' > build/edge.json
packer build -var-file=build/variables.json -var-file=build/edge.json build/alpine-ami.json
convert: build/convert
[ -f variables.yaml ] || cp variables.yaml-default variables.yaml
build/convert variables.yaml > build/variables.json
build/convert alpine-ami.yaml > build/alpine-ami.json
[ -d ".py3" ] || python3 -m venv .py3
.py3/bin/pip install pyyaml boto3
[ -d "build" ] || mkdir build
# Make stupid simple little YAML/JSON converter so we can maintain our
# packer configs in a sane format that allows comments but also use packer
# which only supports JSON
@echo "#!`pwd`/.py3/bin/python" > build/convert
@echo "import yaml, json, sys" >> build/convert
@echo "y = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1]))" >> build/convert
@echo "for k in ['ami_access','deploy_regions','add_repos','add_pkgs','add_svcs']:" >> build/convert
@echo " if k in y and isinstance(y[k], list):" >> build/convert
@echo " y[k] = ','.join(str(x) for x in y[k])" >> build/convert
@echo " if k in y and isinstance(y[k], dict):" >> build/convert
@echo " y[k] = ':'.join(str(l) + '=' + ','.join(str(s) for s in ss) for l, ss in y[k].items())" >> build/convert
@echo "json.dump(y, sys.stdout, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))" >> build/convert
@chmod +x build/convert
sed "s|@PYTHON@|#!`pwd`/.py3/bin/python|" $< > $@
chmod +x $@
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf build .py3
distclean: clean
rm -f variables.yaml