Jake Buchholz 0b15db8bb5 * Re-baseline to the newly-released Alpine 3.9
* Match meanings of 'version' and 'release' to how Alpine uses them
* Use optional 'revision' to denote any same-release AMI rebuild
* Include CPU 'arch' in naming/description (may also offer 'aarch64' AMIs someday)
* Upgrade build instance to use Amazon Linux 2 AMIs
* Use env vars to pass details to '' instead of via CLI parameters
+ minimum version/release shouldn't be overrideable
+ update APK tools & Alpine keys
+ check build's release vs. installed /etc/alpine-release
2019-02-04 13:08:11 -08:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

.PHONY: ami
ami: convert
packer build -var-file=build/variables.json build/alpine-ami.json
edge: convert
@echo '{ "version": "edge", "release": "edge", "revision": "'-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`'" }' > build/edge.json
packer build -var-file=build/variables.json -var-file=build/edge.json build/alpine-ami.json
convert: build/convert
[ -f variables.yaml ] || cp variables.yaml-default variables.yaml
build/convert variables.yaml > build/variables.json
build/convert alpine-ami.yaml > build/alpine-ami.json
[ -d ".py3" ] || python3 -m venv .py3
.py3/bin/pip install pyyaml boto3
[ -d "build" ] || mkdir build
# Make stupid simple little YAML/JSON converter so we can maintain our
# packer configs in a sane format that allows comments but also use packer
# which only supports JSON
@echo "#!`pwd`/.py3/bin/python" > build/convert
@echo "import yaml, json, sys" >> build/convert
@echo "y = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1]))" >> build/convert
@echo "for k in ['ami_access','deploy_regions','add_repos','add_pkgs','add_svcs']:" >> build/convert
@echo " if k in y and isinstance(y[k], list):" >> build/convert
@echo " y[k] = ','.join(str(x) for x in y[k])" >> build/convert
@echo " if k in y and isinstance(y[k], dict):" >> build/convert
@echo " y[k] = ':'.join(str(l) + '=' + ','.join(str(s) for s in ss) for l, ss in y[k].items())" >> build/convert
@echo "json.dump(y, sys.stdout, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))" >> build/convert
@chmod +x build/convert
sed "s|@PYTHON@|#!`pwd`/.py3/bin/python|" $< > $@
chmod +x $@
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf build .py3
distclean: clean
rm -f variables.yaml