### Builder-Instance Options ### # Region to build in, if we initiate a build from outside AWS region: # Subnet ID in which the builder instance is to be launched. VPC will be # automatically determined. subnet: # Optional security group to apply to the builder instance security_group: # By default, public IPs are assigned (or not) per the subnet's configuration. # Set to "true" or "false" to explicitly override the subnet's public IP auto- # assign configuration. public_ip: "" ### Build Options ### # Uncomment/increment every for every rebuild of an Alpine release; # re-comment/zero for every new Alpine release revision: "-1" # AMI name prefix and suffix ami_name_prefix: "alpine-ami-" ami_name_suffix: "" # AMI description prefix and suffix ami_desc_prefix: "Alpine Linux " ami_desc_suffix: " - https://github.com/mcrute/alpine-ec2-ami" # List of custom lines to add to /etc/apk/repositories add_repos: # - "@my-repo http://my-repo.tld/path" # List of additional packages to add to the AMI. add_pkgs: # - package-name # Additional services to start at the specified level add_svcs: # boot: # - service1 # default: # - service2 # Size of the AMI image (in GiB). volume_size: "1" # Encrypt the AMI? encrypt_ami: "false" # List of groups that should have access to the AMI. However, only two # values are currently supported: 'all' for public, '' or unset for private. ami_access: - "all" # List of regions to where the AMI should be copied deploy_regions: - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" - "ca-central-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" # - "ap-northeast-3" # skipped, available by subscription only - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-south-1" - "sa-east-1"