#!/bin/sh -eu # vim: ts=4 et: [ -z "$DEBUG" ] || set +x export \ TARGET=/mnt die() { printf '\033[1;7;31m FATAL: %s \033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed red exit 1 } einfo() { printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan } cleanup() { # Sweep cruft out of the image that doesn't need to ship or will be # re-generated when the image boots rm -f \ "$TARGET/var/cache/apk/"* \ "$TARGET/etc/resolv.conf" \ "$TARGET/root/.ash_history" \ "$TARGET/etc/"*- # unmount extra EFI mount if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then umount "$TARGET/boot/efi" fi umount \ "$TARGET/dev" \ "$TARGET/proc" \ "$TARGET/sys" umount "$TARGET" } einfo "Cleaning up and unmounting image volume..." cleanup einfo "Done!"