# Alpine Linux Cloud Image Builder This repository contains the code and and configs for the build system used to create official Alpine Linux images for various cloud providers, in various configurations. This build system is flexible, enabling others to build their own customized images. ---- ## Pre-Built Offical Cloud Images To get started with offical pre-built Alpine Linux cloud images, visit https://alpinelinux.org/cloud. Currently, we build official images for the following cloud platforms... * AWS ...we are working on also publishing offical images to other major cloud providers. Each published image's name contains the Alpine version release, architecture, firmware, bootstrap, and image revision. These details (and more) are also tagged on the images... | Tag | Description / Values | |-----|----------------------| | name | `alpine-`_`release`_`-`_`arch`_`-`_`firmware`_`-`_`bootstrap`_`-r`_`revision`_ | | project | `https://alpinelinux.org/cloud` | | image_key | _`release`_`-`_`arch`_`-`_`firmware`_`-`_`bootstrap`_`-`_`cloud`_ | | version | Alpine version (_`x.y`_ or `edge`) | | release | Alpine release (_`x.y.z`_ or _`YYYYMMDD`_ for edge) | | arch | architecture (`aarch64` or `x86_64`) | | firmware | boot mode (`bios` or `uefi`) | | bootstrap | initial bootstrap system (`tiny` = Tiny Cloud) | | cloud | provider short name (`aws`) | | revision | image revision number | | built | image build timestamp | | uploaded | image storage timestamp | | imported | image import timestamp | | import_id | imported image id | | import_region | imported image region | | published | image publication timestamp | | released | image release timestamp _(won't be set until second publish)_ | | description | image description | Although AWS does not allow cross-account filtering by tags, the image name can still be used to filter images. For example, to get a list of available Alpine 3.x aarch64 images in AWS eu-west-2... ``` aws ec2 describe-images \ --region eu-west-2 \ --owners 538276064493 \ --filters \ Name=name,Values='alpine-3.*-aarch64-*' \ Name=state,Values=available \ --output text \ --query 'reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[].[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]' ``` To get just the most recent matching image, use... ``` --query 'max_by(Image, &CreationDate).[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]' ``` ---- ## Build System The build system consists of a number of components: * the primary `build` script, and other related libararies... * `clouds/` - specific cloud provider plugins * `alpine.py` - for getting the latest Alpine information * `image_config_manager.py` - manages collection of image configs * `image_config.py` - individual image config functionality * `image_storage.py` - persistent image/metadata storage * `image_tags.py` - classes for working with image tags * the `configs/` directory, defining the set of images to be built * the `scripts/` directory, containing scripts and related data used to set up image contents during provisioning * the Packer `alpine.pkr.hcl`, which orchestrates build, import, and publishing of images * the `cloud_helper.py` script that Packer runs in order to do cloud-specific import and publish operations ### Build Requirements * [Python](https://python.org) (3.9.7 is known to work) * [Packer](https://packer.io) (1.7.6 is known to work) * [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org) (6.1.0 is known to work) * cloud provider account(s) ### Cloud Credentials By default, the build system relies on the cloud providers' Python API libraries to find and use the necessary credentials, usually via configuration under the user's home directory (i.e. `~/.aws/`, `~/.oci/`, etc.) or or via environment variables (i.e. `AWS_...`, `OCI_...`, etc.) The credentials' user/role needs sufficient permission to query, import, and publish images -- the exact details will vary from cloud to cloud. _It is recommended that only the minimum required permissions are granted._ _We manage the credentials for publishing official Alpine images with an "identity broker" service, and retrieve those credentials via the `--use-broker` argument of the `build` script._ ### The `build` Script ``` usage: build [-h] [--debug] [--clean] [--pad-uefi-bin-arch ARCH [ARCH ...]] [--custom DIR [DIR ...]] [--skip KEY [KEY ...]] [--only KEY [KEY ...]] [--revise] [--use-broker] [--no-color] [--parallel N] [--vars FILE [FILE ...]] {configs,state,rollback,local,upload,import,publish,release} positional arguments: (build up to and including this step) configs resolve image build configuration state report current build state of images rollback remove local/uploaded/imported images if not published or released local build images locally upload upload images and metadata to storage * import import local images to cloud provider default region (*) * publish set image permissions and publish to cloud regions (*) release mark images as being officially relased (*) may not apply to or be implemented for all cloud providers optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --debug enable debug output --clean start with a clean work environment --pad-uefi-bin-arch ARCH [ARCH ...] pad out UEFI firmware to 64 MiB ('aarch64') --custom DIR [DIR ...] overlay custom directory in work environment --skip KEY [KEY ...] skip variants with dimension key(s) --only KEY [KEY ...] only variants with dimension key(s) --revise bump revision and rebuild if published or released --use-broker use the identity broker to get credentials --no-color turn off Packer color output --parallel N build N images in parallel --vars FILE [FILE ...] supply Packer with -vars-file(s) (default: []) ``` The `build` script will automatically create a `work/` directory containing a Python virtual environment if one does not already exist. This directory also hosts other data related to building images. The `--clean` argument will remove everything in the `work/` directory except for things related to the Python virtual environment. If `work/configs/` or `work/scripts/` directories do not yet exist, they will be populated with the base configuration and scripts from `configs/` and/or `scripts/` directories. If any custom overlay directories are specified with the `--custom` argument, their `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirectories are also added to `work/configs/` and `work/scripts/`. The "build step" positional argument deterimines the last step the `build` script should execute -- all steps before this targeted step may also be executed. That is, `build local` will first execute the `configs` step (if necessary) and then the `state` step (always) before proceeding to the `local` step. The `configs` step resolves configuration for all buildable images, and writes it to `work/images.yaml`, if it does not already exist. The `state` step always checks the current state of the image builds, determines what actions need to be taken, and updates `work/images.yaml`. A subset of image builds can be targeted by using the `--skip` and `--only` arguments. The `rollback` step will remove any imported, uploaded, or local images, but only if they are _unpublished_ and _unreleased_. As _published_ and _released_ images can't be rolled back, `--revise` can be used to increment the _`revision`_ value to rebuild newly revised images. `local`, `upload`, `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps are orchestrated by Packer. By default, each image will be processed serially; providing the `--parallel` argument with a value greater than 1 will parallelize operations. The degree to which you can parallelze `local` image builds will depend on the local build hardware -- as QEMU virtual machines are launched for each image being built. Image `upload`, `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps are much more lightweight, and can support higher parallelism. The `local` step builds local images with QEMU, for those that are not already built locally or have already been imported. Images are converted to formats amenable for import into the cloud provider (if necessary) and checksums are generated. The `upload` step uploads the local image, checksum, and metadata to the defined `storage_url`. The `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps will also upload updated image metadata. The `import` step imports the local images into the cloud providers' default regions, unless they've already been imported. At this point the images are not available publicly, allowing for additional testing prior to publishing. The `publish` step copies the image from the default region to other regions, if they haven't already been copied there. This step will always update image permissions, descriptions, tags, and deprecation date (if applicable) in all regions where the image has been published. ***NOTE:*** The `import` and `publish` steps are skipped for those cloud providers where this does not make sense (i.e. NoCloud) or for those which it has not yet been coded. The `release` step simply marks the images as being fully released. _(For the offical Alpine releases, we have a `gen_mksite_release.py` script to convert the image data to a format that can be used by https://alpinelinux.org/cloud.)_ ### The `cloud_helper.py` Script This script is meant to be called only by Packer from its `post-processor` block. ---- ## Build Configuration For more in-depth information about how the build system configuration works, how to create custom config overlays, and details about individual config settings, see [CONFIGURATION.md](CONFIGURATION.md).