### Profile for Building the Publically-Available Alpine Linux AMIs # vim: ts=2 et: version-current { include required("version/current") } version-edge { include required("version/edge") } arch-x86_64 { include required("arch/x86_64") } # profile vars alpine { # default profile revision is 'r0', reset for each new version release! #revision = "r0" ami_desc_suffix = " - https://github.com/mcrute/alpine-ec2-ami" build_region = "us-west-2" build_subnet = "subnet-b80c36e2" ami_access { all = true # these AMIs are publicly available } ami_regions { #ap-east-1 = true # needs to be enabled first ap-northeast-1 = true ap-northeast-2 = true #ap-northeast-3 = false # available by subscription only ap-southeast-1 = true ap-southeast-2 = true ap-south-1 = true ca-central-1 = true eu-central-1 = true eu-north-1 = true eu-west-1 = true eu-west-2 = true eu-west-3 = true sa-east-1 = true us-east-1 = true us-east-2 = true us-west-1 = true us-west-2 = true } } # Build definitions BUILDS { # merge version, arch, and profile vars current-x86_64 = ${version-current} ${arch-x86_64} ${alpine} edge-x86_64 = ${version-edge} ${arch-x86_64} ${alpine} }