#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: ts=4 et: # NOTE: this is an experimental work-in-progress # Ensure we're using the Python virtual env with our installed dependencies import os import sys import textwrap NOTE = textwrap.dedent(""" Experimental: Outputs image cache YAML on STDOUT for use with prune-images.py """) sys.pycache_prefix = 'work/__pycache__' if not os.path.exists('work'): print('FATAL: Work directory does not exist.', file=sys.stderr) print(NOTE, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Re-execute using the right virtual environment, if necessary. venv_args = [os.path.join('work', 'bin', 'python3')] + sys.argv if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_args[0]) != sys.executable: print("Re-executing with work environment's Python...\n", file=sys.stderr) os.execv(venv_args[0], venv_args) # We're now in the right Python environment import argparse import logging import re import time from collections import defaultdict from ruamel.yaml import YAML import clouds ### Constants & Variables CLOUDS = ['aws'] LOGFORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' RE_ALPINE = re.compile(r'^(?:aws_)?alpine-') RE_RELEASE = re.compile(r'-(edge|[\d\.]+)-') RE_REVISION = re.compile(r'-r?(\d+)$') RE_STUFF = re.compile(r'(edge|[\d+\.]+)(?:_rc(\d+))?-(.+)-r?(\d+)$') ### Functions # allows us to set values deep within an object that might not be fully defined def dictfactory(): return defaultdict(dictfactory) # undo dictfactory() objects to normal objects def undictfactory(o): if isinstance(o, defaultdict): o = {k: undictfactory(v) for k, v in o.items()} return o ### Command Line & Logging parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=NOTE) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output') parser.add_argument('--cloud', choices=CLOUDS, required=True, help='cloud provider') parser.add_argument('--region', help='specific region, instead of all regions') parser.add_argument( '--use-broker', action='store_true', help='use the identity broker to get credentials') args = parser.parse_args() log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) console = logging.StreamHandler() logfmt = logging.Formatter(LOGFORMAT, datefmt='%FT%TZ') logfmt.converter = time.gmtime console.setFormatter(logfmt) log.addHandler(console) log.debug(args) # set up credential provider, if we're going to use it if args.use_broker: clouds.set_credential_provider(debug=args.debug) # what region(s)? regions = clouds.ADAPTERS[args.cloud].regions if args.region: if args.region not in regions: log.error('invalid region: %s', args.region) exit(1) else: regions = [args.region] filters = { 'Owners': ['self'], 'Filters': [ {'Name': 'state', 'Values': ['available']}, ] } data = dictfactory() now = time.gmtime() for region in sorted(regions): # TODO: make more generic if we need to do this for other clouds someday ec2r = clouds.ADAPTERS[args.cloud].session(region).resource('ec2') images = sorted(ec2r.images.filter(**filters), key=lambda k: k.creation_date) log.info(f'--- {region} : {len(images)} ---') version = release = revision = None for image in images: latest = data[region]['latest'] # shortcut # information about the image id = image.id name = image.name # only consider images named /^alpine-/ if not RE_ALPINE.search(image.name): log.warning(f'IGNORING {region}\t{id}\t{name}') continue # parse image name for more information # NOTE: we can't rely on tags, because they may not have been set successfully # TODO: but we should use them if we got them! m = RE_STUFF.search(name) if not m: log.error(f'!PARSE\t{region}\t{id}\t{name}') continue release = m.group(1) rc = m.group(2) version = '.'.join(release.split('.')[0:2]) variant = m.group(3) revision = m.group(4) variant_key = '-'.join([version, variant]) release_key = revision if release == 'edge' else '-'.join([release, revision]) last_launched_attr = image.describe_attribute(Attribute='lastLaunchedTime')['LastLaunchedTime'] last_launched = last_launched_attr.get('Value', 'Never') eol = None # we don't know for sure, unless we have a deprecation time if image.deprecation_time: eol = time.strptime(image.deprecation_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') < now # TODO: when did we start setting deprecation time? # keep track of images data[region]['images'][id] = { 'name': name, 'release': release, 'version': version, 'variant': variant, 'revision': revision, 'variant_key': variant_key, 'release_key': release_key, 'created': image.creation_date, 'launched': last_launched, 'deprecated': image.deprecation_time, 'rc': rc is not None, 'eol': eol, 'private': not image.public, 'snapshot_id': image.block_device_mappings[0]['Ebs']['SnapshotId'] } # keep track of the latest release_key per variant_key if variant_key not in latest or (release > latest[variant_key]['release']) or (release == latest[variant_key]['release'] and [revision > latest[variant_key]['revision']]): data[region]['latest'][variant_key] = { 'release': release, 'revision': revision, 'release_key': release_key } log.info(f'{region}\t{not image.public}\t{eol}\t{last_launched.split("T")[0]}\t{name}') # instantiate YAML yaml = YAML() yaml.explicit_start = True # TODO? dump out to a file instead of STDOUT? yaml.dump(undictfactory(data), sys.stdout) total = 0 for region, rdata in sorted(data.items()): count = len(rdata['images']) log.info(f'{region} : {count} images') total += count log.info(f'TOTAL : {total} images')