#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: ts=4 et: # TODO: perhaps integrate into "./build release" # Ensure we're using the Python virtual env with our installed dependencies import os import sys import textwrap NOTE = textwrap.dedent(""" This script's output provides a mustache-ready datasource to alpine-mksite (https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/alpine-mksite) and should be run after the main 'build' script has released ALL images. STDOUT from this script should be saved as 'cloud/releases.yaml' in the above alpine-mksite repo. """) sys.pycache_prefix = 'work/__pycache__' if not os.path.exists('work'): print('FATAL: Work directory does not exist.', file=sys.stderr) print(NOTE, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Re-execute using the right virtual environment, if necessary. venv_args = [os.path.join('work', 'bin', 'python3')] + sys.argv if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_args[0]) != sys.executable: print("Re-executing with work environment's Python...\n", file=sys.stderr) os.execv(venv_args[0], venv_args) # We're now in the right Python environment import argparse import logging from collections import defaultdict from ruamel.yaml import YAML import clouds from image_config_manager import ImageConfigManager ### Constants & Variables LOGFORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ### Functions # allows us to set values deep within an object that might not be fully defined def dictfactory(): return defaultdict(dictfactory) # undo dictfactory() objects to normal objects def undictfactory(o): if isinstance(o, defaultdict): o = {k: undictfactory(v) for k, v in o.items()} return o ### Command Line & Logging parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=NOTE) parser.add_argument( '--use-broker', action='store_true', help='use the identity broker to get credentials') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output') args = parser.parse_args() log = logging.getLogger('gen_mksite_releases') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOGFORMAT)) log.addHandler(console) log.debug(args) # set up credential provider, if we're going to use it if args.use_broker: clouds.set_credential_provider() # load build configs configs = ImageConfigManager( conf_path='work/configs/images.conf', yaml_path='work/images.yaml', log='gen_mksite_releases' ) # make sure images.yaml is up-to-date with reality configs.refresh_state('final', skip=['edge']) yaml = YAML() filters = dictfactory() versions = dictfactory() data = {} log.info('Transforming image data') for i_key, i_cfg in configs.get().items(): if not i_cfg.released: continue released = i_cfg.uploaded.split('T')[0] version = i_cfg.version if version == 'edge': continue release = i_cfg.release arch = i_cfg.arch firmware = i_cfg.firmware bootstrap = i_cfg.bootstrap machine = i_cfg.machine cloud = i_cfg.cloud # key on "variant" (but do not include cloud!) variant = f"{release} {arch} {firmware} {bootstrap} {machine}" if cloud not in filters['clouds']: filters['clouds'][cloud] = { 'cloud': cloud, 'cloud_name': i_cfg.cloud_name, } if arch not in filters['archs']: filters['archs'][arch] = { 'arch': arch, 'arch_name': i_cfg.arch_name, } if firmware not in filters['firmwares']: filters['firmwares'][firmware] = { 'firmware': firmware, 'firmware_name': i_cfg.firmware_name, } if bootstrap not in filters['bootstraps']: filters['bootstraps'][bootstrap] = { 'bootstrap': bootstrap, 'bootstrap_name': i_cfg.bootstrap_name, } if machine not in filters['machines']: filters['machines'][machine] = { 'machine': machine, 'machine_name': i_cfg.machine_name, } versions[version] |= { 'version': version, 'release': release, 'end_of_life': i_cfg.end_of_life, } versions[version]['images'][variant] |= { 'variant': variant, 'arch': arch, 'firmware': firmware, 'bootstrap': bootstrap, 'machine': machine, #'released': i_cfg.released.split('T')[0], # just the date 'released': released } versions[version]['images'][variant]['downloads'][cloud] |= { 'cloud': cloud, 'image_name': i_cfg.image_name, 'image_format': i_cfg.image_format, 'image_url': i_cfg.download_url + '/' + (i_cfg.image_name) } # TODO: not all clouds will have artifacts if i_cfg._get('artifacts'): log.debug("ARTIFACTS: %s", i_cfg.artifacts) for region, image_id in {r: i_cfg.artifacts[r] for r in sorted(i_cfg.artifacts)}.items(): log.debug("REGION: %s", region) if region not in filters['regions']: log.debug("not in filters['region']") filters['regions'][region] = { 'region': region, 'clouds': [cloud], } if cloud not in filters['regions'][region]['clouds']: filters['regions'][region]['clouds'].append(cloud) versions[version]['images'][variant]['regions'][region] |= { 'cloud': cloud, 'region': region, 'region_url': i_cfg.region_url(region, image_id), 'launch_url': i_cfg.launch_url(region, image_id), } log.info('Making data mustache-compatible') # convert filters to mustache-compatible format data['filters'] = {} for f in ['clouds', 'regions', 'archs', 'firmwares', 'bootstraps', 'machines']: data['filters'][f] = [ filters[f][k] for k in filters[f] # order as they appear in work/images.yaml ] for r in data['filters']['regions']: c = r.pop('clouds') r['clouds'] = [{'cloud': v} for v in c] # convert versions to mustache-compatible format data['versions'] = [] versions = undictfactory(versions) for version in sorted(versions, reverse=True, key=lambda s: [int(u) for u in s.split('.')]): images = versions[version].pop('images') i = [] for variant in images: # order as they appear in work/images.yaml downloads = images[variant].pop('downloads') d = [] for download in downloads: d.append(downloads[download]) images[variant]['downloads'] = d regions = images[variant].pop('regions', []) r = [] for region in sorted(regions): r.append(regions[region]) images[variant]['regions'] = r i.append(images[variant]) versions[version]['images'] = i data['versions'].append(versions[version]) log.info('Dumping YAML') yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout) log.info('Done')