#!/bin/sh -eu # vim: ts=4 et: [ -z "$DEBUG" ] || [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || set -x TARGET=/mnt #SETUP=/tmp/setup-cloudinit.d die() { printf '\033[1;7;31m FATAL: %s \033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed red exit 1 } einfo() { printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan } einfo "Installing up cloud-init bootstrap components..." # This adds the init scripts at the correct boot phases chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/setup-cloud-init # cloud-init locks our user by default which means alpine can't login from # SSH. This seems like a bug in cloud-init that should be fixed but we can # hack around it for now here. if [ -f "$TARGET"/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ]; then sed -i '/lock_passwd:/s/True/False/' "$TARGET"/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg fi