# vim: ts=4 et: import itertools import logging import mergedeep import pyhocon import shutil from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from ruamel.yaml import YAML import clouds class ImageConfigManager(): def __init__(self, conf_path, yaml_path, log=__name__, alpine=None): self.conf_path = Path(conf_path) self.yaml_path = Path(yaml_path) self.log = logging.getLogger(log) self.alpine = alpine self.now = datetime.utcnow() self._configs = {} self.yaml = YAML() self.yaml.register_class(ImageConfig) self.yaml.explicit_start = True # hide !ImageConfig tag from Packer self.yaml.representer.org_represent_mapping = self.yaml.representer.represent_mapping self.yaml.representer.represent_mapping = self._strip_yaml_tag_type # load resolved YAML, if exists if self.yaml_path.exists(): self._load_yaml() else: self._resolve() def get(self, key=None): if not key: return self._configs return self._configs[key] # load already-resolved YAML configs, restoring ImageConfig objects def _load_yaml(self): self.log.info('Loading existing %s', self.yaml_path) for key, config in self.yaml.load(self.yaml_path).items(): self._configs[key] = ImageConfig(key, config) # save resolved configs to YAML def _save_yaml(self): self.log.info('Saving %s', self.yaml_path) self.yaml.dump(self._configs, self.yaml_path) # hide !ImageConfig tag from Packer def _strip_yaml_tag_type(self, tag, mapping, flow_style=None): if tag == '!ImageConfig': tag = u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map' return self.yaml.representer.org_represent_mapping(tag, mapping, flow_style=flow_style) # resolve from HOCON configs def _resolve(self): self.log.info('Generating configs.yaml in work environment') cfg = pyhocon.ConfigFactory.parse_file(self.conf_path) # set version releases for v, vcfg in cfg.Dimensions.version.items(): # version keys are quoted to protect dots self._set_version_release(v.strip('"'), vcfg) dimensions = list(cfg.Dimensions.keys()) self.log.debug('dimensions: %s', dimensions) for dim_keys in (itertools.product(*cfg['Dimensions'].values())): config_key = '-'.join(dim_keys).replace('"', '') # dict of dimension -> dimension_key dim_map = dict(zip(dimensions, dim_keys)) # replace version with release, and make image_key from that release = cfg.Dimensions.version[dim_map['version']].release (rel_map := dim_map.copy())['version'] = release image_key = '-'.join(rel_map.values()) image_config = ImageConfig( config_key, { 'image_key': image_key, 'release': release } | dim_map ) # merge in the Default config image_config._merge(cfg.Default) skip = False # merge in each dimension key's configs for dim, dim_key in dim_map.items(): dim_cfg = deepcopy(cfg.Dimensions[dim][dim_key]) image_config._merge(dim_cfg) # now that we're done with ConfigTree/dim_cfg, remove " from dim_keys dim_keys = set(k.replace('"', '') for k in dim_keys) # WHEN blocks inside WHEN blocks are considered "and" operations while (when := image_config._pop('WHEN', None)): for when_keys, when_conf in when.items(): # WHEN keys with spaces are considered "or" operations if len(set(when_keys.split(' ')) & dim_keys) > 0: image_config._merge(when_conf) exclude = image_config._pop('EXCLUDE', None) if exclude and set(exclude) & set(dim_keys): self.log.debug('%s SKIPPED, %s excludes %s', config_key, dim_key, exclude) skip = True break if eol := image_config._get('end_of_life', None): if self.now > datetime.fromisoformat(eol): self.log.warning('%s SKIPPED, %s end_of_life %s', config_key, dim_key, eol) skip = True break if skip is True: continue # merge in the Mandatory configs at the end image_config._merge(cfg.Mandatory) # clean stuff up image_config._normalize() image_config.qemu['iso_url'] = self.alpine.virt_iso_url(arch=image_config.arch) # we've resolved everything, add tags attribute to config self._configs[config_key] = image_config self._save_yaml() # set current version release def _set_version_release(self, v, c): info = self.alpine.version_info(v) c.put('release', info['release']) c.put('end_of_life', info['end_of_life']) # release is also appended to name & description arrays c.put('name', [c.release]) c.put('description', [c.release]) # update current config status def refresh_state(self, step, only=[], skip=[], revise=False): self.log.info('Refreshing State') has_actions = False for ic in self._configs.values(): # clear away any previous actions if hasattr(ic, 'actions'): delattr(ic, 'actions') dim_keys = set(ic.config_key.split('-')) if only and len(set(only) & dim_keys) != len(only): self.log.debug("%s SKIPPED, doesn't match --only", ic.config_key) continue if skip and len(set(skip) & dim_keys) > 0: self.log.debug('%s SKIPPED, matches --skip', ic.config_key) continue ic.refresh_state(step, revise) if not has_actions and len(ic.actions): has_actions = True # re-save with updated actions self._save_yaml() return has_actions class ImageConfig(): def __init__(self, config_key, obj={}): self.config_key = str(config_key) tags = obj.pop('tags', None) self.__dict__ |= self._deep_dict(obj) # ensure tag values are str() when loading if tags: self.tags = tags @property def v_version(self): return 'edge' if self.version == 'edge' else 'v' + self.version @property def local_dir(self): return Path('work/images') / self.cloud / self.image_key @property def local_path(self): return self.local_dir / ('image.' + self.local_format) @property def published_yaml(self): return self.local_dir / 'published.yaml' @property def artifacts_yaml(self): return self.local_dir / 'artifacts.yaml' @property def image_name(self): return self.name.format(**self.__dict__) @property def image_description(self): return self.description.format(**self.__dict__) @property def image_file(self): return '.'.join([self.image_name, self.image_format]) @property def image_path(self): return self.local_dir / self.image_file @property def upload_url(self): return '/'.join([self.upload_path, self.remote_path, self.image_file]).format(v_version=self.v_version, **self.__dict__) @property def download_url(self): return '/'.join([self.download_path, self.remote_path, self.image_file]).format(v_version=self.v_version, **self.__dict__) # TODO? region_url instead? def region_url(self, region, image_id): return self.cloud_region_url.format(region=region, image_id=image_id, **self.__dict__) def launch_url(self, region, image_id): return self.cloud_launch_url.format(region=region, image_id=image_id, **self.__dict__) @property def tags(self): # stuff that really ought to be there t = { 'arch': self.arch, 'bootstrap': self.bootstrap, 'cloud': self.cloud, 'description': self.image_description, 'end_of_life': self.end_of_life, 'firmware': self.firmware, 'image_key': self.image_key, 'name': self.image_name, 'project': self.project, 'release': self.release, 'revision': self.revision, 'version': self.version } # stuff that might not be there yet for k in ['imported', 'import_id', 'import_region', 'published']: if self.__dict__.get(k, None): t[k] = self.__dict__[k] return Tags(t) # recursively convert a ConfigTree object to a dict object def _deep_dict(self, layer): obj = deepcopy(layer) if isinstance(layer, pyhocon.ConfigTree): obj = dict(obj) try: for key, value in layer.items(): # some HOCON keys are quoted to preserve dots if '"' in key: obj.pop(key) key = key.strip('"') # version values were HOCON keys at one point, too if key == 'version' and '"' in value: value = value.strip('"') obj[key] = self._deep_dict(value) except AttributeError: pass return obj def _merge(self, obj={}): mergedeep.merge(self.__dict__, self._deep_dict(obj), strategy=mergedeep.Strategy.ADDITIVE) def _get(self, attr, default=None): return self.__dict__.get(attr, default) def _pop(self, attr, default=None): return self.__dict__.pop(attr, default) # make data ready for Packer ingestion def _normalize(self): # stringify arrays self.name = '-'.join(self.name) self.description = ' '.join(self.description) self._resolve_motd() self._stringify_repos() self._stringify_packages() self._stringify_services() self._stringify_dict_keys('kernel_modules', ',') self._stringify_dict_keys('kernel_options', ' ') self._stringify_dict_keys('initfs_features', ' ') def _resolve_motd(self): # merge version/release notes, as apporpriate if self.motd.get('version_notes', None) and self.motd.get('release_notes', None): if self.version == 'edge': # edge is, by definition, not released self.motd.pop('version_notes', None) self.motd.pop('release_notes', None) elif self.release == self.version + '.0': # no point in showing the same URL twice self.motd.pop('release_notes') else: # combine version and release notes self.motd['release_notes'] = self.motd.pop('version_notes') + '\n' + \ self.motd['release_notes'] # TODO: be rid of null values self.motd = '\n\n'.join(self.motd.values()).format(**self.__dict__) def _stringify_repos(self): # stringify repos map # : # @ enabled # : false # disabled (commented out) # : true # enabled # : null # skip entirely # ...and interpolate {version} self.repos = "\n".join(filter(None, ( f"@{v} {r}" if isinstance(v, str) else f"#{r}" if v is False else r if v is True else None for r, v in self.repos.items() ))).format(version=self.version) def _stringify_packages(self): # resolve/stringify packages map # : true # add # : # add @ # : --no-scripts # add --no-scripts # : --no-scripts # add --no-scripts @ # : false # del # : null # skip explicit add/del pkgs = {'add': '', 'del': '', 'noscripts': ''} for p, v in self.packages.items(): k = 'add' if isinstance(v, str): if '--no-scripts' in v: k = 'noscripts' v = v.replace('--no-scripts', '') v = v.strip() if len(v): p += f"@{v}" elif v is False: k = 'del' elif v is None: continue pkgs[k] = p if len(pkgs[k]) == 0 else pkgs[k] + ' ' + p self.packages = pkgs def _stringify_services(self): # stringify services map # : # : true # enable at # : false # disable at # : null # skip explicit en/disable at self.services = { 'enable': ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.endswith('='), ( '{}={}'.format(lvl, ','.join(filter(None, ( s if v is True else None for s, v in svcs.items() )))) for lvl, svcs in self.services.items() ))), 'disable': ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.endswith('='), ( '{}={}'.format(lvl, ','.join(filter(None, ( s if v is False else None for s, v in svcs.items() )))) for lvl, svcs in self.services.items() ))) } def _stringify_dict_keys(self, d, sep): self.__dict__[d] = sep.join(filter(None, ( m if v is True else None for m, v in self.__dict__[d].items() ))) def refresh_state(self, step, revise=False): log = logging.getLogger('build') actions = {} revision = 0 remote_image = clouds.latest_build_image(self) log.debug('\n%s', remote_image) step_state = step == 'state' # enable actions based on the specified step if step in ['local', 'import', 'publish', 'state']: actions['build'] = True if step in ['import', 'publish', 'state']: actions['import'] = True if step in ['publish', 'state']: # we will resolve publish destinations (if any) later actions['publish'] = True if revise: if self.local_path.exists(): # remove previously built local image artifacts log.warning('%s existing local image dir %s', 'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing', self.local_dir) if not step_state: shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir) if remote_image and remote_image.published: log.warning('%s image revision for %s', 'Would bump' if step_state else 'Bumping', self.image_key) revision = int(remote_image.revision) + 1 elif remote_image and remote_image.imported: # remove existing imported (but unpublished) image log.warning('%s unpublished remote image %s', 'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing', remote_image.import_id) if not step_state: clouds.remove_image(self, remote_image.import_id) remote_image = None elif remote_image: if remote_image.imported: # already imported, don't build/import again log.debug('%s - already imported', self.image_key) actions.pop('build', None) actions.pop('import', None) if remote_image.published: # NOTE: re-publishing can update perms or push to new regions log.debug('%s - already published', self.image_key) if self.local_path.exists(): # local image's already built, don't rebuild log.debug('%s - already locally built', self.image_key) actions.pop('build', None) # merge remote_image data into image state if remote_image: self.__dict__ |= dict(remote_image) else: self.__dict__ |= { 'revision': revision, 'imported': None, 'import_id': None, 'import_region': None, 'published': None, } # update artifacts, if we've got 'em if self.artifacts_yaml.exists(): yaml = YAML() self.artifacts = yaml.load(self.artifacts_yaml) else: self.artifacts = None self.actions = list(actions) log.info('%s/%s = %s', self.cloud, self.image_name, self.actions) self.state_updated = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() class DictObj(dict): def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key] def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def __delattr__(self, key): del self[key] class Tags(DictObj): def __init__(self, d={}, from_list=None, key_name='Key', value_name='Value'): for key, value in d.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) if from_list: self.from_list(from_list, key_name, value_name) def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = str(value) def as_list(self, key_name='Key', value_name='Value'): return [{key_name: k, value_name: v} for k, v in self.items()] def from_list(self, list=[], key_name='Key', value_name='Value'): for tag in list: self.__setattr__(tag[key_name], tag[value_name])